Crystal Report Design view showing Error : Error Creating Control - crystal-reports

I installed Visual Studio 2022. Installed Crystal Report SP32 64 bit.
Created a new web report Project using Crystal Report. Visual Studio created a default page with Crystal Report Control. When seen in the design time it shows below error
Error Creating Control : CR:CrystalReportViewer Unknown Server Tag CR:CrystalReportViewer
When i Checked the Default.aspx page I found than the Crystal report Register shown version 13.0.4000.0
<%# Register TagPrefix="CR" Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.4000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" %>
i Installed using NuGet CrystalReports.Engine 13.0.4000.0. Then too same error. When I ran the Project it Showed me blank Page. but in the console panel it showed me the error below.
Console Page Error
Design Page Error


Jasper server error when referencing a custom function

I am using JasperStudio v6.3.1 and I followed the tutorial on how to create a custom Java function that I can use in my report. Everything works fine in Jasper Studio, but when I publish the report to the Jasper Server, then it fails. The report does exist on the Server, but does not run after publishing the latest changes.
"Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The method CURRENT_MONTH_BEGINNING() is undefined for the type TotalTaskHrsOnly..."
This error is generated because the custom Java functions that I made in Jasper Studio did not get published to the remote Jasper Server. I need help with getting these files onto the Jasper Server, but I'm not sure how to do that within Jasper Studio, Jasper Server, or if I need to log into the remote server, and drop the java files in there somewhere. Can someone please tell me how I can add the custom functionality onto the Jasper Server?
I worked with custom Java functions in Jasperserver reports for quite awhile. Some of the things you will need to ensure:
You import the java class at the top of the Jasper report .jrxml file
The Jar is deployed to the server and is labeled as a resource in the repository. It looks like this is the part you're getting stuck on. If you log into Jasperserver and go to the repository, you can open a folder and upload a new file/resource.
The report references the jar in the repository as a resource
Does this help?

Error displayed while executing a jasper file: "Category series name is null"

I have tried to generate sub report as per the demo available in jasper soft page. but while executing the report i could see the error message saying: "Error displayed while executing a jasper file: "Category series name is null". here I have added screenshot of error and report configuration UI
I got same error with my own report. I installed the new version 6.0.4 and now it is working fine.
I have resolved this issue by creating a new dataset for my chart and using it instead of selecting Main Dataset.

crystal report initialize on x64

I have a program that works properly on x86. also it works on systems with visual studio without error even on x64. but on x64 systems without visual studio, occur error when call reports. message exception is :
The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception.
Stack Trace:
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument..ctor()
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass..ctor()
and message that contain this decription :
An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime.
Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
Please install the appropriate Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist*.msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required. Please go to for more information.
my program is based on:
.net framework 4
visual studio 2012
crystal report 13.0.2
and install CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_2 sometimes.
Can anyone help me?
One possible solution
Go to your application project, right click, and select "Properties"
On the Build tab, find the Platform Target combo box. It probably says, "Any CPU".
Change this to x86 and your project will compile for 32 bit only, thus eliminating the issue.

Sandcastle and Crystal Reports Visual Studio 2008 to 2010

We use Crystal Reports with Visual Studio. We are using Sandcastle to build documentation. Seems like everything worked fine when we were on Visual Studio 2008. Now that we're using Visual Studio 2010, I get a Crystal Reports related error when trying to build the documentation.
MREFBUILDER : error : Unresolved assembly reference: BusinessObjects.Licensing.KeycodeDecoder (BusinessObjects.Licensing.KeycodeDecoder, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304) required by CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Last step completed in 00:00:03.3283
Browsing the web shows that there were some people with a similar problem, but none of them seem to have gotten it fixed. Does anyone know what could be causing this error?
Thanks ahead of time for the help!
There is now a permanent fix in the latest Sandcastle to process Dot Net projects that include Crystal Reports - please see the post
The latest Sandcastle download is at

Error opening crystal report in excel format

We have an application written in VB.NET 2003 which has built in Crystal reports. When we install the application on Windows 2008 server
we get the following error while trying to open crystal report in excel format
Error is : Error in File :"....rpt" Error detected by export DLL.
The report opens up fine in PDF on server
Opeing report in Excel works fine on my local(development) machine...But this error is thrown on server...
Kindly help me resolve this issue and how to fix it?..
You have to download the patch crnet11win from