How can I pass simulationClass as a parmeter in gatling - scala

please I have several simulation Classes and I want to give the users possibility to enter the name of simulation he / she wants to run from a jenkins pipline
For that I want to parametrize the simulation name so insted that user write the command : mvn gatling -Dgatling.simulationClass=package.theNameofSimulation ( here the name is static) , I want him directy enter the name of simulation he choose, enter image description here
because I guess that the user doesn't know the code and commands
so we have the possibility to passing in parameter the numberOfVirtuelUsers I want to do the same thing for simulation
Thanks you

Maybe if you create an environment variable, you could paramatize the simulation classes. I'm very note sure because i'm newbie in gatling but i do that on other things like URL, users, time etc... and that's work so why not the simulation class.
String nameSimulation = String.format("Dgatling.simulationClass=package.%s", System.getenv("NAME"));


Question regarding parameter store and Cloud formation integration

I was trying this scenario but I am not able to figure out
I have a name and value in parameter store in SSM, now I am running the CF template from CLI using code pipeline, and I want the CF template take values directly from parameter store and should not prompt
on screen asking me to give the value.
I tried this but it prompt me .
this is prompting when I used to upload a template in screen. how to avoid it and make the script take the value from parameter store directly
You have two choices for that:
Provide a default value for the parameter.
Use ParameterOverrides in your CodePiepline to provide the required value for the parameter.

Defining a new variable in order to make a huge iteration giving me an error

I have an endpoint, you can have informaciĆ³n about products
If i perform a GET method over that endpoint i will obtain the information of every product
BUT i can also specify the product that i want to know about, i.e:
{{URL_API}}/products/9345TERFER (the last code is the id of the product, called SKU)
The problem is that if i want to make a CSV in order to update the information of different products i have to define a variable called sku in the endpoint so i will be able to pass the corresponding SKU
I want to create the variable {{sku}} but i do not understand how to do that.. i tried so many times and i failed, i've searched a lot but i do not really understand
Also, should i use ":" before the declaration of the variable? i mean:
or simply:
Can you help me?
I'm super lost :(
I want to perform a PUT method, i want to pass different values to the body and then.. send the request (it throws an error: 404 not found)
This is what i did:
"group_prices": [
Your issue seems to be just a basic understanding of how data files work with variables in Postman, here's a simple example that will work the same way for you too.
This is a basic request I'm using to resolve the variable from the data file - It's a GET request but that doesn't matter as all we're look at here is using a data file to resolve variables. All you need to do is ensure the URL is correct and that you SAVE the request before using the runner.
Here's a simple CSV file created in a text editor. The heading sku in the name on the variable it will reference inside the Postman request. Each value under that is the value that will be used for each iteration.
In the Runner, select your Collection from the list (If you have more than one) then select the CSV file. Once imported, you will be able to see a preview of the data.
If that's correct, press the Run button. The Runner will then iterate through the file and pick up the sku value in the CSV file and use it in the request. I've expanded one of the requests so you can see that the value was used in the request.

Azure DevOps - Can we reuse the value of a key in the same variable group?

I have lots of URL values and their keys. But there is no way to batch import the variables and the "value" controls are also not text boxes in the Variables Group page to perform chrome browser extensions assisted find and replace.
If this is possible, what is the syntax to refer to the key?
As in, I have a variable App.URL :
I am using the key to substitute value in my next variable like this Login.URL : $(App.URL)\Login and this doesn't work.
GitHub link :
This isn't currently available, not sure if it will be. Can you create a task early in your pipeline that sets the variables you need in subsequent tasks/steps? This gives you more control as you can store the script along with your source. You could then use a pipeline variable for the environment you're in and let your script use that to set values appropriately.
See Set variables in scripts in the MS docs.
If it's not possible to re-architect your app to concatenate the url strings in the application, what the previous commenter said about creating a simple script to do that for you would be the way to go. Ie:
#full login url
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Login.URL]$fullLoginUrl
Otherwise, perhaps playing around with the run time vs compile time variables in YAML pipelines might be worth trying.

Rundeck implicit variable

Run dick gives us the ability to define options to be entered by the its GUI, is there any capability to have job variable based on the input without the end user of the job seeing it?
E.g, if the the user choose the product and the environment and the product behind LB, I want to use a script internally to define new job variable and assign it the port number that could be used later on within the job steps.
Yes, there is.
You can add a new option whith Allowed Values set to Remote URL, then put the URL to your script which will return the actual value based on other options.
For exmaple
Rundeck Manual option-model-provider

Jenkins How can i upload a text file and use it as a parameter

I have a txt file that is holding a string inside, I want to be able to use this string in one of my scripts, so I'm wondering if there is a way to set the content of the file as one of the build properties or parameters which I'll be able to use in my scripts it should be the same as using one of the build environment properties.
For example : ${JOB_NAME} which is holding the the job name, so in the same way I want to access the content of the file which is holding some value inside.
Is it possible?
You can upload a file from your computer to the workspace through the File parameter of the job.
You can use Extended Choice plugin parameter, to read value(s) from a file and display them in a dropdown/radio-button/checkbox for the user to select, dynamically, every time the build is triggered.
You can use EnvInject plugin to read value(s) from a file and inject them into the build as environment variables, so that they can be used by the rest of the build steps/scripts.
Your question is very unclear on what your are trying to do. Pick one of the 3 methods above based on what you need, or clarify your question.