Word-Add in CreateDocoment gives AccessDenied - ms-word

I've created a simple word plugin and want to create a document based off another document.
I've stripped down the code
function WordLoadDocument(msg) {
Word.run(context => {
var myNewDoc = context.application.createDocument();
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("fileId", file.id);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("fileName", file.name);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("attachId", attach.id);
myNewDoc.properties.customProperties.add("attachName", attach.name);*/
return context.sync()
}).catch(error => {
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
"Error code and message: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo)
But I just get
Error code and message: {"code":"AccessDenied","message":"AccessDenied","errorLocation":"Application.createDocument","statement":"var createDocument = v.createDocument();"...
It doesn't seem to matter what I do I just always get the error - even before I add in the data..
The manifest has ReadWriteDocument which seems to be the 'max'
Is there something I'm missing.
I'm on Word desktop and sideloading the app via network - could this be a permissions on the machine / type issue?

So I've worked this one out - basically the issue is that I had the add-in in a dialog box (displayDialogAsync). Word doesn't like it and hence the error.


Getting a text respons using Fetch API and a PHP file

I am hitting a php file and the response returns a string. I can't find the documentation on how to deal with this.
From the google developer doc google developer doc, my fetch is simple
function(response) {
if (response.status !== 200) {
console.log('Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: ' +
// Examine the text in the response
response.json().then(function(data) {
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Fetch Error :-S', err);
function test(){
return "This is a test";
echo test();
This fails on the response.json() assumedly because I am returning just a string. If I log out just the response (attached screen shot) I get something I have no idea how to work with, and I cannot convert it. Where is my return value from the PHP here?
response.json causes the dreaded Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
How can the value from the PHP?
Your PHP isn't returning JSON, it's just returning a string so use .text() instead.

In a vscode extension is there a way to programatically Invoke "repl.action.copyall" through vscode.commands.executeCommand(...)

In short, Im looking for a way to capture the text content of the debug console inside a vscode extension. The following code snippet does pretty much exactly what I want only for the Terminal instead of the debug console. You can also right click in the console and select -> copy all. In the end I wont be pasting it to a new code window but pushing it to an endpoint to automate test reporting.
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.terminal.selectAll').then(() => {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.terminal.copySelection').then(() => {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection').then(() => {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile').then(() => {
I have tried this but I get an error in the console.log
vscode.commands.executeCommand('repl.action.copyall').then(() => {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile').then(() => {
rejected promise not handled within 1 second: Error: command 'repl.action.copyall' not found
stack trace: Error: command 'repl.action.copyall' not found
at u._tryExecuteCommand (file:///Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:4213:713)
at file:///Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:4213:594
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated!
don't do callback hell with Promises
Just return a new Promise in the then() handler
.then(() => vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.terminal.copySelection'))
.then(() => vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection'))
.then(() => vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile'))
.then(() => vscode.commands.executeCommand('editor.action.clipboardPasteAction'))

facebook messenger bot encoding error

I have written sample echo message bot using facebook messenger api and wit.ai actions.
My message from facebook page is received and the proper action function defined using wit api's is also getting called. However
while returning the response, i am getting followin error as -
Oops! An error occurred while forwarding the response to : Error: (#100) Param message[text] must be a UTF-8 encoded string
at fetch.then.then.json (/app/index.js:106:13)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)
Here is the function which is used to return the response -
const fbMessage = (id, text) => {
const body = JSON.stringify({
recipient: { id },
message: { text },
const qs = 'access_token=' + encodeURIComponent(FB_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN);
return fetch('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages?' + qs, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'},
.then(rsp => rsp.json())
.then(json => {
if (json.error && json.error.message) {
throw new Error(json.error.message);`enter code here`
return json;
I have copied this function from the messenger.js file from the documentation since i am just trying the POC.
I checked the values for text and id in this function and verified using console.log statements and those are coming properly.
Can some experts help me to solve this error?
Note - I tried encoding the text using text.toString("utf8"); but it returns the encoding string as [object object] and thats the
response i get from bot. so it doesnt work.
Get the latest code from node-wit, there is a change in facebook id usage,
According to Facebook:
On Tue May 17 format of user and page ids delivered via webhooks will
change from an int to a string to better support default json encoder
in js (that trims long ints). Please make sure your app works with
string ids returned from webhooks as well as with ints.
Still you are getting issue with the api try to add if(event.message && !event.message.is_echo) condition as shown in below code.
// Message handler
app.post('/webhook', (req, res) => {
const data = req.body;
if (data.object === 'page') {
data.entry.forEach(entry => {
entry.messaging.forEach(event => {
if (event.message && !event.message.is_echo) {
const sender = event.sender.id;
const sessionId = findOrCreateSession(sender);
const {text, attachments} = event.message;
if (attachments) {
fbMessage(sender, 'Sorry I can only process text messages for now.')
} else if (text) {
sessionId, // the user's current session
text, // the user's message
sessions[sessionId].context // the user's current session state
).then((context) => {
console.log('Waiting for next user messages');
sessions[sessionId].context = context;
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Oops! Got an error from Wit: ', err.stack || err);
} else {
console.log('received event', JSON.stringify(event));
no matching user bug
no matching user fix

Sails.js checking stuff before uploading files to MongoDB with skipper (valid files, image resizing etc)

I'm currently creating a file upload system in my application. My backend is Sails.js (10.4), which serves as an API for my separate front-end (Angular).
I've chosen to store the files I'm uploading to my MongoDB instance, and using sails' build in file upload module Skipper. I'm using the adapter skipper-gridfs (https://github.com/willhuang85/skipper-gridfs) to upload the files to mongo.
Now, it's not a problem to upload the files themselves: I'm using dropzone.js on my client, which sends the uploaded files to /api/v1/files/upload. The files will get uploaded.
To achieve this i'm using the following code in my FileController:
module.exports = {
upload: function(req, res) {
// ...any other options here...
adapter: require('skipper-gridfs'),
uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/db_name.files'
}, function(err, files) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
console.log('', files);
return res.json({
message: files.length + ' file(s) uploaded successfully!',
files: files
Now the problem: I want to do stuff with the files before they get uploaded. Specifically two things:
Check if the file is allowed: does the content-type header match the file types I want to allow? (jpeg, png, pdf etc. - just basic files).
If the file is an image, resize it to a few pre-defined sizes using imagemagick (or something similar).
Add file-specific information that will also be saved to the database: a reference to the user who has uploaded the file, and a reference to the model (i.e. article/comment) the file is part of.
I don't have a clue where to start or how to implement this kind of functionality. So any help would be greatly appreciated!
Ok, after fiddling with this for a while I've managed to find a way that seems to work.
It could probably be better, but it does what I want it to do for now:
upload: function(req, res) {
var upload = req.file('file')._files[0].stream,
headers = upload.headers,
byteCount = upload.byteCount,
validated = true,
errorMessages = [],
fileParams = {},
settings = {
allowedTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
maxBytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024
// Check file type
if (_.indexOf(settings.allowedTypes, headers['content-type']) === -1) {
validated = false;
errorMessages.push('Wrong filetype (' + headers['content-type'] + ').');
// Check file size
if (byteCount > settings.maxBytes) {
validated = false;
errorMessages.push('Filesize exceeded: ' + byteCount + '/' + settings.maxBytes + '.');
// Upload the file.
if (validated) {
sails.log.verbose(__filename + ':' + __line + ' [File validated: starting upload.]');
// First upload the file
req.file('file').upload({}, function(err, files) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
fileParams = {
fileName: files[0].fd.split('/').pop().split('.').shift(),
extension: files[0].fd.split('.').pop(),
originalName: upload.filename,
contentType: files[0].type,
fileSize: files[0].size,
uploadedBy: req.userID
// Create a File model.
File.create(fileParams, function(err, newFile) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
return res.json(200, {
message: files.length + ' file(s) uploaded successfully!',
file: newFile
} else {
sails.log.verbose(__filename + ':' + __line + ' [File not uploaded: ', errorMessages.join(' - ') + ']');
return res.json(400, {
message: 'File not uploaded: ' + errorMessages.join(' - ')
Instead of using skipper-gridfs i've chosen to use local file storage, but the idea stays the same. Again, it's not as complete as it should be yet, but it's an easy way to validate simple stuff like filetype and size. If somebody has a better solution, please post it :)!
You can specify a callback for the .upload() function. Example:
req.file('media').upload(function (error, files) {
var file;
// Make sure upload succeeded.
if (error) {
return res.serverError('upload_failed', error);
// files is an array of files with the properties you want, like files[0].size
You can call the adapter, with the file to upload from there, within the callback of .upload().

Getting Time-Out Error While Posting Data

js.I am trying to create a file upload using node.js and mongodb.I am getting timeout error in posting data.The code that i use is:
app.post('/photos/new', function(req, res) {
var photo = new Photo();
req.form.complete(function(err, fields, files) {
if(err) {
} else {
ins = fs.createReadStream(files.file.path);
ous = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/static/uploads/photos/' + files.file.filename);
util.pump(ins, ous, function(err) {
if(err) {
} else { photos.save({
filename: files.file.filename,
file: files.file.path
}, function(error, docs) {
//console.log('\nUploaded %s to %s', files.photo.filename, files.photo.path);
//res.send('Uploaded ' + files.photo.filename + ' to ' + files.photo.path);
I get the following error when i click on the submit button.
Error: Timeout POST /photos/new
at Object._onTimeout (/home/nodeexmple/node_modules/connect-timeout/index.js:12:22)
at Timer.ontimeout (timers_uv.js:84:39)
Please help.
see this answer...
Error: parser error, 0 of 4344 bytes parsed (Node.js)
Also u can use req.clearTimeout() as suggested above by alessioalex.
I belive this part of your code is creating problems that u should avoid.
filename: files.file.filename,
file: files.file.path
}, function(error, docs) {
Instead use like this:
var post = new Post();
And then something like this:
post.save(function(err) {
if (err)
return postCreationFailed();
req.flash('info', 'photos Succesfully Uploaded');
res.redirect('were u want to redirect');
Hope this solves your issue.
You are using the connect-timeout module so that is shows a message to your users in case the page takes more than X seconds to load (server-side).
It's obvious that the upload page might be taking more than that, so what you should do in your upload route is to clear the timeout like this:
app.post('/photos/new', function(req, res) {
Read more about connect-timeout on its github page.