Is it possible to colored one building? - mapbox

Is it possible to colored one building ?
I would like to highlight this building on the map among the others
I don't know how can I use:
building-extrusion -> Fill-extrusion by building ID
Thank you for your help

You could use filter and do something like
filter: ['==', 'building_id', YOUR_ID]
then set the fill-extrusion-color like so


Autodesk forge highlight child object

Recently i've been working on this repository to build a custom visual in Power BI to visualize the issues extracted from Bim track'S API.
The idea was visualizing them in associaton to the model's ROOMS.
In order to do that I worked with a NWC file, so i cuold export rooms as a geometry.
What i would like to do now is to highligt the rooms if a connected issue is selected from a table.
The problem is When i select an issue from a table, in the selection tree i can see highlighted the parent object name (ROOM) instead of the child (solid), and i think that is why i can't achieve my purpose (if not please correct me).
what i have
what i wold like to do
Does anyone know a way to do that?
If you would like to change your selection between (FIRST_OBJECT, LAST_OBJECT, LEAF_OBJECT) you can change viewer selection settings in order to test:
If you would like to achieve this programmatically :
could help you as well.
If I well understood, you want to highlight the child (which contain the mesh) instead of the parent.
The object highlight (isolate) is done in /forgePowerbiView/src/visual.ts with this code:
const dbIds = options.dataViews[0] =>
console.log('dbIds: ' +dbIds)
this.forge_viewer.impl.setGhostingBrightness(true); //for isolate effect
Take a look at this link Enumerating leaf nodes on Viewer. This will help you to get the dbIds you want to isolate.

HERE api maps style, How can i delete all objects from map?

Can i erase all layers in
How can i delete objects like this?
screenshot below from lanzarote island:
That would be hard work to customize map style looks like you attached.
We recommend to use "Day Reduced" template in map style editor.
And you'll need to customized the map style based on the template.

Prestashop 1.7 - filtering not working, showing empty results

I have got a problem on my store (still under development) - . It's all about filtering products, for example here: . All the attributes on the left are being displayed correctly, with numbers of products in brackets, but when You click on any filter (like size or color), the list of results is empty.
Help please!
Try yo do the exact same thing with the default theme of Prestahsop. Because this looks like a theme issue.
This is very large bug in ps_facetedsearch module... You can't do anything with this. You must wait for fix. here is list of bugs in module.
It was my mistake - this module uses table ps_stock_available. I was migrating data from previous store to this one (only in phpmyadmin, not panel, because of very different structures), and I didn't know about this table. So it was about my missing data.

Dropping elements into a dynatree

I am just starting out with dynatree (which is indeed v. cool), but I have a non-standard use for it: sorting terms from a long list into the hierarchical Dynatree. Specifically, I want to drag-and-drop from outside the Dynatree onto a Dynatree element--preferably exploiting Dynatree's spring-loaded folders rather than expecting the user to manually open the relevant categories beforehand.
Could I get some specific guidance on how to achieve my dreams?
Steve Upstill
One of he drag'n'drop samples seems to implement your use case:
You can drag the 'Drag me around' box over the right tree.
The box is a simple query.draggable.
The tree receives the standard events (onDragEnter, onDragOver, onDrop, onDragLeave).
Make sure to enable the autoExpandMS option.
Hope this helps

How to change the style of String in SWT?

I develop some features based on Eclispe GEF.
I want to create a label with some string.
for example:
new Label("This is a good test stensece")
Now, I want to get these effects "good" is in Bold font, and "test" is in italic.
It looks like can use some HTML way to implement that
So,is there any one knows that?
Thank you very much!
If you don't want to use StyledText, you could create multiple labels based on substrings of the original string, then use
labelName.setFont(Font font);
on each label to create different fonts for each portion.