MondoDB $locate - mongodb

I have two collections, a policy collection, and a person collection
The Policy looks something like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "61169375e2145bbfd73dedbe"
"PolicyNumber": {
"Identifier": "A56B096A",
"Sequence": 1
"Persons": {
"61169362982ac4e8ae2ad768": null,
"60de07a8dc031e91ac5f35c0": null
The Person:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5f0c6d087937e0000145e5c3"
"UniqueCode": "PER0004",
"PassportExpiryDate": null,
"Age": 35,
"Gender": "M",
"Nationality": null,
"LanguageCode": null,
"Name": "NAME",
"Surname": "SURNAME",
"Initials": null,
"ContactDetails": {
"Addresses": {
"physicalAddress": {
"AddressType": null,
"UnitNumber": null,
"UnitName": null,
"PoBox": null,
"StreetNumber": null,
"StreetName": null,
"Suburb": null,
"Town": null,
"PostalCode": "7100",
"Country": null,
"Coordinates": null,
"InitialCenter": null
"EmailAddresses": {
"emailAddress": "EMAIL#EMAIL.COM"
"TelephoneNumbers": {
"cellphone": "0000000000"
"PreferredCommunicationMethod": "SMS"
"BankingDetails": [],
"Statistics": null,
"Imported": false,
"ImportReference": null
I have tried various options with $locate, $let, $convert, etc to enable me to join the two collections on 'Persons' using the Policy collections as the entry point.
I know this is probably fundamentals, but I'm n SQL guy who got dumped with a MongoDB conversion.
Any assistance will be appreciated


Query complex JSON in Postgres

I have a json column named "Payload" with a complex json structure as below-
"Number": "",
"Status": "",
"Parties": [
"BeCode": "SHANGMAG",
"BeCode": "FREEMAN",
"PartyCode": "CNFREEMANVDR",
"ContactName": "test",
"Type": "",
"Legs": [
"Name": "",
"ELocation": {
"City": "Enns",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria",
"Socation": {
"City": "Buenos Aires",
"State": null,
"Country": "Argentina",
"Transport": 1
"Name": "84nbt",
"ELocation": {
"City": "Linz",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria",
"SLocation": {
"City": "Enns",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria",
"Transport": 2
"Bookings": [
"BookingNo": "",
"Status": "",
"Id": ""
Now I need to query all the rows where SLocation is equal to ELocation.
I was able to get the "Legs" part row vise using following query -
select payload->'Legs'
from public.shipping_instruction
However, If I dig deep into the json to get the SLocation and ELocation, the query doesnt exceute.
I am looking for something like the one below-
select payload->'Legs'
from public.shipping_instruction where
payload->'Legs'->'ELocation'->'City' =
But then here the Legs have multiple SLocation and ELocation how do I handle it?
select "Number",
x."Status" as Status,
b."Status" as BookingStatus,
from jsonb_to_record('{
"Number": "",
"Status": "",
"Parties": [
"BeCode": "SHANGMAG",
"BeCode": "FREEMAN",
"ContactName": "test",
"Type": "",
"Legs": [
"Name": "",
"ELocation": {
"City": "Enns",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria"
"SLocation": {
"City": "Buenos Aires",
"State": null,
"Country": "Argentina"
"Transport": 1
"Name": "84nbtMatch",
"ELocation": {
"City": "Linz",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria"
"SLocation": {
"City": "Linz",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria"
"Transport": 2
"Name": "84nbt",
"ELocation": {
"City": "Linz",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria"
"SLocation": {
"City": "Enns",
"State": null,
"Country": "Austria"
"Transport": 3
"Bookings": [
"BookingNo": "bn",
"Status": "bs",
"Id": "bid"
}'::jsonb) as x("Number" text,
"Status" text,
"Parties" jsonb,
"ContactName" text,
"Type" text,
"Legs" jsonb,
"Bookings" jsonb),
lateral jsonb_to_recordset(x."Parties") as p("BeCode" text, "PartyCode" text),
lateral jsonb_to_recordset(x."Legs") as l("Name" text, "Transport" int, "ELocation" jsonb, "SLocation" jsonb),
lateral (select l."ELocation" ->> 'City' as e_city,
l."ELocation" ->> 'State' as e_state,
l."ELocation" ->> 'Country' as e_country,
l."SLocation" ->> 'City' as s_city,
l."SLocation" ->> 'State' as s_state,
l."SLocation" ->> 'Country' as s_country
) loc,
lateral jsonb_to_recordset(x."Bookings") as b("BookingNo" text, "Status" text, "Id" text)
where coalesce(e_city, '') = coalesce(s_city, '')
and coalesce(e_state, '') = coalesce(s_state, '')
and coalesce(e_country, '') = coalesce(s_country, '');

Extract json key/value pairs with postgresql/snowflake, where value is not null/blank

I have a field called "filter" with json array like:
I'm trying to extract key/value pairs where value is not null/blank and create another field for it.
Maybe to something like this or one long string:
{ "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "id": "928d57b0"}, {"column": "last_coach_date","id": "01704cdd"} AS filter_value
SELECT PARSE_JSON('[ { "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "from": null, "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "928d57b0", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": null, "value": null }, { "after": null, "column": "last_coach_date", "from": "", "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "01704cdd", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": "", "value": null }]'
SELECT s.index, OBJECT_AGG(s2.key, s2.value) AS output
,LATERAL FLATTEN(input => col) s
,LATERAL FLATTEN(input => s.value) s2
WHERE NOT IS_NULL_VALUE(s2.value) AND s2.value::TEXT != ''
For Postgres:
select (select jsonb_object_agg(key, value)
from jsonb_array_elements(t.filter) as x(item)
cross join jsonb_each_text(x.item) as e(key,value)
where e.value <> '')
from the_table t;
So very similar to Lukasz solution, but OBJECT_AGG will filter out any NULL values, so if you cast to ::text the nulls become real nulls, and are filtered out, so the WHERE clause is not required:
WITH data_table AS(
SELECT parse_json('[ { "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "from": null, "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "928d57b0", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": null, "value": null }, { "after": null, "column": "last_coach_date", "from": "", "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "01704cdd", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": "", "value": null } ]') as json
SELECT f.index as batch_id,
OBJECT_AGG(p.key, NULLIF(p.value::text,'')::variant) as obj
FROM data_table t,
TABLE(FLATTEN(input=>t.json)) as f,
TABLE(FLATTEN(input=>f.value)) as p
{ "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "id": "928d57b0" }
{ "column": "last_coach_date", "id": "01704cdd" }
It's not clear from the question if you want 2 rows, or a single value, the latter can be had by adding another layer of aggregation via ARRAY_AGG:
WITH data_table AS(
SELECT parse_json('[ { "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "from": null, "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "928d57b0", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": null, "value": null }, { "after": null, "column": "last_coach_date", "from": "", "gt": null, "gte": null, "id": "01704cdd", "lt": null, "lte": null, "not": null, "prior": null, "to": "", "value": null } ]') as json
SELECT array_agg(obj) as single_answer
SELECT f.index as batch_id,
OBJECT_AGG(p.key, NULLIF(p.value::text,'')::variant) as obj
FROM data_table t,
TABLE(FLATTEN(input=>t.json)) as f,
TABLE(FLATTEN(input=>f.value)) as p
[ { "after": "2021-10-14T00:00:00", "column": "createddate", "id": "928d57b0" }, { "column": "last_coach_date", "id": "01704cdd" } ]

how to return just one object from an array that is inside a collection with the mongo_dart

I currently have this collection below, and I need a way to return only one item from an internal array (an item from the "pontosGastronomicos" array), only the object, I don't have much experience with mongodb. I'm developing an application and AngularDart and the backend in Angel, application is already working, I just need an optimized way to do this.
// 1
"_id": ObjectId("6025b13eab1951094272d007"),
"id": "03a091e2-fa67-4132-9237-f5b9ed3dbb39",
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-11 19:35:41.998",
"link": null,
"icon": "icon-pizza-1",
"ativo": true,
"order": NumberInt("0"),
"pontosGastronomicos": [
"id": "208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31",
"infos": [
"id": "925ed160-9276-4046-87a2-d1f37547f7cb",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "pt",
"content": "Ótima experiência com o melhor chope de Rio das Ostras"
"id": "abc2ef60-4807-4b16-8d3e-95223abe0524",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "en",
"content": "Great experience with the best draft beer in Rio das Ostras"
"midias": [
"id": "d54435d2-2fe3-4ea1-aa04-0ccdfade4c9f",
"title": "experimente-praias-1",
"description": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-10 14:23:23.224",
"fisicalFilename": "acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"originalFilename": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"link": "http://localhost:4002/storage/turismo/midias/acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"tipo": null
"ativo": true,
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-11 19:51:26.702",
"order": NumberInt("0"),
"link": null,
"email": "",
"logradouro": "Rua Teresópolis",
"bairro": "Boca da Barra",
"numero": "69",
"telefone1": "2227641671 ",
"telefone2": "22998578550",
"horarioFuncionamento": "10h as 20h",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"categoria": null,
"logo": null,
"whatsapp": null,
"tipoDeCozinha": null,
"capacidade": null,
"site": null,
"facebook": null,
"youtube": null,
"instagram": null,
"observacao": null,
I need to make a request that brings me just a "pontosGastronomicos" by id, i currently do this via terminal:
{"": "208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31"},
{_id: 0, pontosGastronomicos: {$elemMatch: {id: "208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31"}}});
the result is this:
"pontosGastronomicos": [
"id": "208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31",
"infos": [
"id": "925ed160-9276-4046-87a2-d1f37547f7cb",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "pt",
"content": "Ótima experiência com o melhor chope de Rio das Ostras"
"id": "abc2ef60-4807-4b16-8d3e-95223abe0524",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "en",
"content": "Great experience with the best draft beer in Rio das Ostras"
"midias": [
"id": "d54435d2-2fe3-4ea1-aa04-0ccdfade4c9f",
"title": "experimente-praias-1",
"description": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-10 14:23:23.224",
"fisicalFilename": "acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"originalFilename": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"link": "http://localhost:4002/storage/turismo/midias/acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"tipo": null
"ativo": true,
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-11 19:51:26.702",
"order": NumberInt("0"),
"link": null,
"email": "",
"logradouro": "Rua Teresópolis",
"bairro": "Boca da Barra",
"numero": "69",
"telefone1": "2227641671 ",
"telefone2": "22998578550",
"horarioFuncionamento": "10h as 20h",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"categoria": null,
"logo": null,
"whatsapp": null,
"tipoDeCozinha": null,
"capacidade": null,
"site": null,
"facebook": null,
"youtube": null,
"instagram": null,
"observacao": null,
how to return just one object from an array that is inside a collection with the mongo_dart
I would like the result to be like this
"id": "208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31",
"infos": [
"id": "925ed160-9276-4046-87a2-d1f37547f7cb",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "pt",
"content": "Ótima experiência com o melhor chope de Rio das Ostras"
"id": "abc2ef60-4807-4b16-8d3e-95223abe0524",
"title": "BAR DA BOCA",
"lang": "en",
"content": "Great experience with the best draft beer in Rio das Ostras"
"midias": [
"id": "d54435d2-2fe3-4ea1-aa04-0ccdfade4c9f",
"title": "experimente-praias-1",
"description": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-10 14:23:23.224",
"fisicalFilename": "acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"originalFilename": "experimente-praias-1.jpg",
"link": "http://localhost:4002/storage/turismo/midias/acd13d50-15af-45fd-98f9-0903d1bb3ea5.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"tipo": null
"ativo": true,
"dataCadastro": "2021-02-11 19:51:26.702",
"order": NumberInt("0"),
"link": null,
"email": "",
"logradouro": "Rua Teresópolis",
"bairro": "Boca da Barra",
"numero": "69",
"telefone1": "2227641671 ",
"telefone2": "22998578550",
"horarioFuncionamento": "10h as 20h",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"categoria": null,
"logo": null,
"whatsapp": null,
"tipoDeCozinha": null,
"capacidade": null,
"site": null,
"facebook": null,
"youtube": null,
"instagram": null,
"observacao": null,
I get the answer on github, for others who have this difficulty follow the answer:
final cursor = db.collection(collection).modernAggregateCursor([
r'$replaceRoot': {
'newRoot': {
r'$arrayElemAt': [
r'$filter': {
'input': r'$pontosGastronomicos',
'as': 'pontosGastronomicos',
'cond': {
/* resolve to a boolean value and determine if an element should be included in the output array. */
r'$eq': [r'$$', '208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31']
0 /* the element at the specified array index */
result = await cursor.nextObject();
await cursor.close();
/*result = await db.collection(collection).modernFindOne(filter: {
'pontosGastronomicos': {
r'$elemMatch': {'id': '208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31'}
}, projection: {
'_id': 0,
'pontosGastronomicos': {
r'$elemMatch': {'id': '208a3f93-9fcb-4db7-ac44-bb11b86a2d31'}

Not picking Index - when querying Object -> array -> Object in N1QL

Index not picking when using N1QL to match all the customers belonging to a country
Note : the bucket has around 10 lack records, the document is fetching after 50 seconds,
select * from `user-prof` WHERE ANY item IN devices.location SATISFIES IN ["US"]
CREATE INDEX id_userProfile ON `user-prof` ( ALL ARRAY FOR v IN devices.location END )
"customers": {
"devices": {
"user": "u1",
"custid": "14CE5534CCE",
"token": "4D5BE85896833148D696A1397C",
"guest": {
"lastActive": null,
"searches": [
"latt": "6655059908",
"locale": "en-US",
"location": [
"city": "Afc",
"country": "IN"
"city": "Newyork",
"country": "US"
"city": null,
"country": null
"long": "4.21787927806",
"notify": {
"Stats": false
"tier": null,
"tmz": "EU",
"version": "0.1"
"customers": {
"devices": {
"user": "u2",
"custid": "64CE5534CC1E",
"token": "6D5BE85896833148D696A1397C",
"guest": {
"lastActive": null,
"searches": [
"latt": "6655059908",
"locale": "en-US",
"location": [
"city": "Texas",
"country": "US"
"city": null,
"country": null
"long": "4.21787927806",
"notify": {
"Stats": false
"tier": null,
"tmz": "EU",
"version": "0.1"
You are using Pre 4.6.2 The variable in the ANY clause needs to be same as the variable in the CREATE INDEX (i.e item ,v )

Using Mongoose with a rich document?

I'm working on a prototype that will be used for reporting (read only) where the record is a very rich set of objects embedded into a single document. Essentially the document structure is this (edited for brevity):
"_id": ObjectId("56b3af6f84ef45c8903acc51"),
"id": "7815dd97-e895-46e5-b6c9-45184c6eae89",
"survey": {
"id": "1fb21c69-6a5c-4805-b1cf-fabef7a5d0e6",
"type": "Survey",
"data": {
"description": "Testing reporting and data ouput",
"id": "1fb21c69-6a5c-4805-b1cf-fabef7a5d0e6",
"start_date": "2016-02-04T11:12:46Z",
"questions": [
"sequence": 1,
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:11:04.505849+00:00",
"id": "2a77921b-6853-463b-80e7-5713c82c51ca",
"previous_question": null,
"created_at": "2016-02-04T16:10:56.647746+00:00",
"parent_question": "",
"next_question": "",
"validators": [
"question_data": {
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:10:37.542715+00:00",
"type": "open-ended",
"text": "Please provide your email address",
"id": "27aa00db-4a56-4a3e-bc30-226179062af0",
"reporting_name": "email address",
"created_at": "2016-02-04T16:10:37.542695+00:00"
"sequence": 2,
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:09:53.539073+00:00",
"id": "c034819d-9281-4943-801f-c53f4047d03e",
"previous_question": null,
"created_at": "2016-02-04T16:09:53.539051+00:00",
"parent_question": "",
"next_question": null,
"validators": [
"question_data": {
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:05:31.008363+00:00",
"type": "open-ended",
"text": "Is there anything else that we could have done to improve your experience?",
"id": "e33c7804-20cb-4473-abfa-77b3c2a3113c",
"reporting_name": "more info open-ended",
"created_at": "2016-02-01T20:19:55.036899+00:00"
"sequence": 1,
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:08:55.681461+00:00",
"id": "f91fd70e-f204-4c38-9a56-dd6ff25e4cd8",
"previous_question": "",
"created_at": "2016-02-04T16:08:55.681441+00:00",
"parent_question": "",
"next_question": null,
"validators": [
"question_data": {
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:04:56.848528+00:00",
"type": "nps",
"text": "On a scale of 0-10 how likely are you to recommend us to a friend?",
"id": "fdb6b74d-96a3-4680-af35-8b2f6aa2bbc9",
"reporting_name": "key nps",
"created_at": "2016-02-01T20:19:27.371920+00:00"
"name": "Reporting Survey",
"end_date": "2016-02-11T11:12:47Z",
"trigger_active": false,
"created_at": "2016-02-04T16:13:16.808108Z",
"url": "",
"fatigue_limit": "monthly",
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T16:13:16.808132Z",
"template": {
"id": "0ea02379-c80b-4e17-b0a6-d621d49076b9",
"type": "Template"
"landing_page": null,
"trigger": null,
"slug": "test-reporting-survey"
"invite_code": "7801",
"end_date": null,
"created_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:31.931147Z",
"url": "",
"answers": {
"data": [
"id": "bcc3d0dd-5419-4661-9900-ccda3ac9a308",
"end_datetime": "2016-01-22T19:57:03Z",
"survey_question": {
"id": "662fcdf9-3c92-415e-b779-ac5b0fd330d3",
"type": "SurveyQuestion"
"response": {
"id": "7815dd97-e895-46e5-b6c9-45184c6eae89",
"type": "Response"
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:31.972717Z",
"value_type": "number",
"created_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:31.972687Z",
"value": "10",
"slug": "",
"start_datetime": "2016-01-21T10:10:21Z"
"id": "8696f11e-679a-43da-b6e2-aee72a70ca9b",
"end_datetime": "2016-01-28T13:45:37Z",
"survey_question": {
"id": "f118c9dd-1c03-47e0-80ef-2a36eb3b9a29",
"type": "SurveyQuestion"
"response": {
"id": "7815dd97-e895-46e5-b6c9-45184c6eae89",
"type": "Response"
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:32.001970Z",
"value_type": "boolean",
"created_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:32.001939Z",
"value": "True",
"slug": "",
"start_datetime": "2016-02-15T04:51:24Z"
"modified_at": "2016-02-04T19:38:31.931171Z",
"start_date": "2016-02-01T16:14:13Z",
"invite_date": "2016-02-01T13:14:08Z",
"contact": {
"id": "94833455-b9b8-4206-9bc9-a2f96c1706ca",
"type": "Contact",
"external_contactid": null,
"name": "Miss Marceline Herzog PhD"
"referring_source": "web"
given a structure in that format, I'm unsure the best path forward using Mongoose as the ORM. Again, this is read-only, so I was it would seem that creating a nested schema would work, but the mapping itself seems tedious to say the least. Is there a better/different option available for something with embedded?
Interesting. First, I would think if I need all the document and its embedded subdocuments fields. You said it will be read-only, so will each call needs the entire document?
If not, I recommend taking a look at the mongo drivers (node.js, .NET, Python, etc.) and using their aggregation pipelines to simplify the document if possible.
If you're using Mongoose, you will probably end up with two or three Schemas, and with schemas inside a list. Mongoose docs e.g.
var surveySchema = new Schema(
{ "type" : string,
"data" : [dataSchema],
"invite_code" : string,
"end_date" : DateTime,
"created_at" : DateTime,
"url" : string,
"answers" : { "data": [answersSchema]},
"modified_at" : DateTime,
"start_date" : DateTime,
"invite_date" : DateTime,
"contact" : [ContactSchema],
"referring_source" : string
Or, you can use mongoose references and build your own schema depending on what data you need to use for your report. A simple example:
var surveySchema = {
"id" : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }
"description" : { type: string , ref: dataSchema },
"contactSchema" : { type: string , ref: contactSchema }