Antd Modal+Carousel+Form shudders for 10ms - forms

During opening antd modal I can see for 10ms that my modal is increased and displays not the first page of the carousel inside.
Here I have attached a Json file, which you can play in your Chrome DevTools (F12 -> Performance -> Load profile). Described problem appears on 1150ms. Here is the link to the codesanbox where you can play with my code. I found that the modal increases because my form layout equal to "vertical", but I still didn't get why the last page of my carousel appears first. I am thinking of some hooks in React like useLayoutEffect to render it correctly, however it seems to my as a antd bug, or my mistake somewhere and I don't want to overload my code with useless hooks.
Here is the code for that who won't open codesanbox:
import "./styles.css";
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import { Modal, Carousel, Form, Button, Input, Image } from "antd";
export default function App() {
const [modal, setModal] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [pageOneForm] = Form.useForm();
const [pageTwoForm] = Form.useForm();
return (
<Button onClick={() => setModal(true)}> open </Button>
title={"Title of my modal"}
onCancel={() => setModal(false)}
okButtonProps={{ style: { display: "none" } }}
<Carousel dotPosition="top" swipeToSlide draggable arrows>
<img alt="card1" src="card1.png" className="card" />
layout="vertical" //it makes my modal huge for few ms
label="Some input for 1 page"
rules={[{ required: true, message: "" }]}
<Input />
<img alt="card2" src="card2.png" className="card" />
<Form form={pageTwoForm} layout="vertical">
label="Some input for 2 page"
rules={[{ required: true, message: "" }]}
<Input />
I expect to render this modal without unplanned modal shakes
Size of modal can be fixed by adding two keys to Carousel component:
or by playing with css:
and css will looks like:
.cards-container {
animation: fadein 0.5s ease;
position: relative;
#keyframes fadein {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
.no-wrap label {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;


<select> inside react-popper inside react-bootstrap modal not working

I use a DatePicker with a select to switch the year and month. I use react-popper to show the DatePicker. But when I use the DatePicker in a react-bootstrap Modal the options of the select will popup for a second when I click it but then disappear again. I created a sandbox here to highlight the problem
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import FocusTrap from 'focus-trap-react';
import { usePopper } from 'react-popper';
export default function Tooltip() {
const [referenceElement, setReferenceElement] = useState(null);
const [popperElement, setPopperElement] = useState(null);
const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = useState(false);
const popper = usePopper(referenceElement, popperElement, {
placement: 'bottom-start'
const openPopper = () => {
const closePopper = () => {
return <div className='datepicker-container'>
<a ref={setReferenceElement} className="btn btn-dark" onClick={openPopper}>Click to open select in Popper</a>
{showPicker && ReactDOM.createPortal(
initialFocus: false,
allowOutsideClick: true,
clickOutsideDeactivates: true,
onDeactivate: closePopper
The CSS looks like this:
.datepicker-container {
position: relative;
z-index: 100;
.dialog-sheet {
z-index: 2003;
background-color: #EEE;
Has anyone an idea how could I fix this. Is there something I'm missing in the css to fix this? Or has it maybe to do with the focus trap?
The problem was the portal I was using. Without ReactDOM.createPortal and just rendering it in place, works fine.

WebdriverIO can't click on (Ionic) tab

I'm using WebdriverIO to test some basic functionality on an Ionic (+ Angular) application. The framework setup works all right, but I can't find a way to click on certain HTML elements. For instance, this is some HTML sample:
<div class="tabbar show-tabbar" role="tablist" style="top: 166px; display: flex;">
<a class="tab-button has-title has-title-only" href="#" role="tab" id="tab-t0-0" aria-controls="tabpanel-t0-0"
<span class="tab-button-text">Blah</span>
<div class="button-effect"></div>
<a class="tab-button has-title has-title-only" href="#" role="tab" id="tab-t0-1" aria-controls="tabpanel-t0-1"
<span class="tab-button-text">Foo</span>
<div class="button-effect"
style="transform: translate3d(83px, -103px, 0px) scale(1); height: 240px; width: 240px; opacity: 0; transition: transform 395ms ease 0s, opacity 277ms ease 118ms;"></div>
<a class="tab-button has-title has-title-only" href="#" role="tab" id="tab-t0-2" aria-controls="tabpanel-t0-2"
<span class="tab-button-text">Bar</span>
<div class="button-effect"
style="transform: translate3d(3px, -99px, 0px) scale(1); height: 240px; width: 240px; opacity: 0; transition: transform 395ms ease 0s, opacity 277ms ease 118ms;"></div>
<div class="tab-highlight animate" style="transform: translate3d(570px, 0px, 0px) scaleX(285);"></div>
And this is a super-simple test case that I'm doing to test the functionality:
import { expect } from "chai";
describe("Some Test", () => {
const logingUrl: string = "url0";
const appUrl: string = "url1";
it("Some Test Again", () => {
const tab = $("#tab-t0-2");;
..but every time I run it, I get some weird error message that the element is no clickable at some point. Any clues?
[0-0] element click intercepted in "Some Test Again"
element click intercepted: Element <a class="tab-button has-title has-title-only" href="#" role="tab" id="tab-t0-2" aria-controls="tabpanel-t0-2" aria-selected="false">...</a> is not clickable at point (666, 170). Other element would receive the click: <ion-backdrop disable-activated="" role="presentation" tappable="" class="backdrop-no-tappable" style="opacity: 0.5;"></ion-backdrop>
(Session info: headless chrome=75.0.3770.100)
This is one of those classic Angular/Ionic backdrop gotcha's.
Let's start with the error message: element #tab-t0-2 is not clickable at point (coordinates), another element would receive the click: ion-backdrop.
This tells us that your targeted element cannot be clicked as the ion-backdrop tag is rendered on top of it. The ion-backdrop component is a short animation (usually used for modals), in this case, the semi dimming of the background (opacity: 0.5).
✖ Solution 1: Easy way to counter it? Explicitly expect for it to disappear, then click the targeted element.
it("Some Test Again", () => {
// Explicitly wait for the backdrop animation to disappear:
const backdrop = $('.backdrop-no-tappable');
backdrop.waitForExist(5000, true, 'Backdrop still present');
const tab = $("#tab-t0-2");;
✖ Solution 2: Another thing you can try is only click on the tab element, once it is fully visible and intractable in the DOM (this is kind of a best-practice):
const tab = $("#tab-t0-2");
// For 'wdio-v4' users:
// tab.waitForVisible(5000);;

Show/Hide password button not working when input is active in Ionic 3

I am trying to implement the show/hide button for the password field in Ionic 3. I have got the code help from here
<ion-input [type]="passwordType" placeholder="Password" formControlName="password"></ion-input>
<ion-icon item-end [name]="passwordIcon" class="passwordIcon" (click)='hideShowPassword()'></ion-icon>
font-size: 1.3em;
position: absolute;
right: .1em;
top: .5em;
z-index: 2;
passwordType: string = 'password';
passwordIcon: string = 'eye-off';
hideShowPassword() {
this.passwordType = this.passwordType === 'text' ? 'password' : 'text';
this.passwordIcon = this.passwordIcon === 'eye-off' ? 'eye' : 'eye-off';
I have done one modification in the .scss file and made the icon absolute so that it appears on top of the input field instead of the side.
This icon click is working when the Input field is not active/selected but if I am in the middle of typing in the Input Field, the click is not working/recognized. Please help.
With the solution suggested my field looks like this.
I'm not entirely sure of what
... and made the icon absolute so that it appears on top of the input field instead of the side
would mean, but still, using position: absolute on top of inputs may lead to bugs specially on iOS.
Another possible issue of your code is that buttons are designed to handle issues related with taps in mobile devices, but icons may not work properly sometimes.
Anyway, please take a look at this working Stackblitz project to do something like this:
The code is quite simple actually - the idea is to use a button with an icon instead of just an icon to avoid issues with the tap event:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
public showPassword: boolean = false;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {}
public onPasswordToggle(): void {
this.showPassword = !this.showPassword;
<!-- ... -->
<ion-content padding>
<!-- ... -->
<ion-input placeholder="Password" [type]="showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'" clearOnEdit="false"></ion-input>
<button (click)="onPasswordToggle()" ion-button clear small item-end icon-only>
<ion-icon [name]="showPassword ? 'eye-off' : 'eye'"></ion-icon>
Based on your comments, one way to keep the button inside of the border would be not to apply the border to the input, but to the ion-item.
Something like this for example:
ion-item {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 10px;
would result in:

I cannot querySelect input of ion-searchbar in Jasmine tests

I'm running a simple test - enter a value into an Ionic search bar.
I cannot get a reference to the search bar input field in my jasmine tests.
I've set up a simple vanilla Ionic 4 app with a single test page.
The following tests all fail.
const el: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement;
const input = el.querySelector('input');
expect(input).not.toBeNull(); // FAILS
const bar = el.querySelector('ion-searchbar');
expect(bar.innerHTML).not.toEqual(''); // FAILS
expect(bar.shadowRoot).not.toBeNull(); // FAILS
I don't understand why?
I've written other tests successfully on Ionic lists to read values.
I tried putting in timers to give the component time to render the html.
If I put a simple HTML input field on the page it is picked up OK.
I thought the shadow DOM might be relevant here even though when I inspect the input field in the browser it doesn't seem to be in the shadow DOM, and the standard document.querySelector works just fine.
Test Page
<ion-content padding>
Component Class
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-test',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class TestPage {
constructor() { }
Test Spec
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '#angular/core';
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { TestPage } from './';
describe('TestPage', () => {
let component: TestPage;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestPage>;
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [ TestPage ],
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestPage);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should create', () => {
it('should have a searchbar', () => {
const el: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement;
const bar = el.querySelector('ion-searchbar');
expect(bar).not.toBeNull(); // PASSES
// adding some checks to see what is going on
expect(bar.children.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); // FAILS
expect(bar.innerHTML).not.toEqual(''); // FAILS
expect(bar.shadowRoot).not.toBeNull(); // FAILS
it('should have an input field', () => {
const el: HTMLElement = fixture.nativeElement;
const input = el.querySelector('input');
expect(input).not.toBeNull(); // FAILS
This is over a year late, but I think it's worth answering for others who might need it. For what it's worth, I'm running #ionic-native/core 4.15 with #angular/core 5.2.11 and ionic-angular 3.9.2.
I don't know why const input = el.querySelector('input'); isn't working for you. The following code works for me:
const toolbar = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('ion-toolbar')
const searchBar = toolbar.querySelector('ion-searchbar');
const input = searchBar.querySelector('input');
Alternatively, you can make your query for the input more specific:
const input = searchBar.querySelector('div.searchbar-input-container > input.searchbar-input')
I like to look at the structure of HTMLElements and their component instances by console.loging them in the test. When I add this to my test:
The console in the captured test browser will output:
<ion-searchbar class="searchbar searchbar-md searchbar-left-aligned" ng-reflect-placeholder="Besmirch">
<div class="searchbar-input-container">
<button class="searchbar-md-cancel button button-md button-clear button-clear-md button-clear-md-dark" clear="" color="dark" ion-button="" mode="md" type="button" ng-reflect-color="dark" ng-reflect-mode="md" ng-reflect-clear=""><span class="button-inner"><ion-icon name="md-arrow-back" role="img" class="icon icon-md" aria-label="arrow back" ng-reflect-name="md-arrow-back"></ion-icon></span>
<div class="button-effect"></div>
<div class="searchbar-search-icon"></div>
<input class="searchbar-input" dir="auto" placeholder="Besmirch" type="search" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false">
<button class="searchbar-clear-icon button button-md button-clear button-clear-md" clear="" ion-button="" type="button" ng-reflect-mode="md" ng-reflect-clear=""><span class="button-inner"></span>
<div class="button-effect"></div>
<button class="searchbar-ios-cancel button button-ios button-clear button-clear-ios" clear="" ion-button="" mode="ios" type="button" ng-reflect-mode="ios" ng-reflect-clear="" tabindex="-1"><span class="button-inner">Cancel</span>
<div class="button-effect"></div>
In this structure, we can see the input is in the .searchbar-input-container div.

React es6 es2015 modal popup

I'm very new to React and ES6. I'm building a small application using React and I'm following ES6 standard. Now I need to open a modal window on a button click.
I tried react-bootstrap modal and skylight. But did not find much luck.
Can anyone suggest the best way of opening/closing modal along with a callback.
Thanks in advance.
I've put together an example to illustrate how you might go about this, making use of the parent/child relationship and passing down a callback.
The scenario is basically:
There is a parent <App /> component
It can show a <Modal /> component
<App /> controls whether the <Modal /> is open or not
<App /> passes its child, <Modal />, a callback to "closeModal"
See this JSBin example for the full solution in action:,output
And a visual summary:
<Modal /> is just a "dumb" component. It does not "control" whether it is open or not. This is up to the parent <App />. The parent informs it of how to close itself via passing down a callback this.props.closeModal
class Modal extends React.Component {
render() {
const { closeModal } = this.props;
return (
<div className="jumbotron" style={{position: 'absolute', width: '100%', top: 0, height: 500}}>
<h1>Some Modal</h1>
className="btn btn-md btn-primary"
>Close Modal</button>
<App /> is aware of the open/closed state and controls its child, <Modal />
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
modalOpen: false
_openModal() {
this.setState({modalOpen: true});
_closeModal() {
this.setState({modalOpen: false});
render() {
const { modalOpen } = this.state;
return (
className="btn btn-md btn-primary"
>Open Modal</button>
{/* Only show Modal when "this.state.modalOpen === true" */}
? <Modal closeModal={this._closeModal.bind(this)} />
: ''}