How do I expose my WebAPI using NodePort (or other method) so that the public net can hit it? [closed] - rest

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I am trying to host a WebApi on K8s using deployments and service. I want my API to be publicly accessible from the public net using the Public IP of the node. I have this cluster on a Cloud provider's VM. Like bare metal but on cloud VMs. I have used Kubeadm to bootstrap this cluster.
I am able to access the API from inside the vnet (virtual network) using node port type. My API listens on 80.
Here are the YAML snippets:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: <api>-deployment
    app: <api>
  replicas: 1
      app: <api>
        app: <api>
      - name: <api>
        image: <api_image>
        - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: <api>
    app: <api>
  type: NodePort
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    nodePort: 30000
    app: <api>
The issue is that I can only access my API from my local vnet ie using the private IP address from other VMs inside the vnet. (I have already whitelisted port 30000 from my network security group so that it allows)
I hosted the same solution on IIS and opened up ports in my VM, configured security group rules on my cloud provider and and then pinged the public IP (public IP mentioned on the cloud provider's portal) of that VM and it worked without a problem. I am trying to do the same here.
Should I be using NodePort ? Is there any other way that is quick and simple ? I just want my API to publicly accessible from public net i.e. accessible with one singular IP address (logically the node’s public IP address that is displayed on my cloud provider’s portal of the VM) without using extra cloud provider related Load Balancers.
I know Ingree exists but how does this solve my problem here ? My API is already accessible, just not outside the vnet. What exactly is going wrong here ?
(Even though I want expose the API to public, it'll mainly be used by other systems not humans)
Edit: here are the screenshots
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
kubctl get svc -o wide

If your VM is inside a private subnet (i.e. no public IP assigned to it) and you want your API to be publicly accessible, then you need to have a VM (with a public IP) that acts as a reverse proxy/jump box/entry point to your cluster
If you want a quick solution, you can just deploy some reverse proxy server like Apache or Nginx on the new VM which will forward your request to the <api-service>:<NortPort>, that way you will be able to access your API using the new jump box
Although this works but not the most scalable option, so like you mentioned you need to have an Ingress Controller which would also need an entry point/ Load Balancer for your cluster. More details are here in my SO answer
Read this for bare-metal considerations


What is the purpose of headless service in Kubernetes?

I am naive in Kubernetes world. I was going through a interesting concept called headless service.
I have read it, understand it, and I can create headless service. But I am still not convinced about use cases. Like why do we need it. There are already three types of service clusterIP, NodePort and loadbalancer service with their separate use cases.
Could you please tell me what is exactly which headless service solve and all those other three services could not solve it.
I have read it that headless is mainly used with the application which is stateful like dB based pod for example cassandra, MongoDB etc. But my question is why?
A headless service doesn't provide any sort of proxy or load balancing -- it simply provides a mechanism by which clients can look up the ip address of pods. This means that when they connect to your service, they're connecting directly to the pods; there's no intervening proxy.
Consider a situation in which you have a service that matches three pods; e.g., I have this Deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: example
name: example
replicas: 3
app: example
app: example
- image:
name: whoami
- containerPort: 80
name: http
If I'm using a typical ClusterIP type service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
Then when I look up the service in a client pod, I will see the ip address of the service proxy:
/ # host example
example.default.svc.cluster.local has address
However, when using a headless service, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: example
name: example-headless
clusterIP: None
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
app: example
I will instead see the addresses of the pods:
/ # host example-headless
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
example-headless.default.svc.cluster.local has address
By removing the proxy from the equation, clients are aware of the actual pod ips, which may be important for some applications. This also simplifies the path between clients and the service, which may have performance benefits.
Kubernetes Services of type ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer have one thing in common: They loadbalance between all pods that match the service's selector, so you can talk to all pods via a virtual ip.
That's nice because you can have multiple pods of the same application and all requests will be spread between those, avoiding overloading one pod while others are still idle.
For some applications you might require to talk to the pods directly instead of over an virtual ip. Still you'll want a stable hostname that points to the same pod, even if the pod's ip changes, e.g. because it needs to be rescheduled on a different host.
Use cases are mostly databases where applications should always connect to the same instance for data and session consistency.
A headless service does not provide a virtual IP covering all the endpoints in its endpoint slice. If you query that service DNS, you will get all the endpoint IP addresses back. A regular service on the other hand will have sort of a virtual IP, so clients connecting to it are not aware of the underlying endpoints.
To answer your question, why this is important for a stateful. Usually, members of a statefulset need to be aware of each other. Let's say you want to run a distributed database in something like a cluster formation. The members of this cluster need to have a way to discover each other. This is where the headless service comes into play. Because the individual database pods can get the address of the other database pods by using the headless service.
The headless service also provides a stable network identify for each member of the statefulset. You can read about that here. This is, again, useful as the members of the statefulset need to coordinate with each other in some way. Let's say the pod-0 will always take the initial leader role, and every other member knows it should report itself to pod-0 to form a cluster like configuration.

Kubernetes Network Policy and External Load Balancer [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 3 years ago.
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Let's suppose I have a deployment in my cluster which is exposed to the outside world via a load-balancer service (has static IP with some external firewall rules) on top of this now I want to apply internal firewall rules for the same deployment, I want to limit it to connect only with a few other pods in case if it is compromised. So can I simultaneously apply load-balancer and egress network policy for deployment in Kubernetes without messing the things up? Is there a distinct separation between load-balancers and network policies (one is for external traffic the other for internal) or it is not like that.
Thanks in advance!
For the sake of argument let's assume this is the network policy I want to apply:
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: bridge-ergress-access
namespace: default
name: mqtt-lb-service
- Egress
- to:
- podSelector:
- app: kafka1
- podSelector:
- app: kafka2
- podSelector:
- app: kafka3
- podSelector:
- app: redis
Kubernetes network policy is used to enforce layer-3 segmentation for applications that are deployed on the platform. Network policies lack the advanced features of modern firewalls like layer-7 control and threat detection, but they do provide a basic level of network security which is a good starting point.Kubernetes network policies specify the access permissions for groups of pods, much like security groups in the cloud are used to control access to VM instances.
You can use kubernetes network policy to control traffic within your pod network with external firewall rules which control traffic within VM/host network.

Kubernetes - Pass Public IP of Load Balance as Environment Variable into Pod

I have a ConfigMap which provides necessary environment variables to my pods:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: global-config
NODE_ENV: prod
LEVEL: info
# I need to set API_URL to the public IP address of the Load Balancer
API_URL: http://<SOME IP>:3000
DATABASE_URL: mongodb://database:27017
SOME_SERVICE_HOST: some-service:3000
I am running my Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud, so it will automatically create a public endpoint for my service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: gateway
app: gateway
- name: http
port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
nodePort: 30000
type: LoadBalancer
I have an web application that needs to make HTTP requests from the client's browser to the gateway service. But in order to make a request to the external service, the web app needs to know it's ip address.
So I've set up the pod, which serves the web application in a way, that it picks up an environment variable "API_URL" and as a result makes all HTTP requests to this url.
So I just need a way to set the API_URL environment variable to the public IP address of the gateway service to pass it into a pod when it starts.
I know this isn't the exact approach you were going for, but I've found that creating a static IP address and explicitly passing it in tends to be easier to work with.
First, create a static IP address:
gcloud compute addresses create gke-ip --region <region>
where region is the GCP region your GKE cluster is located in.
Then you can get your new IP address with:
gcloud compute addresses describe gke-ip --region <region>
Now you can add your static IP address to your service by specifying an explicit loadBalancerIP.1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: gateway
app: gateway
- name: http
port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
nodePort: 30000
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancerIP: ""
At this point, you can also hard-code it into your ConfigMap and not worry about grabbing the value from the cluster itself.
1If you've already created a LoadBalancer with an auto-assigned IP address, setting an IP address won't change the IP of the underlying GCP load balancer. Instead, you should delete the LoadBalancer service in your cluster, wait ~15 minutes for the underlying GCP resources to get cleaned up, and then recreate the LoadBalancer with the explicit IP address.
You are trying to access gateway service from client's browser.
I would like to suggest you another solution that is slightly different from what you are currently trying to achieve
but it can solve your problem.
From your question I was able to deduce that your web app and gateway app are on the same cluster.
In my solution you dont need a service of type LoadBalancer and basic Ingress is enough to make it work.
You only need to create a Service object (notice that option type: LoadBalancer is now gone)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: gateway
app: gateway
- name: http
port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
nodePort: 30000
and you alse need an ingress object (remember that na Ingress Controller needs to be deployed to cluster in order to make it work) like one below:
More on how to deploy Nginx Ingress controller you can finde here
and if you are already using one (maybe different one) then you can skip this step.
kind: Ingress
name: gateway-ingress
annotations: /
- host:
- path: /
serviceName: gateway
servicePort: 3000
Notice the host field.
The same you need to repeat for your web application. Remember to use appropriate host name (DNS name)
e.g. for web app: and for gateway:
and then just use the dns name to connect to the gateway app from clients web browser.
You also need to create a dns entry that points * to Ingress's public ip address
as Ingress controller will create its own load balancer.
The flow of traffic would be like below:
+-------------+ +---------+ +-----------------+ +---------------------+
| Web Browser |-->| Ingress |-->| gateway Service |-->| gateway application |
+-------------+ +---------+ +-----------------+ +---------------------+
This approach is better becaues it won't cause issues with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in clients browser.
Examples of Ingress and Service manifests I took from official kubernetes documentation and modified slightly.
More on Ingress you can find here
and on Services here
The following deployment reads the external IP of a given service using kubectl every 10 seconds and patches a given configmap with it:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: configmap-updater
app: configmap-updater
app: configmap-updater
app: configmap-updater
- name: configmap-updater
image: alpine:3.10
command: ['sh', '-c' ]
- | #!/bin/sh
set -x
apk --update add curl
curl -LO
chmod +x kubectl
export CONFIGMAP="configmap/global-config"
export SERVICE="service/gateway"
while true
IP=`./kubectl get services $CONFIGMAP -o go-template --template='{{ (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip }}'`
PATCH=`printf '{"data":{"API_URL": "https://%s:3000"}}' $IP`
echo ${PATCH}
./kubectl patch --type=merge -p "${PATCH}" $SERVICE
sleep 10
You probably have RBAC enabled in your GKE cluster and would still need to create the appropriate Role and RoleBinding for this to work correctly.
You've got a few possibilities:
If you really need this to be hacked into your setup, you could use a similar approach with a sidecar container in your pod or a global service like above. Keep in mind that you would need to recreate your pods if the configmap actually changed for the changes to be picked up by the environment variables of your containers.
Watch and query the Kubernetes-API for the external IP directly in your application, eliminating the need for an environment variable.
Adopt your applications to not directly depend on the external IP.

GKE/Istio: outside world cannot connect to service in private cluster

I've created a private GKE cluster with Istio through the Cloud Console UI. The cluster is set up with VPC Peering to be able to reach another private GKE cluster in another Google Cloud Project.
I've created a Deployment (called website) with a Service in Kubernetes in the staging namespace. My goal is to expose this service to the outside world with Istio, using the Envoy proxy. I've created the necessary VirtualService and Gateway to do so, following this guide.
When running "kubectl exec ..." to access a pod in the private cluster, I can successfully connect to the internal IP address of the website service, and see the output of that service with "curl".
I have set up a NAT Gateway so pods in the private cluster can connect to the Internet. I confirmed this by curl-ing various non-Google web pages from within the website pod.
However, I can't connect to the website service from the outside, using the External IP of the istio-ingressgateway service, as the guide above mentions. Instead, curl-ing that External IP leads to a timeout.
I've put the full YAML config for all related resources in a private Gist, here:
I'm wondering if I'm missing something in my config here, or if my use case is actually impossible?
Looking at your Gist I suspect the problem lies in the joining up of the Gateway to the istio-ingressgateway.
kind: Gateway
name: website-gateway
namespace: staging
version: v1
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "*"
In particular I'm not convinced the selector part is correct.
You should be able to do something like
kubectl describe po -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-rrrrrr-pppp
to find out what the selector is trying to match in the Istio Ingress Gateway pod.
I had the same problem. On my case, the istio virtual service dont find my service.
Try this on your VirtualService:
- destination:
host: website
number: 80
From verifying all options, the only way to have the private GKE cluster with Istio to be exposed to externally is to use Cloud NAT.
Since the Master node within GKE is a managed service, there are current limits when using Istio with a private cluster. The only workaround that would accomplish your use case is to use Cloud NAT. I have also attached an article on how to get started using Cloud NAT here.

Assign public ip to the service which is running on Kubernetes

i have a application ( Let's say Integration-protocol-api)
and this application want to talk to other application, but this application located on another Network (Let's call it Another-Integration-Protocol)
And problem is, on another-integration-protocol side the whitelist exist, which allow to connect to it, only from selected ip addresses.
But my integration-protocol-api is Dockerized and running on Kubernetes cluster, so ip address is changing everyime when i restart my pod.
how can i assign the Public and Static ip to my Kubernetes Pod?
But my integration-protocol-api is Dockerized and running on Kubernetes cluster, so ip address is changing everyime when i restart my pod. how can i assign the Public and Static ip to my Kubernetes Pod
There are several approaches, depending on your actual setup/needs and I'll try to give some options here:
Tie pod to specific node and expose that node's IP address through service. This would be something along those lines:
# Quick deployment/pod manifest node selector (affinity is better)
nodeSelector: my-node-name
# Service manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: svc-myservice
app: myapp
tier: frontend
app: myapp
tier: frontend
- name: tcpserviceport
protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 80
Pod should be in same namespace, tied to that node via either node selector or affinity rules and have same labels as in selector for service to pick it up. IP address of cluster node with name my-node-name should be in this example, and it would be accessible through port 8080 and that ip address.
If applicable, expose service through ingress and whitelist ingress public ip only. Depending on your namespace separation you'll reference your pod (wherever it might run) in ingress through corresponding service using either service name (in namespace scope) or FQDN such as:
Here is good overview of some methods to make it more illustrative from kubernetes docs:
A pod makes any request with it's node IP address as source. So you could whitelist your cluster nodes' IP addresses, and it should work.