How does Flutter detect whether the system has an agent or VPN open in the app? - flutter

I have a requirement: if the proxy is turned on, a pop-up prompt will be displayed when entering the app.
An example is as follows:
How to check whether the proxy is enabled in flutter? The dio library is used.


Enable Gabeldorsche programmatically in Flutter

It would be possible in Flutter to enable Gabeldorsche programmatically?
I noticed that this setting is useful for BLE purposes, but I did not find so much information about how to enable it programmatically.
At the moment the way I am doing it is by going to "Developer options" and after checking "Enable Gabeldorsche" (and of course "Developer options" should be enabled first in order to access the Gabeldorsche setting, and this is another issue).
I also wonder if this can be done directly in Flutter (I currently use the Flutter Blue plugin) or if maybe a MethodChannel is necessary.
Does anyone have info about it?

Is there a way in flutter to switch the screen off when i click a button?

I am trying to create an app launcher with flutter but failing to implement the functionality of turning screen of on double tap.
is there any package that can help me
You could use the flutter_app_lock package but what I'd recommend using platform specific methods to send your request from your flutter app to the system platform.
And if you want there's a package for sending requests too. The package is called Pigeon and you can find more about sending requests to android or swift in this link:

How to use QR code scan to check if the app is installed or not ? and redirect in flutter

I'm trying to design an application using Flutter framework where i need two features using QR Code scanner. Features as follows,
If the app is installed QR code scanner (when scanning from the app it self) should open a url link in browser (within the app is self)
If the app is not installed scanning the QR code from device it self should take the user to play/app store or to a website.
how can i achieve this using flutter and dart? any sample workout will be more than helpful.
You need to use Firebase Dynamic Links or a similar service.
FDL allows you to do exactly what you want.
Basically you specify an app identifier in the console, then in your app's info.plist + manifest.xml you specify the domain you used for the link generation.
The way it works is FDL will try to open the link locally on the device, if the app is already installed then it will launch the app, otherwise you can decide to redirect to a specified URL or to the platform app store and open your app page.

Detect window closing action flutter desktop

I am working on flutter desktop application and want to show alert dialog before closing window. Could not get any information about detecting window closing action.
Can anyone tell me how to do this. Thankx.
You can do it using the existing flutter_window_close package. Check out the example here.
This plugin lets your Flutter app a chance to confirm if the user wants to close your app. It works on desktop platforms including Windows, macOS and Linux.
Try to explore as well bitsdojo_window.

Close browser window and open PWA once PWA installed

I have Chrome installing my PWA on Android - once it's installed I'd like to automatically close the browser window it was installed from, and open the PWA (so the user doesn't continue in the browser window, thinking they're using the PWA) - is this possible?
i was looking for a similar solution and have not yet found a way to do that. I try to describe my findings so far:
as described in this answer window.close() can only be called on windows/tabs that the script opened itself. Some possible workarounds are being discussed there.
Google describes in their WebApk Fundamentals Article it as follows:
When a Progressive Web App is installed on Android, it will register a set of intent filters for all URLs within the scope of the app. When a user clicks on a link that is within the scope of the app, the app will be opened, rather than opening within a browser tab.
I was hoping that would work also right after the installation/Adding to homescreen from the still open browser window.
Based on testing with two Android devices it seems as if at the moment the user has to manually open the PWA from the homescreen once for chrome/android to interpret the scope of the web apps manifest.json as intend to open the page in standalone.
This is sad for even iOS seems to handle that different.
Maybe I am overlooking something in the Google Article? I also do not fully understand androids intent API - so maybe there is some way to still achieve that (?)
Based from this blog post:
When the PWA is installed, it will appear in the home screen, in the
app launcher, in Settings and as any other first-class citizen app in
the OS, including information on battery and space used in the system.
There's a tracking event when the user opens the app from the home screen. That means the user has clicked the app's icon or, on Android with WebAPK support, also clicked on a link pointing to the PWA scope and need to close the browser.
start_url: '/?utm_source=standalone&utm_medium=pwa'
Also, the following script leaves us a boolean stating if the user is currently in a browser (true) or a standalone app mode (false)
var isPWAinBrowser = true;
// replace standalone with fullscreen or minimal-ui according to your manifest
if (matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) {
// Android and iOS 11.3+
isPWAinBrowser = false;
} else if ('standalone' in navigator) {
// useful for iOS < 11.3
isPWAinBrowser = !navigator.standalone;
I had this problem on Android with Chrome. The change that made the difference is adding "target='_blank'" to the link. It looks like:
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', function(event){
presentToUser("<a href='' target='_blank'>Go to App</a>")
}, 10000)}
The ten second timeout is to give Android the time to set up the App on the home page.
I had made that adjustment earlier; possibly I can remove it?
But setting the target was what made this work.
The App opens over the top of Chrome, obscuring it.
So closing the browser is not immediately required but is recommended.
In the new versions of chrome, after installation in android it associate all the links in the "scope" to the PWA application, if you try to open a link in your chrome browser it open directly in the application.
hope that will answer your question