Can you export/import MochaJS tests from test files meant for unit tests for use in separate, higher level integration test files? - import

I'm trying to design a hierarchy integration test structure for a complex application. Essentially I'm looking to do something like the following:
The component directory is used for the unit tests, but id like to be able to import these unit tests in to an integration test file in pages directory. From there, i'd like to be able to import that integration test up the tree, so on and so forth.
Is it possible to export, import, and reference MochaJS tests from other files similar to how we would export things in other JavaScript frameworks? I am just trying to save myself from having to copy and paste each new test I implement in to the entire structure I am designing.
Thanks in advance!
I have yet to try this as it will take a great amount of time to implement this fully, so I am just curious as to if this is even a possibility. I have looked in the MochaJS documentation but I'm either missing it or it's not referenced anywhere.


Requirements coverage using pytest

We use LabGrid for our testing, which is based on pytest. I would like to do some requirements coverage measuring. All the searches on covertage for pytest, ends up in line coverage for python and that is not what I want.
Actually I'm not testing python code at all, but remotely testing features on an embedded target.
Now my idea was to create a marker for each test function with an URL to a requirement (eg in Jira). Now when a requirement is identified, then first thing to do is to add an empty test case in the pytest, and mark it as skipped (or some not tested).
After running the test, a report could be generated, telling the total coverage, with links. This would require the information being dumped into the junit.xml file.
In this way I get a tight link between the test and the requirement, bound in the test code.
Now anybody knows of some markers which could help do this. Or even some projects which has gotten a similar idea.
we are using a marker which we create by ourselves:
Afterwards we analyzing the test run with self written script.
Using some pytest hooks, collecting the marker, checking JIRA via python api and creating metrics out of it (we are using Testspace).
Not found a way to add this marker to junit report.
Link to JIRA can be done in different ways,
using SPHINX docu and link the Jira id automatically from test
case description to Jira
use the python script, which analyze the requirements coverage
and create a link to Jira.
hope that helps

Spring Cloud Contract: Prefered way to import repeating parts in Contract DSL

When writing a contract for an API i found myself repeating the same things over and over. For example regex validations for complex json object need to be copy pasted.
Thats tedious and not very DRY.
I'm using Kotlin DSL and Maven
I tried to extract the common parts in another file to reuse it. (Kotlin extension functions ftw.)
After trying multiple things to reuse that file I gave up.
The common parts should be as close to the actual contracts as possible. I don't want to export them in another project, and build them seperat, as they are an vital part of the contracts.
I tried it the following ways:
just put the file in the same directory and importing the functions, hoping it would be resolved as it would in java - did not work at all (my expectations were low, was worth a shot)
putting it in another maven module, and add that as dependency to the spring-cloud-contract-maven-plugin. that worked, as long as the dependant module was built and installed in the local maven repo. if no built version was available maven could not resolve it.
experimenting with kotlin script #file:Import() and #file:DependOn to tackle my issue, no luck.
Is there another way, that I missed? Is there a prefered way doing this?
This must be a common issue, right?

Is it possible to add UI test target with default test class programatically in Xcode?

Upon creating a UI target to the app two files will be created in Xcode.
MyAppUITests.swift and info.plist
These both files are placed under the MyAppUITests folder.
The swift class has some default test methods to starts with whereas the plist has the settings info of the created UI test. We are then write test cases, write some utility classes etc. The utility classes also saved under the UI test target. The whole setup works fine with "MyApp".
Requirement: I want to give this setup to some other tester/developer who is a newbie. Means, if they want to implement the UI testing in their app, I want to give them a sample setup which will contain the UI test target with some sample test cases and utility methods.
Current flow: Currently we are having documents regarding the UI test setup, the usage of the written utilities, etc. A person can read those documents and do all the steps manually to setup the UI test environment.
We want to take it to the next level by automate this setup process. Something like, if I keep the sample files in a repo and create a run script that can import the files from repo and add it to the newbie's source code while running. I'm not sure this is possible and I appreciate the suggestions on it.
You should probably do the generic preparation by yourself. Then, with the help of git write a bash script that does this preparation. I suppose you can automate some of the most difficult to automate steps with xcodeproj generators like

Read an ".sbt like" file for highly customizable configurations in Scala

I'd like to write a simple app to crawl/scrape some web content. The more I delve into the analysis, the more I realize that the instructions I need to give to the app in order to navigate through the site and get the content I wish it to extract, may be very peculiar depending on the target website structure.
The idea was to write some configuration files to define how the app should browse and scrape each specific site, but defining such behaviour could be challenging, unless you write in the configuration file some actual Scala code.
So, the idea is to write some code able to get a scraper object instance reading a file written in the .sbt format and inject some code in it.
First of all, I need to know where to start to achieve such task: what library should I use?
Could it be easier to write some sbt tasks and use sbt as the core of the app instead of writing one from scratch? What should be the limitations in this approach?
I apologize for being so general, but I don't have the slightest idea from where to start. I'd like you to head me to the right direction and post some docs to read.
Consider the app is meant to be a CLI tool, no graphical interface needed, then.

Is it possible to specify aggregate code coverage testing when deploying with a list of tests to Salesforce

I am automating deployment and CI to our Salesforce orgs using Ant. In my build xml, I am specifying the complete list of our tests to run. Salesforce is returning code coverage errors, demanding 75% code coverage on a per file basis rather than allowing only 75% based on the total code base. Some of our old files do not have that level of coverage, and I am trying not to have to go back and create a ton of new tests for old software.
It seems like Salesforce is doing the code coverage based on the quickdeploy model, rather that the aggregate.
Does anyone know a way I can tell Salesforce not to use the quickdeploy model (if that is what it is doing). I have checked the Migration tool docs, but don't see anything.
Have you tried setting the attribute runAllTests="true" inside the sf:deploy tasks, rather than listing each test out?