I get prisma client deprecated on running prisma studio - prisma

Any time I run the npx prisma studio command I get this output:
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma\schema.prisma
Prisma Studio is up on http://localhost:5555
imports from "#prisma/client/runtime" are deprecated.
Use "#prisma/client/runtime/library", "#prisma/client/runtime/data-proxy" or "#prisma/client/runtime/binary"
And I've not found anything on their documentation that says how to fix it. Also this happened after I deleted my yarn.lock file and did the yarn command to install dependencies in my package.json.
I tried restarting the server, even restarting my system

If you were using prisma 4.9.x and then upgraded to 4.10.1 try to invoke again npx prisma generate, the error will likely be resolved after this
If it doesn't help try to start prisma studio using this command
dotenv -e .envrc -- prisma studio --browser=none


How to fix diesel_cli link libpq.lib error with Postgres tools installed in Docker?

I'm trying (for hours now) to install the cargo crate diesel_cli for postgres. However, every time I run the recommended cargo command:
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
I wait a few minutes just to see the same build fail with this message:
note: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libpq.lib'
error: aborting due to previous error
error: failed to compile `diesel_cli v1.4.1`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `C:\Users\<user name here>\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installUU2DtT`
Caused by:
could not compile `diesel_cli`.
I'm running postgres in a docker container and have the binaries on my C:\pgsql with the lib and bin directories both on the PATH so I can't figure out why it's not linking. What else could be required they didn't mention in the docs?
In my case the installation was successful but when I tried to run it this error occured.
maybe this would work for others who have the same problem:
open PowerShell
type in setx PQ_LIB_DIR "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\lib" (or any other path to your PostgreSQL lib)
restart your PC
run again
I had the same issue with WSL, if you're on Linux probably you could find PostgreSQL lib location and add it to your environment variables.
The answer below is a work around for older versions. Please check the possibility to execute cargo clean first
Original Version
Adding the folder to the PATH variable didn't help, at least in my case, as by some reason it is not used in the /LIBPATH parameter passed to link.exe.
In my case it was C:\Users\<username>\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib
You can see it in the beginning of the error message.
Copy libpq.lib in there and it will be used from there.
After installation diesel would require some other assemblies. Copy libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, libiconv-2.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll into the folder showed after where diesel command execution
I had the same error on Ubuntu and for me the following install fixed the issue:
sudo apt install libpq-dev
No need to move files around, just add C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\lib and C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin to your PATH. Installing and running diesel should have no problems.
Note: your paths may be different, and remember to close/reopen your terminal so the PATH variable is updated.
(Tested on Windows 10)
To give clear steps for windows:
Add C:\Users<username>.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib in the path in environment variables
Copy libpq.lib that is in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\lib (obviously this is with version 14) and paste it in C:\Users<username>.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib
If you've attempted to cargo build (or anything that runs the build scripts for libpq rust crate) when your environment was invalid, then you need to do a cargo clean after fixing your environment otherwise you'll still get the libpq.lib not found error even when it's in your PATH. The other answers where you copy the file into another directory are just hacks
You can instead add the path to .../lib to the compilers' library search paths, using RUSTFLAGS environment variable. It works both for installing diesel_cli and for building your projects.
RUSTFLAGS='-L /usr/local/pgsql/lib' cargo build
On Windows with EDB installer, the path contains a space, so use CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS instead. For PowerShell:
$env:CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS = "-L`u{1f}C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\lib"

ERROR:The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found

I am trying to clone the git repository for Tour of Heros with NgRX (blove/ngrx-tour-of-heros)
However, I can not seem to run the application.
I have updated my Angular cli to 7.3 I have installed yarn to try and help as well as tried to create a new application and remove files to drag and drop files that where not there like the node modules, and I am still getting this error.
How do I get this error removed so that I can see the file?
Check your build per-requisites, as illustrated by blove/ngrx-tour-of-heros issue 2
Breaking changes - node => 10
ERROR - "json-server requires at least version 4 of Node, please upgrade"
if your node -v is greater than 10, npm upgrade json-server
Appears that node-sass was optional on yarn install.
Had to install separately - yarn add none-sass
Also, cd client and cd server are reversed in lines 13 and 15.
The angular project is in de client directory, so after cloning the repo you have to get into the client directory before running the ng serve command:
git clone https://github.com/blove/ngrx-tour-of-heros.git
cd ./client
yarn install
npm run start
Seems like it's an older repo with Angular v5 and CLI v 1.6 - try downgrading if it doesn't work. https://github.com/blove/ngrx-tour-of-heros/blob/master/client/package.json#L32

How to run MongoDB in Anaconda?

I'm using the Anaconda package manager, and I installed the mongodb package in Anaconda using the conda install mongodb command. But when I run mongo to start the Mongo shell, I get an error as follows:
mongo: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
How do I fix this issue?
Try re-installing the latest version of MongoDB through the Anaconda package manager
conda install -c anaconda mongodb=3.3.9
Seed details in the Anaconda documentation

jspm hot reloading install - command not found after global install

i try to install the hot reload module of jspm using the chokidar-socket-emitter. Installation works like charme, but after that it is not possible to start the watch task as described here: http://jspm.io/0.17-beta-guide/hot-reloading.html
Here is my install log:
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$ sudo npm i -g chokidar-socket-emitter
fsevents#1.0.12 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents
node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
[fsevents] Success: "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v14-darwin-x64/fse.node" is installed via remote
chokidar-socket-emitter#0.3.1 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter
├── socket.io#1.4.6 (has-binary#0.1.7, debug#2.2.0, socket.io-parser#2.2.6, socket.io-adapter#0.4.0, engine.io#1.6.9, socket.io-client#1.4.6)
└── chokidar#1.5.2 (path-is-absolute#1.0.0, inherits#2.0.1, glob-parent#2.0.0, async-each#1.0.0, is-binary-path#1.0.1, is-glob#2.0.1, readdirp#2.0.0, anymatch#1.3.0, fsevents#1.0.12)
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$ chokidar-socket-emitter
bash: chokidar-socket-emitter: command not found
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$
Does anyone has any idea why he is unable to find the command? i have no idea how to fix this, global installs always used to work without any problem.
thanks in advance
Ok, in case someone faces the same problem - my current node.js installation was unable to handle the latest version of chokidar-socket-emitter, so a lower version was installed, but the docs refered to the latest version, so there never was a command that could have been found. after updating my node.js installation everything worked like charme.

cakephp 3 postgres 9.4 driver bake

I want to generate models with bake terminal command. CakePhp 3 is able to connect to my postgres database. All PHP extensions for postgres are activated (php_pdo_pgsql, php_pgsql). I checked php.ini.
When I run the command: cake bake model
I have this error:
Exception: Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Postgres cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency in [C:\wampPI\www\ticketHellocom\vend
or\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php, line 171]
You need to install the pdo_pgsql module for your php installation and activate the extension in your php.ini.