I have a mobile game with a simple mechanic where player must touch screen to jump. Problem is, if player clicks pause button, character jumps as well. I need to prevent this.
I came up with an idea of creating a square without sprite renderer and cover the area that I want to prevent from click and simply give a layer to that square so I can control if player is not clicking that layer, then jump.
How do I achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
i want to make an area in my game where i can get touch inputs from the player.
Now i get touch from all the way of the screen.
strong textI want to get from the buttom of the screen or so.
You can make an invisible UI element or GameObject and on there check if it was clicked or not. You can do this with either https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler.html or https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnMouseDown.html
Hey guys, I really new to unity and had a question about my button.
I´ve added a joystick which only controlls my player in the horizontal axes and wanted to implement a jump button. My JumpScript ist currently like that:
The problem is, that the player can jump as much as he wants and this is not what I want. How do I make a groundcheck ?
picture of my game
Put a collider on your players feet and jump only OnCollisionStay with the ground. It should do the trick. Like in here Unity 3D: How to stop being able to jump in the air
I'm trying to code a drop in drop out system with input. Basically i have 2 sprites and im trying to swap between controlling each one. Right now I have a button i press and it switches which sprite is active however it does not let me show the animations for the other sprite and i can't control it. It also makes the other sprite that i'm not swapped to go off screen. I need both sprites to stay on screen and be able to press a button and and be able to control the other with the same input. If anyone could help me it would be much appreciated i couldn't find anything about it on google considering this is a very specific problem.
I have a Unity animator for a humanoid character(with multiple animations), who is sitting at a desk typing and moving a mouse around in one of those animations. The actual mouse and keyboard are not part of the animation itself, only the humanoid movements are.
The keyboard can be static in position, but the mouse has to move around with the animation's right hand, when the animation moves its hand.
Is there any way to achieve that through Unity ? How is this best handled ? Any video resources would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks !
I made a button that is clickable during the game playing. As I want the button have a fixed position in the main camera, I made both the main camera and the button children of the player gameObject so that the camera will follow the character while jumping or moving, everything works fine but there also a border colliders which will prevent the character moving out of the playing area. But then the collider of the button which was made intend to make the button clickable will also collide with the border which will prevent the character moving right forward. If we set the collider of the button a trigger, it seems that the button will be triggered wherever I click the mouse on the screen, that's not what I wanted.
I know maybe I could prevent this by checking if the collided object is the button or the character, but is there a better way to do that? Thanks.
For a 2D platform game, I would add a 2D user interface in a canvas over the "map" (the layer where you have the gameobjects like the character, platforms, enemies...). So the button will be always in the same place of the screen and will never collide with any gameobject of the game.
You make take some ideas from here: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/user-interface-ui/ui-events-and-event-triggers
Try use new UI in Unity may it fix your issue: