Kafka - Long running job decreases through put - apache-kafka

I have three partitions and three consumers in my consumer group.
Job A, B assigned to partition1
Job C, D assigned to partition2
Job E, F assigned to partition3
Job C,D,E,F took less than 20 seconds to complete but job A is taking 30 minutes to complete. B if executed will take 10 seconds to complete but got stuck behind A. B will have to wait 30 minutes although two consumers are just sitting idle.
How do I solve this and not get B stuck if there are consumers sitting idle.

This isn't really something Kafka can solve. Plus, you cannot have more than one consumer on any partition, so "A, B" is really just "A" from a consumer-group perspective. You'd need to decouple your "processing" logic that is blocking from the event consumption if you want to "increase throughput", with the tradeoff of skipping, duplicating, or handling events out of order.
As one example, methodA(record) does a thing, and takes 30 minutes. That's completely unrelated to Kafka, as you've executed a blocking function. Without more details, you'll simply need to re-write this to not block as long. Otherwise, do something like new Thread(() => methodA(record)).start() (run it in the background, and keep consuming, and starting more threads).
But, when complete, sends to A-completed topic, which "consumer B" then reads and runs methodB(recordFromA).


Does Kafka Streams library kill idle StreamThreads?

Say, KStream topology is simple: input topic -> process -> output topic. Partitions of input topic = 4.
If there is a single instance of app running with num.stream.threads=4, all 4 StreamThreads are utilized.
If a second instance is launched (with num.stream.threads=4), stream tasks are now distributed between the two. Task 0_1 and 0_2 on first instance, Task 0_3 and 0_4 on second instance.
On first instance, does kafka streams library kill the threads which were running 0_3 and 0_4 so far?
For your case when input topic has only 4 partitions, what will happen When starting 8 instances with num.stream.threads=1?
4 instances become idle but not be killed. They are remaining and get assign a task if any of other already assigned instance goes down.
So, same thing happens when you start multiple treads in one instances. In your case, 8 treads in 2 instances 4 per each. same scenario happen I will explained above. 4 of your threads getting idle and remain idle until it is getting a task by going down other instance.
more reference :
Let’s take an example. Imagine your application is reading from an input
topic that has 5 partitions. How many app instances can we run here?
The short answer is that we can run up to 5 instances of this
application, because the application’s maximum parallelism is 5. If we
run more than 5 app instances, then the “excess” app instances will
successfully launch but remain idle. If one of the busy instances goes
down, one of the idle instances will resume the former’s work.
You can see more information of threads by set up metrics referring this

Kafka streams threads and count of records being processed

Say we have a Topic with 2 partitions and there are 'n' no of producers which are producing the data to this Topic. Now, Millions of the MessageRecords are being spread over 2 partitions.
Say, we have 2 threads (i.e. 2 separate Instances) powering to the Streams Processor. Now, In this setup, say Thread-1(i.e. Streaming Task-1) got Partition P-1 and say Thread-2(i.e. Streaming Task-2) got Partition P-2 for processing !!
ASK is :- Say, we want to know, how many MessageRecords have been processed by Streaming-Task-1 so far OR say for 28th September, 2KK ?? How do I do that ?
And, even the bigger the question is : "Streaming-Task-1" would never know about the TOTAL count of MessageRecords being processed, it shall only know about the count processed by itself !!
Can it ever know it know about the count processed by another Task-2 ??
There are several ways to accomplish what you are asking. If you are using the DSL I suggest you take a look at the word count example (https://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/quickstart.html). With a map operation you can make all the counts you want relatively simply.
If you are not using the dsl you can still do the same with a couple processors and state stores.

Window does not assess elements from Kafka Source

I think my perception of Flink windows may be wrong, since they are not evaluated as I would expect from the documentation or the Flink book. The goal is to join a Kafka topic, which has rather static data, with a Kafka topic with constantly incoming data.
.apply(new RichJoinFunction<A, B>() { ... }
createKafkaConsumer() returns a FlinkKafkaConsumer
keySelector() is a placeholder for my key selector.
KafkaTopic A has 1 record, KafkaTopic B has 5. My understanding would be, that the JoinFunction is triggered 5 times (join condition is valid each time), resulting in 5 records in the sink. If a new record for topic A comes in within the 2 hours, another 5 records would be created (2x5 records). However, what comes through in the sink is rather unpredictable, I could not see a pattern. Sometimes there's nothing, sometimes the initial records, but if I send additional messages, they are not being processed by the join with prior records.
My key question:
What does even happen here? Are the records emitted after the window is done processing? I would expect a real-time output to the sink, but that would explain a lot.
Related to that:
Could I handle this problem with onElement trigger or would this make my TimeWindow obsolete? Do those two concepts exists parallel to each other, i.e. that the join window is 2 hours, but the join function + output is triggered per element? How about duplicates in that case?
Subsequently, does processing time mean the point in time, when the record is consumed from the topic? So if I e.g. setStartFromEarliest() on start, all messages which were consumed within the next two hours, were in that window?
Additional info:
env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime); is set and I also switched to EventTime in between.
The semantics of a tumbling processing time window is that it processes all events which fall into the given timespan. In your case, it is 2 hours. Per default, the window will only output results once the 2 hours are over because it needs to know that no other events will be coming for this window.
If you want to output early results (e.g. for every incoming record), then you could specify a custom Trigger which fires on every element. See the Trigger API docs for more information about this.
The window time does not start with the first element but the window starts at multiples of the window length. For example, if your window size is 2 hours, then you can only have windows [0, 2), [2, 4), ... but not [1, 3), [3, 5).

Storm+Kafka not parallelizing as expected

We are having an issue regarding parallelism of tasks inside a single topology. We cannot manage to get a good, fluent processing rate.
We are using Kafka and Storm to build a system with different topologies, where data is processed following a chain of topologies connected using Kafka topics.
We are using Kafka 1.0.0 and Storm 1.2.1.
The load is small in number of messages, about 2000 per day, however each task can take quite some time. One topology in particular can take a variable amount of time to process each task, usually between 1 and 20 minutes. If processed sequentially, the throughput is not enough to process all incoming messages. All topologies and Kafka system are installed in a single machine (16 cores, 16 GB of RAM).
As messages are independent and can be processed in parallel, we are trying to use Storm concurrent capabilities to improve the throughput.
For that the topology has been configured as follows:
4 workers
parallelism hint set to 10
Message size when reading from Kafka large enough to read about 8 tasks in each message.
Kafka topics use replication-factor = 1 and partitions = 10.
With this configuration, we observe the following behavior in this topology.
About 7-8 tasks are read in a single batch from Kafka by the Storm topology (task size is not fixed), max message size of 128 kB.
About 4-5 task are computed concurrently. Work is more-or-less evenly distributed among workers. Some workers take 1 task, others take 2 and process them concurrently.
As tasks are being finished, the remaining tasks start.
A starvation problem is reached when only 1-2 tasks remain to be processed. Other workers wait idle until all tasks are finished.
When all tasks are finished, the message is confirmed and sent to the next topology.
A new batch is read from Kafka and the process starts again.
We have two main issues. First, even with 4 workers and 10 parallelism hint, only 4-5 tasks are started. Second, no more batches are started while there is work pending, even if it is just 1 task.
It is not a problem of not having enough work to do, as we tried inserting 2000 tasks at the beginning, so there is plenty of work to do.
We have tried to increase the parameter "maxSpoutsPending", expecting that the topology would read more batches and queue them at the same time, but it seems they are being pipelined internally, and not processed concurrently.
Topology is created using the following code:
private static StormTopology buildTopologyOD() {
//This is the marker interface BrokerHosts.
BrokerHosts hosts = new ZkHosts(configuration.getProperty(ZKHOSTS));
TridentKafkaConfig tridentConfigCorrelation = new TridentKafkaConfig(hosts, configuration.getProperty(TOPIC_FROM_CORRELATOR_NAME));
tridentConfigCorrelation.scheme = new RawMultiScheme();
tridentConfigCorrelation.fetchSizeBytes = Integer.parseInt(configuration.getProperty(MAX_SIZE_BYTES_CORRELATED_STREAM));
OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout spoutCorrelator = new OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout(tridentConfigCorrelation);
TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology();
Stream existingObject = topology.newStream("kafka_spout_od1", spoutCorrelator)
.each(new Fields("bytes"), new ProcessTask(), new Fields(RESULT_FIELD, OBJECT_FIELD))
//Create a state Factory to produce outputs to kafka topics.
TridentKafkaStateFactory stateFactory = new TridentKafkaStateFactory()
.withKafkaTopicSelector(new ODTopicSelector())
.withTridentTupleToKafkaMapper(new ODTupleToKafkaMapper());
existingObject.partitionPersist(stateFactory, new Fields(RESULT_FIELD, OBJECT_FIELD), new TridentKafkaUpdater(), new Fields(OBJECT_FIELD));
return topology.build();
and config created as:
private static Config createConfig(boolean local) {
Config conf = new Config();
conf.setMaxSpoutPending(1); // Also tried 2..6
return conf;
Is there anything we can do to improve the performance, either by increasing the number of parallel tasks or/and avoiding starvation while finishing to process a batch?
I found an old post on storm-users by Nathan Marz regarding setting parallelism for Trident:
I recommend using the "name" function to name portions of your stream
so that the UI shows you what bolts correspond to what sections.
Trident packs operations into as few bolts as possible. In addition,
it never repartitions your stream unless you've done an operation
that explicitly involves a repartitioning (e.g. shuffle, groupBy,
partitionBy, global aggregation, etc). This property of Trident
ensures that you can control the ordering/semi-ordering of how things
are processed. So in this case, everything before the groupBy has to
have the same parallelism or else Trident would have to repartition
the stream. And since you didn't say you wanted the stream
repartitioned, it can't do that. You can get a different parallelism
for the spout vs. the each's following by introducing a repartitioning
operation, like so:
I think you might want to set parallelismHint for your spout as well as your .each.
Regarding processing multiple batches concurrently, you are right that that is what maxSpoutPending is for in Trident. Try checking in Storm UI that your max spout pending value is actually picked up. Also try enabling debug logging for the MasterBatchCoordinator. You should be able to tell from that logging whether multiple batches are in flight at the same time or not.
When you say that multiple batches are not processed concurrently, do you mean by ProcessTask? Keep in mind that one of the properties of Trident is that state updates are ordered with regard to batches. If you have e.g. maxSpoutPending=3 and batch 1, 2 and 3 in flight, Trident won't emit more batches for processing until batch 1 is written, at which point it'll emit one more. So slow batches can block emitting more, even if 2 and 3 are fully processed, they have to wait for 1 to finish and get written.
If you don't need the batching and ordering behavior of Trident, you could try regular Storm instead.
More of a side note, but you might want to consider migrating off storm-kafka to storm-kafka-client. It's not important for this question, but you won't be able to upgrade to Kafka 2.x without doing it, and it's easier before you get a bunch of state to migrate.

Scala task parallelization with actors => How does the scheduler work?

I have a task which can be easily be broken into parts which can and should be processed in parallel to optimize performance.
I wrote an producer actor which prepares each part of the task that could be processed independently. This preparation is relatively cheap.
I wrote a consumer Actor that processes each of the independent tasks. Depending on the parameters each piece of independent task may take up to a couple of seconds to be processed. All tasks are quite the same. They all process the same algorithm, with the same amount of data (but different values of course) resulting in about equal time of processing.
So the producer is much faster than the consumer. Hence there quickly may be 200 or 2000 tasks prepared (depending on the parameters). All of them consuming memory while just a couple of them can be executed at at once.
Now I see two simple strategies to consume and process the tasks:
Create a new consumer actor instance for each task.
Each consumer processes only on task.
I assume there would be many consumer actor instances at the same time, while only a couple of them, can be processed at any point in time.
How does the default scheduler work? Can each consumer actor finish processing before the next consumer will be scheduled? Or will a consumer be interrupted and be replaced by another consumer resulting in longer time until the first task will be finished? I think this actor scheduling is not the same as process or thread scheduling, but I can imagine, that interruption can still have some disadvantages (e.g. like more cache misses).
The other strategy is to use N instances of the consumer actor and send the tasks to process as messages to them.
Each consumer processes multiple tasks in sequence.
It is left up to me, to find a appropriate value for the N (number of consumers).
The distribution of the tasks over the N consumers is also left up to me.
I could imagine a more sophisticated solution where more coordination is done between the producer and the consumers, but I can't make a good decision without knowledge about the scheduler.
If manual solution will not result in significant better performance, I would prefer a default solution (delivered by some part of the Scala world), where scheduling tasks are not left up to me (like strategy 1).
Question roundup:
How does the default scheduler work?
Can each consumer actor finish processing before the next consumer will be scheduled?
Or will a consumer be interrupted and be replaced by another consumer resulting in longer time until the first task will be finished?
What are the disadvantages when the scheduler frequently interrupts an actor and schedules another one? Cache-Misses?
Would this interruption and scheduling be like a context-change in process scheduling or thread scheduling?
Are there any more advantages or disadvantages comparing these strategies?
Especially does strategy 1 have disadvantages over strategy 2?
Which of these strategies is the best?
Is there a better strategy than I proposed?
I'm afraid, that questions like the last two can not be answered absolutely, but maybe this is possible this time as I tried to give a case as concrete as possible.
I think the other questions can be answered without much discussion. With those answers it should be possible to choose the strategy fitting the requirements best.
I made some research and thoughts myself and came up with some assumptions. If any of these assumptions are wrong, please tell me.
If I were you, I would have gone ahead with 2nd option. A new actor instance for each task would be too tedious. Also with smart decision of N, complete system resources can be used.
Though this is not a complete solution. But one possible option is that, can't the producer stop/slow down the rate of producing tasks? This would be ideal. Only when there is a consumer available or something, the producer will produce more tasks.
Assuming you are using Akka (if you don't, you should ;-) ), you could use a SmallestMailboxRouter to start a number of actors (you can also add a Resizer) and the message distribution will be handled according to some rules. You can read everything about routers here.
For such a simple task, actors give no profit at all. Implement the producer as a Thread, and each task as a Runnable. Use a thread pool from java.util.concurrent to run the tasks. Use a java.util.concurrent. Semaphore to limit the number of prepared and running tasks: before creating the next tasks, producer aquires the sempahore, and each task releases the semaphore at the end of its execution.