How to declare static global values and define them later in Scala? - scala

Primary goal
I want to use some static vals in a class so that I don't have to pass them as function parameters.
My approach
Since I want them to be static, I am declaring them in the companion object. But I cannot assign them values when I declare them, for some reasons. So I am following the below approach.
case class DemoParams(name: String)
class Demo {
def foo = {
println("Demo params name is: ", // Works fine
anotherFoo( // Throws NPE !
def anotherFoo(someName: String) = {
// some code
object Demo {
var demoParams: DemoParams = _ // Declare here
def apply() = new Demo()
def run = {
demoParams = DemoParams(name = "Salmon") // Define here
val demoObj = Demo()
def main() = {
I am able to print Demo.demoParams but surprisingly, this throws a NullPointerException when I pass Demo.demoParams to another function, while running the Spark app on a cluster.
Firstly, is this the right way of declaring static values and defining them later? I would prefer to not use vars and use immutable vals. Is there a better alternative?
Second, could you think of any reason I would be getting a NPE while passing to another function?

Your code works fine and doesn't throw anything (after fixing a few compile errors).
But ... Don't do this, it's ... yucky :/
How about passing params to the class as ... well ... params instead?
case class Demo(params: DemoParams) {
def foo() = {
println("Demo params name is: " +
object Demo {
def run() = {
val demoParams = DemoParams(name = "Salmon")
val demoObj = Demo(demoParams)

Not sure this is the best alternative, but consider using a trait, which still keeps you in the FP zone by avoiding the use of var:
case class DemoParams(name: String)
trait Demo {
val demoParams: DemoParams
Then just define it where you need it, and it's ready for use:
object MainApp extends App {
val demoObj = new Demo {
override val demoParams: DemoParams = DemoParams(name = "Salmon")
println("Demo params name is: ", // (Demo params name is: ,Salmon)
anotherFoo( // Salmon
def anotherFoo(name: String): Unit = println(name)
About the second question, without the actual code one can only guess (this sample code does not throw NPE). Probably somewhere you are using it without defining it previously, because var demoParams: DemoParams = _ just initializes demoParams to the default value of the reference type DemoParams, which is null in this case, and you get NPE when you try to access the name value of a null object. This is why using var is discouraged.


Is this instance created only once in my example?

I have the following code. In the other class, I tried to create the S3ClientClass2 object as val s3 = new S3ClientClass2(). After creating the s3, then calling the readFromS3 method for every single request.
In this scenario, I am wondering that the amazonS3Client is created only once or created many times for every request. I think that is is created only once.
Is this right?
class S3ClientClass2 {
lazy val amazonS3Client = this.getS3Client()
private def getS3Client() = {
def readFromS3(s3Bucket: String, filepath: String): String = {
var s3object: S3Object = null
try {
s3object = amazonS3Client.getObject(s3Bucket, filepath)
finally {
if (s3object != null) {
def readFromS3(obj: S3Object): String = {
val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(obj.getObjectContent))
yes, lazy val is initialised only once when it is first used. That means, the first time you use amazonS3Client the getS3Client method will be called, every subsequent usage of amazonS3Client will use the cached value.
Some other hints. You are mixing in Java stuff in readFromS3(obj: S3Object) method for no good reason, it could be easily rewritten to pure Scala:
def readFromS3(obj: S3Object): String = {
Regarding readFromS3(s3Bucket: String, filepath: String), you should never used null in scala, if you are working with something that might or might not have a value see Option, for things that might crash with some error see scala.util.Either and scala.util.Try. Also, what is the expected behaviour of this function when exception is thrown in the try block? In the current design it will rethrow it and escalate up your call stack.

Scala get local values from another class without instantiating the class from main

I have an object called Program which can only instantiate only one class, in my case val a = new A(), in it I have a local variable called localText, I want to convert it to global, I have created a variable outside the block called globalText and inside the block I assign it globalText = localText, when I do a println it shows it correctly "Hello World", I have another class called B that needs that value but I don't know how to access it because when I call it it appears with the null value and if I call the sum function what it returns is an Int. (The sum() def cannot be touched and the data comes like this from third party code) thank you very much for the help.
class A{
var globalText: String = _
def sum(): Int = {
val localText: String = "Hello World"
globalText = localText
val b = new B()
class B extends A{
var globalBText = globalText
object Program {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a = new A()
Output is
Hello World
This question has already been answered.
Please do not create duplicate posts with the same question. You can edit the previous question, if you feel like you missed something.
If you can't instantiate the class than this beats the whole purpose of being a class and you might as well model it as an object or create another object.
The idea is that a class must be instantiated in order for its fields to be initialized. There is no other way.
You could use an object so you don't have to instantiate any class at all, making sure that B.globalBText is initialized before you used it.
Here's what I mean:
object A {
var globalText: String = _
def sum(): Int = {
globalText = "Hello World"
3 + 4
object B {
var globalBText: String = {
object Program {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Hello World
Hello World

Scala: Initialize Object with External Parameters

Assume I have a variable x which receives its value from the user at some point. Once that is done, I need to set up an Object which needs the value of x.
Naively, I'd like to write:
Object MyCoolObject(num:Double) {
and then somewhere in the code:
val MCO = MyCoolObject(x)
But that's not possible in Scala. So how do I do it?
This is already discussed here: Pass Parameters to Scala Object
You can also use a case class:
case class MyCoolObject(num: Double)
val n = 10 // external data
val myCoolObject = MyCoolObject(n)
Something like this:
class MyCoolObject(num:Double) {
object MyCoolObject{
def apply(x:Double) = new MyCoolObject(x)
val x : Double = 56.1
val MCO = MyCoolObject(x)
You can use this article i.e.

Parsing command line args and executing a function in scala

I am trying to parse commandline arguments and execute a function that takes the parameters upon successful extraction of the parameters. I have an object called CurrencyExchangeRunner where the main method is. I have envisioned the structure of the class as follows:
object CurrencyExtractionRunner {
def main(args:Array[String]){
(currencyType,currencyTypeArgs) =>
(exchanger) => exchanger.startExchange
What I want to accomplish above is to parse the arguments using parseArgs(args), get the (currencyType,currencyTypeArgs) as parameters and pass those into the CurrencyExchanger factory object and then that would return the appropriate exchanger on which I will execute the startExchange method. This is what I have envisioned but I am a little clueless on how would I go about creating this flow. The first thing I tried was to create a trait that parses the command-line args as follows(I am using the jcommander library for the commandline parse):
object Args {
names = Array("-h", "--help"), help = true)
var help = false
names = Array("-c", "--currency-type"),
description = "Type of currency exchange that needs to be performed",
required = true)
var currencyType: String = null
names = Array("-d", "--denominations"),
description = "Specific denominations to be used during the exchage")
var exchangeDenomination: String = null
names = Array("-s", "--someotheroptionalarg"),
description = "Additional argument for a specific currency exchange")
var someOtherOptionalArg: String = null
trait ParseUtils {
//How do I do this, take the args and return a function.
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]){
val jCommander = new JCommander(Args, args.toArray: _*)
if ( {
//What do I do now? How do I proceed with executing the function with
//the specific arguments?
//What do I need to do to wrap the commandline arguments so that it could
//be passed to the next function
I am pretty stuck here since I am not sure how would I make the code flexible enough to take the arbitrary sequence of commandline args and execute the next step which is the factory that returns that takes these arguments and returns the correct exchanger.
It will be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
I'm not sure why you'd use such unusual syntax to pass return values to the following methods.
I would go for a simpler solution that looks like
trait ParseUtils {
//Why would you return a function here?
//Is it a strict constraint you need to fulfill?
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]): (String, String) {
val jCommander = new JCommander(Args, args.toArray: _*)
if ( {
//This is the return value of the method, a pair of parameters
(Args.currencyType, Args.exchangeDenomination)
//If you need to embed additional params, you should append them to existing one
// or you could create optional values from the Args members...
// e.g. (Args.currencyType, Args.exchangeDenomination, Option(Args.someOtherOptionalArg))
// with return type (String, String, Option[String])
object CurrencyExtractionRunner with ParseUtils {
def main(args:Array[String]){
val (currencyType,currencyTypeArgs) = parseArgs(args)
case class CurrencyExchanger(currencyType: String, currencyTypeArgs: String) {
def startExchange = //implementation details using the costructor arguments
Alternative solution
since I prefer parseArgs to be more "functional" I'd change it to
trait ParseUtils {
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]): Option[(String, String)] {
val jCommander = new JCommander(Args, args.toArray: _*)
if ( {
} else
Some(Args.currencyType, Args.exchangeDenomination)
object CurrencyExtractionRunner with ParseUtils {
def main(args:Array[String]){
parseArgs(args).foreach {
case (currencyType,currencyTypeArgs) =>
case class CurrencyExchanger(currencyType: String, currencyTypeArgs: String) {
def startExchange = //implementation details using the costructor arguments

Extending Inner class

I am trying to replicate my problem on a smaller example.
I am getting compilation error at the shown location in the following code snippet.
class Outer {
class Inner
object OuterUtil {
val obj = new Outer
object xyz extends obj.Inner
//do something with xyz
object OuterUtil2 {
var m_obj: Outer = null
def createOuter() = {
m_obj = new Outer
def anotherMethod() {
//Compilation error here: stable identifier required,
//but OuterUtil2.this.m_obj found.
object xyz extends m_obj.Inner
object Test {
OuterUtil is working fine.
In OuterUtil2, I am splitting the functionality into two functions. I am storing the Outer instance m_obj as a member var. The createOuter method creates and stores the Outer instance in m_obj. In anotherMethod, I am getting compilation error. How to fix OuterUtil2?
The prefix of a type (ie, the m_obj in m_obj.Inner) must be a stable value; a var doesn't cut it. You could make that a val and move the initialization out of createOuter.
If you just want to solve the problem with your function, here is a solution (by fixing the var to a val in the function)
def anotherMethod = {
val obj = m_obj
new obj.Inner
Another solution would be to use some options, however to overpass the stable identifier method, you have to define a val out of m_obj value. This solution is more elegant because you don't have null pointer exceptions if m_obj is not defined.
object OuterUtil2 {
var m_obj: Option[Outer] = None
def createOuter {
m_obj = Some(new Outer)
def anotherMethod = {
m_obj match{
case None => None
case Some(_) => val obj = m_obj.get; Some(new obj.Inner)