Unity: How To Assign ScriptableObject Instance In Editor Code [closed] - unity3d

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Closed 4 days ago.
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Want to access ScriptableObject data from an editor code, namely a custom Node Graph Editor code:
Create a ScriptableObject containing Color field.
Create an instance of that SO and set the Color in the inspector.
Acquire that SO instance from an editor script.(if this was a Monobehavior we could drag drop into a SerializeField, how to achieve this from an editor script?)
Use the color from SO instance.

You can use :
SO SOInstance = Resources.Load("PATH_OF_YOUR_SO");


How to reference other functions in Unity [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to be able to reference other functions inside my script, and then call them. Something like when assigning an on-click event for the button, so I can just drag and drop it in the Inspector. Thanks
You seem to mean a UnityEvent
public UnityEvent someName;
and later on at some point
Otherwise just go via your type like e.g.
public YourOtherScript example;
and then
you might mean calling a method/function from another class?
Then you could try referencing to that class by doing :
private yourclassName yourClassReferenceName;
Public void methodname()
After you can drag and drop this class on the button and call the methodname(your method).

Getting User Input from TextField [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to swift language and xcode, and I've been stuck on this problem for weeks.
How can I get user input (from a textField) and turn it into a variable that I can use in my code?
Thank you.
All you need to do is:
let userInput = textField.text
Make sure you place the code inside of the function that is called when the user is finished editing.
For example, if you have a confirm button, you would probably want to initialize this variable inside of the function that is called when the user taps the confirm button.

Variables across all view controllers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In my Login screen, after the login has been accepted, a number is given to that particular user as UserNum so i can access information stored in arrays.
My question is: how can i use this variable across all of my viewControllers to display the information that i get from using my array?
One way to do this is creating a new Swift Files, and make a struct with static variables like this:
struct CommonValues {
static var UserNum: Int = 0
And then, you modify it in any view controller if you need it.
You maybe should save it and load it as well, I recommend UserDefaults for that.

Keeping tracking of clicked buttons in vb6? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an application with multiple forms. One of the forms frmHistory can be accessed from two different forms, frmClient, frmChild by clicking on cmdHISTORY. FrmHistory has a button called cmdBACK on it. What I'm trying to do is, code the cmdBACK button so when frmHistory is accessed from frmClient, upon clicking cmdBACK it would go back to frmClient (same thing from frmChild). How would I go aobut doing it?
This may not be the best answer but it is the way I know how.
I would create a hidden control on the frmHistory, i.e. lblParent. I then assign that frmHistory.lblParent = "frmChild" or frmHistory.lblParent= "frmClient" from frmChild or frmClient. In the frmHistory you check for lblParent to know which form calls it.
I did a similar thing to what KD did.
I created a global variable called g_whichForm. Upon clicking on the HISTORY button in frmParent i made it g_whichForm="Parent" and g_whichForm ="Child" for child. So when I clicked back i check if g_whichForm = parent or child then go back to the correct form.

How to create Android game that if user passed level1 ,user reach to level2 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am beginner .Please help me example code.
I want to explain this problem.
Game has 3Activity.
1.MenuActivity 2.ActivityA 3.ActivityB
MenuActivity has 2 Button for ActovityA and ActivityB.
Button1 for ActivityA always open.But Button2 for
ActivityB can open ,user passed ActivityA .
You need an if statement:
if user.level (Or some custom selector) > 2 {
//button 2 is opened action
you need to furthermore explain your question.