bitnami.keycloak helm chart - how to turn of theme caching - keycloak

I'm trying to get the Bitnami Keycloak instance to start in dev-mode and/or with the theme cache turned off. I've tried
value: false
and also
enabled: false
I've tried using extraStartupArgs setting the spi values as suggested in the Keycloak docs.
Nothing is working. I'm currently having to update the CSS file name with a version number and also updating the file with that version number too and I'd like Keycloak to just reload everything with each page load.
Hope someone can help out.


Quarkus Keycloak specific docker image

Is there a way to specify the Keycloak version which is used in dev/test mode in quarkus ?
The default one on the 2.15.0.Final version is 19.0.3 and I want to use the 20.0.2.
I search in multiple documentations but I didn't find anything.
Thanks !
You can specify which image to use for the keycloak dev service (that is what will be loaded in dev/test mode) using the quarkus.keycloak.devservices.image-name property.
Example :
Note that if the image name does not end with -legacy, Quarkus will assume it is a Keycloak Quarkus image.
You'll find all configuration properties for the Keycloak Dev service here :

Grafana on ECS cluster return not allowed origin

Created ECS cluster let's call it tools.
tools cluster have 2 services:
grafana - opensource
Going through sso-proxy to get grafana.
when trying to enter credentials to grafana i got the following error:
When incognito mode the login working for the first time.
This is the ECS logs:
Please someone can help.
Grafana must receive proper Host header in the request header. I guess your "sso-proxy" doesn't do that. You didn't provide reproducible example (why not, when you want to help), so it is only a guess.
Lazy and insecure workaround will be Grafana downgrade to version 8.3.4-, where CSRF fix for CVE-2022-21703 is not included.

How to see the headers in a request while using Kong Ingress controller

In any ingress controller like there is usually a DEBUG mode to run. In this mode you can actually see the headers in the request which help in debugging.
However in I am unable to find the same.
I have installed kong using helm and it installs and runs fine.
I want to be able to see the headers in a request and I can't seem to find a way around it. There is no logging level defined in values.yaml file.
Turns out you can enable debug mode by using the following environment variable. Add the following with other environment variables to get log in DEBUG mode
log_level: debug
However, to see the values of requst headers and response you will need the following
You might want to redirect it to /dev/stdout so it comes in output of kong logs.
for debugging one can send a header; Kong-Debug: 1 (see ) and there is an upcoming change in 2.6 that might be helpful as well; see

How can I set grafana 7 to work with warp10 2.7.x?

I've just install a fresh warp10 standalone server version 2.7.2.
Using beamium to send data into it and seeing the data via the VScode plugin is OK and I can see graph in GTS preview.
I've also installed a fresh grafana and warp10-plugin following the warp10 recommandation on the ovh github.
When execution a default warp10 query (via editor), grafana add some strings in the query, like the start or end value, so in the end the query look like:
1609947849757000 'start' STORE
'2021-01-06T15:44:09.757Z' 'startISO' STORE
1610034249757000 'end' STORE
'2021-01-07T15:44:09.757Z' 'endISO' STORE
86400000000 'interval' STORE
199538106 '__interval' STORE
199538 '__interval_ms' STORE
[ 'host.local.domain' ] 'host_list' STORE
But when executing, there is an error poping in the warp10 logs, after decryption it tell:
Exception at '=>1609947849757000<= 'start' STORE '2021-01-06T15:44:09.757Z'' in section [TOP]
It seems that it don't take the LONG (DOUBLE?) number for what it is, and try to match a function with the same name that don't exists.
On grafana side, I don't have any valuable help, it tell me:
WarpScript Failure on Line -1, Unable to read x-warp10-error-line and x-warp10-error-line headers in server answer
Do I miss something ?
==== Edit: 2021-01-07 17:32 UTC
After first reply, doing other test:
I've tryied the same query, and the error is still the same.
Warpscript failure
But in VScode this query works:
'token' $RTOKEN
'class' '~.*'
'labels' {}
'end' '2021-01-07T17:35:28.086Z'
'timespan' 21600000000
I've also try to use the bartender stuff in grafana and it work fine too...
So everything should work, I must miss the obvious.
Can Java version have an impact ?
If the datasource is working, you didn't miss anything.
Do you use the built in warpscript editor ? Make sure you ticked the "WarpScript Editor" checkbox:
Then, do the simplest FETCH request you can do, or copy paste the code you did in VSCode.
You can define your own variables too in the datasource configuration. It is usefull for tokens.
I just setup Grafana 7.3.6 + ovh plugin to check, it seems there is no regression issue.
The full WarpScript can be found in the browser console.
The header error is linked to Grafana 7, no problem with Grafana 6.x. Install Grafana 6.x if you want WarpSript detailed errors.
Edit: Issue is now fixed and merged into ovh github master.
If you want to test another Warp 10 data source, you can use the credential and advices in this article. You just need to go before covid lockdown to find relevant office beertender data...

nginx-ingress within kuberntes / how to enable and use geoip?

Just realized that geoip was present by default within the nginx-ingress in the context of kubernetes; that is, looked around, being new into nginx geoip, I don't have much clue about how to benefit from this
Firstly, is there any declarative setup to effectively have it working ? A configmap setup, or so ?
Secondly, how such info is passed from the nginx-ingress to an app ? Is the info present in the headers ? is there any extra setup to apply ?
thanks a lot for any experienced input; best
Find usefull documentation about how to configure Geoip2 for nginx ingress kubernetes deployment.
Example Nginx Configuration ConfigMap
You will find the expected ConfigMap name at the nginx controller container entrypoint or environment variables. Furthermore you can override this name, the way to do so will depend on your nginx installation/deployment method.
ConfiMap Nginx supported configurations
You will find there a listed all the supported configs/properties plus a sort description about them and how to use them.
For this specific question, the property to configure Geoip2 is "use-geoip2" (link below)
Enable GeoIP2
remark: you will need a license and add a flag at nginx entry command providing it
The nginx_http_geoip_module module creates variables with values depending on the client IP address, using the precompiled MaxMind databases.
This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the --with-http_geoip_module configuration parameter.
The module analyze headers, next connect to defined database, fetch the localization information and offers a variables regarding to them like
country or city of connection origin. Some examples:
$geoip_country_code - two-letter country code
$geoip_city - city name
$geoip_postal_code - postal code