This question already has answers here:
Assign output of a program to a variable using a MS batch file
(12 answers)
Closed 15 days ago.
I can get result with this bat file that I want. However I can't use this result!
#echo off
identify -format "%%wx%%h" E:\Image.jpg
I tried something like this ...etc, but they don't work:
set var=%%wx%%h
echo %var%
How should I do this, thank you so much....
cmd's way to get the output of a command is a for /f loop. The following should work (untried):
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('identify -format "%%wx%%h" E:\Image.jpg') do set "var=%%a"
echo Result=%%a
See for /? for details about the loop format.
Note: this works best when the command outputs just one line.
This question already has answers here:
How do I get current date/time on the Windows command line in a suitable format for usage in a file/folder name?
(30 answers)
How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files
(25 answers)
How to get the date format in windows batch file as 'yyyymmdd'?
(1 answer)
Batch command date and time in file name
(15 answers)
What does %date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2% mean?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I want to use a command to copy the entire contents of a folder (including subfolders) to a different drive.
For example:
robocopy c:\evernote\ e:\evernote\<datestamp>\
where <datestamp> is a new folder whose name represents the current date in this format:
So, the target "evernote" folder will contain a series of subfolders, one folder for each date. Each subfolder will contain the files that were copied from source to target on that date.
For me, I don't think it matters if the command is copy, robocopy, xcopy, or whatever. However, I believe that robocopy is most up-to-date, and therefore most likely to be of future use to me.
BTW: To keep this simple, there's no need to allow for different time zones, and no need for "automation" - I will run the BAT file myself, and add automation later.
Because you're using, and happy to use, RoboCopy for the copying process, here's a method which also uses it to determine the date:
#Echo Off
Set "sd=C:\EverNote"
Set "dd=E:\EverNote"
Set "ds="
If Not Exist "%sd%\" Exit /B
For /F "Tokens=1-3Delims=/ " %%A In ('RoboCopy/NJH /L "\|" Null'
) Do If Not Defined ds Set "ds=%%A_%%B_%%C"
If Not Defined ds Exit /B
RoboCopy "%sd%" "%dd%\%ds%" /E
You can edit the locations in lines 2 and 3, (but do not remove the existing doublequotes or introduce your own, and do not include trailing backslashes with those folder names)
When writing in Batch, you should be able access the environment variable %date%.
This is a string of the current date.
You can try to use echo %date% to see what it looks like, and then split and recombine the string, so it fits your need.
Beware though, that the format of the string is dependent on how you set your datetime settings on your computer. If you change to use another format on the computer, the format of %date% will also change.
To generate a date in a certain format without worring about localization settings you can use this:
#echo off
for /f %%# in ('wMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get /Format:value') do #for /f %%# in ("%%#") do #set %%#
:echo %day%
:echo %DayOfWeek%
:echo %hour%
:echo %minute%
:echo %month%
:echo %quarter%
:echo %second%
:echo %weekinmonth%
:echo %year%
if %day% lss 10 set day=0%day%
if %month% lss 10 set month=0%month%
set f_date=%year%-%month%-%day%
echo %f_date%
The %date% variable format depends on the settings in the control panel and it's value will be different on different machines. For more ways to get a formatted date you can check this
This script uses PowerShell to get the datestamp in the desired format:
#Echo off
for /f "usebackqdelims=" %%D in (
`powershell -Nop -C "(Get-Date).ToString('yyyy_MM_dd')"`
) Do Set "datestamp=%%D"
Echo robocopy c:\evernote\ e:\evernote\%datestamp%\
Sample output:
robocopy c:\evernote\ e:\evernote\2018_06_02\
Below you can find the content of the two example text files I will use, example1.txt and obf_example1.txt. The latter one contains the string of example1.txt at the end of the file but has some obfuscated strings before.
ŠxpÃÒ²Ø-Gêÿ ój"f>ïí H€À(ø4$/+#6Ni9Pvü¶ |CF CÀ¾ý~ª-°à9ÉOÿ V[o¦.E…-Š ƒ9Ú\žê*D´ß()^“£¹ìÅjXÑÍ¥â(¨µ×d'«P|I*èSººº&)Ø|̉ òÔ®¥Ô$LÁ:9ŠLá{¶nZÒبNÙÀØŒ‹0õ´Sék›áÇÉîÆbËF§BЄƒöZKaÒR ²°ÅšDn?+¶()IªP›$ÇEv©¡k€[ßè¨×q-Ëk!µTóPA²—: A ?ÉEEEGÐJúÌ©ÒWµHB¡aäXû|ÓË BPÁwr„Ûi¥åܺÈQ÷ORàSb,Šv¢D ,Žb’(2 öb¢wtKzíĦ#ï¯u©²Ù aîR隬ëÌTbà÷¥3ÄtSGì´R$)X Šù
'¹¨D³ÞeOK3!{·‹¦cäиNÅô:Na1žAÇ1ø8 &Fuôë %¸T¯_òMå†C"ý¤F ™º„Iµºí4Ü¡ˆc!ì•+3 ‰‹M K#JÁ«8¢bsL†!Ù“àšn·öMå•Œ&ýèvÀ}¨?¦hùÊò(É#Žf~5‰‘qØçþƒ‰Å²ÓÖÊJU•âNWÁ«L¼Y”$G¢ßè&§ÖÉØŒS‘WàË„°SØW Ш´_è%‚Å¢ø.ãÃð”#X^þ*1þ‚q85¡lÒ‚Ò>‘¸ÿ £ôQôz#ø¤ÎõÚªï|Xö%;åÍËûGú+îUƒö³‰›p U±Ò ðtÜGÜÿ ð,åXÿ k8È I”ÿ “½¿Ð`¨u5=SÓqyFÈ É8ôã¨ð£è6’H#lÄI10‚Ö§ÑdµÖ?t¡]D†9Zj,¥EɺÜEq¤#,ìn—¢º‚´€bc·ú¨Lû£ÿ Ó×ÿÙ||adasdkasdaksdasdkjlasdjasndjasd.
When I ran the following powershell command for example.txt in a batch file, it works and I get the output of example.txt:
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell Get-Content .\example.txt') do set _output=%%a
echo %_output%
Good so far.
However, when I ran the above powershell command for obf_example1.txt, it does not work and I get the following error message:
The command "FuôëÂ" is either misspelled or could not be found.
The command "ýèvÃ?}¨?¦hùÃSÂ?ò" is either misspelled or could not be found.
Why? Never mind I thought: As I am only interested in the last n characters both in example1.txt and obf_example1.txt accordingly, my idea was to extract the last n characters and check if I can see the output of obf_example1.txt then. To check if my idea works, I run the following command for example1.txt to get the last 4 characters as an example:
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell $a=Get-Content .\example.txt; $a.substring^(0,$a.length-4^)') do set _output=%%a
It doesn't show me anything though. %_output% seems to be empty. How to fix that? And will the fixed version work for obf_example1.txt as well so that I get an output there instead of the above error message?
Apparently, the piece of text you are after is behind the ||.
With PowerShell you can easily get that by using
((Get-Content 'D:\Test\obf_example1.txt' -Raw) -split '\|\|')[-1]
Isn't htis what you want?
You could try reading the last 4 bytes, if you really are taking text characters from what is clearly not a text file. (My guess is that it is text hidden inside a binary file, probably a graphic file).
#For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In (
'%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoP^
"$f.Seek(-4,[System.IO.SeekOrigin]::End)|Out-Null;$buffer=new-object Byte[] 4;"^
"[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($buffer)"')Do #Set "_output=%%G"
#Set _output 2>NUL&&Pause
Don't forget to modify the text file path, (on line 3), and the three instances of 4 if you want more or less bytes. The last line is included just to show you the output, (you would obviously replace that with your own code).
The following works for me to get the "clear-text" part after || (from your example):
for /f "delims=" %%a in (.\obf_example1.txt) do set "_output=%%a"
set _output
echo testing last 10: %_output:~-10%
set "_output=%_output:*||=%"
set _output
echo %_output%
(it might not work with different encodings of the text file)
(Consider Powershell - cmd has a limit on line length and can easily be overwhelmed)
How can I return multiple values from a powershell script to the batch file that is calling it?
I have a powershell script that returns multiple values. I want to call it from a batch file and have each individual value go into an individual variable in the batch file.
Only been able to return one value
The powershell code (pstest.ps1):
The batch file:
powershell .\pstest.ps1
:: now I'd like to get those 3 returned values
:: into 3 individual variables so that I can do something like this:
#echo First is %p1%, Second is %p2%, Third is %p3%
So, it should display this:
First is 11, Second is 22, Third is 33
In the exact same way you get several values from any application: one per line...
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "i=0"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('powershell "$p1=11; $p2=22; $p3=33; $p1; $p2; $p3"') do (
set /A i+=1
set "p!i!=%%a"
echo First is %p1%, Second is %p2%, Third is %p3%
I suggest you to read this answer about arrays...
For a more flexible solution using delayed expansion that doesn't require making the PowerShell script output all values on a single line and works with a variable number of outputs, see Aacini's helpful answer.
Assuming that the number of values is fixed and known in advance:
Make the PowerShell script output a single line containing all the values with a known separator.
In the batch file, use for /f "delims=... tokens=..." to capture the values in discrete loop variables, which you can assign to regular variables.
A simplified example that uses a PowerShell command to produce a single-line output with 3 values separated by | (to apply this to your scenario, use -File with your *.ps1 file instead of -c (-Command) with a command string):
#echo off
for /f "delims=| tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('powershell -c " '11|22|33' "') do set "p1=%%a" & set "p2=%%b" & set "p3=%%c"
:: echo the values of the newly created variables
echo p1: [%p1%]
echo p2: [%p2%]
echo p3: [%p3%]
The above yields:
p1: [11]
p2: [22]
p3: [33]
Apart from using environment variables, you could try something like this base on SachaDee's answer here:
function get-multiplereturnvalues {
#echo First is %p1%, Second is %p2%, Third is %p3%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell .\multi.ps1') do #echo "$Value=%%a"
Which outputs:
Within the PowerShell script I‘d create a temp file with the results. Within the batch file, after calling the PowerShell script, I‘d parse that temp file with FOR /F in order to get the results and set environment variables as required.
I am using PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')" in batch script.
I want to use a variable instead of Get-Date function. Is it possible?
ADate is the variable name!
As suggested, my script is:
For /F UseBackQ %%A In (
`PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`
) Do Set "Freq=%%A"
Adate is simple string which comes from the file name, and has a value like 16112016.
You need to use a for loop to get the output of an external command in a batch variable:
#echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%d in (`powershell "..."`) do set "adate=%%d"
echo %adate%
The usebackq and backticks are just so you don't need to escape the nested single quotes in your command string.
Ok. I got my crystal ball and asked it: "What is the solution here?", and it replied: "Change
PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"
PowerShell "(Get-Date -Date '!Adate:~4!-!Adate:~2,2!-!Adate:~0,2!').AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"
", but I have no idea what it is talking about! ;)
You can store the output of the powerShell command into a file and then read that file after that delete that temporary file.
PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')" >temp.txt
set /p myVarDate= < date_Shell.txt
echo Date from Shell %myVarDate%
del temp.txt
The following takes the last modified time from a known file's properties and creates a variable with a date seven days earlier, (obviously changing C:\Test\TestFile.ext as necessary):
For /F UseBackQ %%A In (
`PowerShell "((gi 'C:\Test\TestFile.ext').LastWriteTime).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`
) Do Set "ADate=%%A"
The following example takes a date string with a known format, (in this case provided in two variables). It then converts that string to a date object, subtracts seven days and sets it back to a string in the new %ADate% variable:
#Echo Off
Set "DateStr=16112016"
Set "DFormat=ddMMyyyy"
For /F UseBackQ %%A In (`Powershell^
"([datetime]::ParseExact('%DateStr%','%DFormat%', [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture)).AddDays(-7).ToString('%DFormat%')"
`) Do Set "ADate=%%A"
Timeout -1
1 echo off
3 echo Please enter a date
4 set /p a=
5 echo %a%
6 for /D %%d in (M:\Serienbriefauftrag\*) do (
7 if not exist %%d\Erledigt\*.bat echo %%d
8 )
9 pause
10 for /d %%b in (dir M:\Serienbriefauftrag\%%d /T:C)
11 echo %%b
12 pause
The Code works fine until line 10 (syntax error) the aim is, to get the creation date of the folder compare it with "%a%" and and if it's under the entered date "%a%", the folder should be moved. but somehow...
found a way to get the creation date
if not exist %%d\Erledigt\*.bat echo %%~td|findstr /i /l
the new task is to make the output "calculateable"
Two things:
1) In line 10 %%d is undefined (empty), since the scope of the first loop (where it is defined) is left in line 8.
You can set another variable to %%d to be able to use it after the loop ends, but be careful. In batch using set in for loops is a bit tricky. To get around the aweful use of delayed variable expansion, I would suggest to you staying inside of the loop while doing your work.
#echo off
set /p a=Please enter a date:
for /d %%d in (M:\Serienbriefauftrag\*) do (
if not exist %%d\Erledigt\*.bat (
:: Do whatever you want with %%d in here
echo "%%d"
2) The syntax of your second loop is wrong. You are missing the do before the loop body and /d lets the loop iterate over all folders in a specified directory. dir M:\Serienbriefauftrag\%%d /T:C is not a directory but a command.
If you want to iterate over the output of that command, you have to use /f and put the contents of the paranthesis in single quotes, like that ('dir M:\Serienbriefauftrag\%%d /T:C').