Transaction per hour in bigquery - date

Can someone help me, how to get transaction per hour in bigquery. Thank you in advance
I try this query but the datepart is being unidentified.
SELECT UserID, COUNT(event1) as EventsPerHour, DATEPART(HH, timestamp) as Hour
GROUP BY UserID, DATEPART(HH, timestamp)
HAVING COUNT(event1) >= 10

You can try this query by using EXTRACT(HOUR FROM timestamp_str).
SELECT UserID, COUNT(event1) as EventsPerHour, EXTRACT(HOUR FROM timestamp_str) as Hour
HAVING EventsPerHour >= 10
I obtained this output from my sample data:


Fetch records of current month using PostgreSQL query

Suppose I have following data in a table
id createdAt
1 2021-02-26T06:29:03.482Z
2 2021-02-27T06:29:03.482Z
3 2021-03-14T06:29:03.482Z
4 2021-03-17T06:29:03.482Z
I want data of current month. ie, if I generate report in march, I need to fetch results of march, so we need only current month data from table.
wanted output is
id createdAt
3 2021-03-14T06:29:03.482Z
4 2021-03-17T06:29:03.482Z
Anyone please help. Thank you.
You can use date_trunc():
select *
from the_table
where date_trunc('month', createdat) = date_trunc('month', current_timestamp);
date_trunc('month', ...) returns the first day of the month.
However, the above is not able to make use of an index on createdat. To improve performance, use a range query:
select *
from the_table
where createdat >= date_trunc('month', current_timestamp)
and createdat < date_trunc('month', current_timestamp) + interval '1 month'
The expression date_trunc('month', current_timestamp) + interval '1 month' returns the start of the next month (that's way this is compared with <)
You can compare the month and year of a date with the current one. But the index by field will not be used, you can build a separate index by year and month for this.
select *
from your_table
where extract(YEAR FROM createdAt) = extract(YEAR FROM now())
and extract(MONTH FROM createdAt) = extract(MONTH FROM now())

PostgreSQL: Get rows which date is 5 days old than payment_date

Currently I need to send an Email to all users that have 5 days with their payment due_date expired and are status=1 (pending to pay) for the current month and year because they might have future dates or past dates. example
due_date= 27/06/2018 send email after 5 days 1/05/2018
my Query to grab all users with a interval within 5 days is the following:
SELECT, payments_payment.due_date
FROM payments_payment
WHERE payments_payment.due_date < NOW() - '5 day'::interval
AND payments_payment.status = 1
AND EXTRACT(year FROM payments_payment.due_date) = EXTRACT(year FROM NOW())
AND EXTRACT(month FROM payments_payment.due_date) = EXTRACT(month FROM NOW())
ORDER BY payments_payment.due_date ASC;
Need to make a different approach since the question is inverse for that reason I need to get the difference between 2 dates and see if it matches my day limit here is the Query.
PostgreSQL Query:
SELECT due_date
FROM payments_payment
WHERE payments_payment.due_date + interval '5 day' < current_date
AND payments_payment.status = 1
Get all payment dates where status equals 1 and month equals current month and year where the due_date substracted by current date is equals to 5 days.

Postgres count by date with timezone

I want to query a table to find out a count of objects created by date, day and month in Postgres.
Fetch count for last 30 days
SELECT, count(
FROM (SELECT to_char(date_trunc('day', (current_date - offs)), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date
FROM generate_series(0, 30) AS offs) d LEFT OUTER JOIN
someTable se
ON = to_char(date_trunc('day', se.created_at), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
Fetch count by day
select to_char(created_at,'day') as Day,
extract(month from created_at) as Date,
count("id") as "Count"
from someTable
group by 1,2
Fetch count by month
select to_char(created_at,'Mon') as mon,
extract(year from created_at) as yyyy,
count("id") as "Count"
from someTable
group by 1,2
This works fine for me. The problem that I have is, I want the data to be fetched based on different timezones. I have stored the time in UTC. I would be able to run these queries with different timezones.
What is the best way to do it?
Check this answer to get the datetime in Postgres with different timezone.
Fetch count for last 30 days
SELECT, count(
FROM (SELECT to_char(date_trunc('day', (current_date - offs)), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date
FROM generate_series(0, 30) AS offs) d LEFT OUTER JOIN
someTable se
ON = to_char(date_trunc('day', se.created_at::timestamp with time zone at time zone 'EST'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
Fetch count by day
select to_char(created_at::timestamp with time zone at time zone 'EST','day') as Day,
extract(month from created_at) as Date,
count("id") as "Count"
from someTable
group by 1,2
Fetch count by month
select to_char(created_at::timestamp with time zone at time zone 'EST','Mon') as mon,
extract(year from created_at) as yyyy,
count("id") as "Count"
from someTable
group by 1,2
Also refer to this Postgres documentation to learn about timezone with datetime.

Monthly retention in Amazon redshift

I'm trying to calculate monthly retention rate in Amazon Redshift and have come up with the following query:
Query 1
SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM activity.created_at) AS Year,
EXTRACT(month FROM activity.created_at) AS Month,
COUNT(DISTINCT activity.member_id) AS active_users,
COUNT(DISTINCT future_activity.member_id) AS retained_users,
COUNT(DISTINCT future_activity.member_id) / COUNT(DISTINCT activity.member_id)::float AS retention
FROM ads.fbs_page_view_staging activity
LEFT JOIN ads.fbs_page_view_staging AS future_activity
ON activity.mongo_id = future_activity.mongo_id
AND datediff ('month',activity.created_at,future_activity.created_at) = 1
For some reason this query returns zero retained_users and zero retention. I'd appreciate any help regarding why this may be happening or maybe a completely different query for monthly retention would work.
I modified the query as per another SO post and here it goes:
Query 2
SELECT member_id
,date_trunc('month', created_at) AS month
,count(*) AS item_transactions
,lag(date_trunc('month', created_at)) OVER (PARTITION BY member_id
ORDER BY date_trunc('month', created_at))
= date_trunc('month', created_at) - interval '1 month'
OR NULL AS repeat_transaction
FROM ads.fbs_page_view_staging
WHERE created_at >= '2016-01-01'::date
AND created_at < '2016-04-01'::date -- time range of interest.
SELECT month
,sum(item_transactions) AS num_trans
,count(*) AS num_buyers
,count(repeat_transaction) AS repeat_buyers
CASE WHEN sum(item_transactions) > 0
THEN count(repeat_transaction) / sum(item_transactions) * 100
END, 2) AS buyer_retention
This query gives me the following error:
An error occurred when executing the SQL command:
SELECT member_id
,date_trunc('month', created_at) AS month
,count(*) AS item_transactions
[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: Interval values with month or year parts are not supported
error: Interval values with month or year parts are not supported
code: 8001
context: interval months: "1"
query: 616822
location: cg_constmanager.cpp:145
process: padbmaster [pid=15116]
I have a feeling that Query 2 would fare better than Query 1, so I'd prefer to fix the error on that.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Query 1 looks good. I tried similar one. See below. You are using self join on table (ads.fbs_page_view_staging) and the same column (created_at). Assuming mongo_id is unique, the datediff('month'....) will always return 0 and datediff ('month',activity.created_at,future_activity.created_at) = 1 will always be false.
-- Count distinct events of join_col_id that have lapsed for one month.
SELECT count(distinct E.join_col_id) dist_ct
FROM public.fact_events E
JOIN public.dim_table Z
ON E.join_col_id = Z.join_col_id
WHERE datediff('month', event_time, sysdate) = 1;
-- 2771654 -- dist_ct

count data in current month - not 30 days back Postgres statment

Ive this query which return data for 30 days from current date , need to modify it to return data for current month only not 30 days from current date
SELECT count(1) AS counter FROM users.logged WHERE createddate >=
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE);
any tips how to tweak this query , at based on Postgres
Something like this should work.
SELECT count(1) AS counter
FROM users.logged
WHERE date_trunc('month', createddate) = date_trunc('month', current_date);
It is already supposed to return the values in current month. Truncation does the conversion 10 Nov 2013 14:16 -> 01 Nov 2013 00:00 and it will return the data since the beginning of this month. The problem seems to be something else.
Ive this query which return data for 30 days from current date , need to modify it to return data for current month only not 30 days from current date
That's incorrect. Your query:
SELECT count(1) AS counter FROM users.logged WHERE createddate >= date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE);
returns all dates >= Nov 1st 00:00:00, in other words what you say that you want already. Or then, you've simplified your query and left out the more important bits — those that are broken. If not:
It might be that you've dates in the future and that you're getting incorrect counts as a result. If so, add an additional criteria in the where clause:
AND created_date < date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month'
It might also be that your sample data has a bizarre row with a time zone such that it looks like the timestamp is from this month but the date/time arithmetics land it last month.
This is will give you data for the current month only. I try to extract month and year. The last step is you can compare created date against current date-time.
SELECT count(1) AS counter
FROM users.logged
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM createddate) = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM current_date)
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM createddate) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM current_date);