Extract text from period delimited String rows in Pysprak - pyspark

I need to extract a text from a String row items in pyspark. I have tried almost all options available but no luck.
Submission ID
Desired Out:

Because the requirements are not particularly clear, suppose you need to separate by multiple separators (such as spaces and dots in the sample data) to obtain the second position element. Assuming the original field name is col, the solution is as follows:
df = df.select(F.split('col', ' |\\.')[1].alias('col'))


Azure Data Factory - Dynamic Skip Lines Expression

I am attempting to import a CSV into ADF however the file header is not the first line of the file. It is dynamic therefore I need to match it based on the first column (e.g "TestID,") which is a string.
Example Data (Header is on Line 4)
Test Temperature:,25C
I found this article which addresses this issue however I am struggling to rewrite the expression from using an integer to using a string.
First Expression
As the article states, this expression looks at the first character of each row and if it is an integer it will return the row number (rownum)
How do I perform this action for a string (e.g "TestID,")
Many Thanks
I think you want to consider first line that starts with string as your header and preceding lines that starts with numbers should not be considered as header. You can use isNan function to check if the first character is Not a number(i.e. string) as seen in the below modified expression:
Following is a breakdown of the above expression:
left(toString(byPosition(1)),1): gets first character fron left side of the first column.
isNan: checks if the character is "not a number".
iif: not a number, true then return rownum, false then return 0.
Or you can also use functions like isInteger() to check if the first character is an integer or not and perform actions accordingly.
Later on as explained in the cited article you need to find minimum rownum to skip.
Hope it helps.

Split file text by newline Scala

I want to read 100 numbers from a file which are stored in such a fashion:
Each number is on the different line. I am not sure which data structure should be used here because later I will need to sum all these numbers altogether and extract first 10 digits of the sum.
I only managed to simply read the file, but I want to split all the text by newline separators and get each number as a list or array element:
val source = Source.fromFile("pathtothefile")
val lines = source.getLines.mkString
I would be grateful for any advice on a data structure to be used here!
Update on approach:
val lines = Source.fromFile("path").getLines.toList
you almost have it there, just map to BigInt, then you have a list of BigInt
val lines = Source.fromFile("path").getLines.map(BigInt(_)).toList
(and then you can use .sum to sum them all up, etc)

converting 1x1 matrix to a variable

I read the data from the csv which contains two columns id which text/string and the cancer which is 1/0. please see the code be
M = readtable('data.csv');
I try to access the very first value using
row= M(n,1); //It's from the ID column which is text
But it comes in the form of a 1x1matrix, and I am unable to put it in a single variable.
for example I want after the above line works row should contain a string in it like. row = 'patientID'. Now is there anyway to convert it into a single value?
Use row = M{n,1}. Note the curly braces.
The curly braces say "get the contents of the table", as opposed to the circular brackets you had been using which say "get me a portion of the table, as a table".

How to import column of numbers from mixed string numerical text file

Variations of this question have already been asked several times, for example here. However, I can't seem to get this to work for my data.
I have a text file with 3 columns. First and third columns are floating point numbers. Middle column is strings. I'm only interested in getting the first column really.
Here's what I tried:
A = textscan(filename,'%f','HeaderLines',0);
When I do this A comes out as just a single number--the first element in the column. How do I get the whole column? I've also tried this with the '.tsv' file extension, same result.
Also tried:
formatSpec='%f';sizeA=[1 Inf];
A = fscanf(filename,formatSpec,sizeA);
with same result.
Could the file size be a problem? Not sure how many rows but probably quite a few since file size is 1.7M.
Assuming the columns in your text file are separated by single whitespace characters your format specification should look like this:
A = textscan(filename,'%f %s %f');
A now contains the complete file content. To obtain the first column:
first_col = A{:,1};
Alternatively, you can tell textscan to skip the unneeded fields with the * option:
first_col = cell2mat( textscan(filename, '%f %*s %*f') );
This returns only the first column.

How to randomly select from a list of 47 names that are entered from a data file?

I have managed to input a number data file into a matrix but have been unable to do so for any data that is not a number.
I have a list of 47 names and supposed to generate a random name from the list. I have tried to use the function textscan but was not going anywhere. Also how do I generate a random name from the list? All I have been able to do was generate a random number between 1 to 47.
Appreciate the replies. I should have said I need it in MATLAB sorry.
Here is a sample list of data in my data file
and the code to read it:
fid = fopen('names.dat','rt');
headerChars = fgetl(fid);
data = fscanf(fid,'%f,%f,%f,%f',[4 47]).';
The above is what I have to read the data file into a matrix but it is only reading the first line. (Yes it was modified from a previous post here on this forums :/)
Edit: As per the helpful comments from mtrw, and the fixed formatting of the sample data file, I've updated my answer with more detail.
With a single name (i.e. "Bob", "Bob Smith", or "Smith, Bob") on each line of the file, you can use the function TEXTSCAN by specifying '%s' as the format argument (to denote reading a string) and the newline character '\n' as the 'Delimiter' (the character that separates the strings in the file):
fid = fopen('namefile.txt','r');
names = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter','\n');
Then it's a matter of randomly picking one of the names. You can use the function RANDI to generate a random integer in the range from 1 to the number of names read from the file (found using the NUMEL function):
names = names{1}; %# Get the contents from the cell returned by TEXTSCAN
selectedName = names{randi(numel(names))};
Sounds like you're halfway home. Take that random number and use it as an index for the list.
For example, if you randomly generate the number 23 then fetch the 23rd entry in the list which gives you a random name draw.
Use the RANDOMBETWEEN function to get a random number within your range. Use INDEX to get the actual cell value. For instance:
The above will work for your specific case of 47 names, assuming they're in column A. In general, you'd want something like:
=INDEX(MyNames, RANDBETWEEN(ROW(MyNames), ROW(MyNames) + ROWS(MyNames) - 1))
This assumes you've named your range of cells "MyNames" (for example, by selecting all the cells in your range and setting a name in the naming box). The above formula works by using the ROW function to return the top row of the MyNames array and the ROWS function to get the total rows in MyNames.