Apache James TLS issues - email

My issue may be similar to this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/plugins/servlet/mobile#issue/JAMES-3429
Wrapper.log file: Could not convert socket to TLS
I really do not understand where to fix this.


net/http TLS handshake timeout when importing mongo driver golang

Receiving net/http TLS handshake timeout error while importing the official mongo db driver for golang.
go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo
I get the following response
go: found go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo in go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.3.3
go: downloading github.com/klauspost/compress v1.9.5
../pkg/mod/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver#v1.3.3/x/mongo/driver/compression.go:16:2: github.com/klauspost/compress#v1.9.5: Get "https://storage.googleapis.com/proxy-golang-org-prod/6d1974c4504adb60-github.com:klauspost:compress-v1.9.5.zip?Expires=1589817362&GoogleAccessId=gcs-urlsigner-prod%40golang-modproxy.iam.gserviceaccount.com&Signature=srzNvLvGM%2BKbAJhtmgjaHE6IjyZLy5JZAQNIgN3oVQis5BEsetWpzu0uPqoxb0bqounoXFKV0COgkR0J%2FjcTenPcihBp0WiZua%2FrHvoLIGRRUgDxPJPs3gniTu2bxqf4aj4BfkTOTH9Hez9QKevGcVGSzkMsB9KsNMbcjnNN2uVJcgfUC4b29xZpEYhXt2mGXqMnU3jflnyRUkK9QDzPArOgbVjZp9bO0RQIs%2BMhiMt822NoZBhOdXCFhrtNie89SQJpELJAIC5r7P8pezU8pUJeQgugXfpgYBmtiH1H5Cvf9xh7v2Bfd3I96wSfUWkrCtceFfG5Xe6CSVmhPjFoeQ%3D%3D": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
I could import other golang libraries just fine. How can I solve this?
The error you're getting shows go get proxying through:
and that proxy connection is timing out.
So try disabling proxying. You can do this, temporarily, on a per-request basic like so:
GOPROXY="direct" go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo
This looks like a simple networking issue, as I performed the go get just fine on my machine just a minute ago. Give it a bit and try again.

Looking for FTPS Example - NOT the Commons.Net one

i still got the Problem, that my Java Interpreter can't handle SSL Handshake from a FTPS Client Connection. So I want to try out another FTPS Class that cann store a File on a FTP Server.
Do you know any other Examples/Classes than the Commons.Net one ?
Thank you, Louis

How to set up SSL with a TCP client in Akka 2.4.6?

I am trying to set up a TCP connection on TLS but can't find any recent documentation on that. I found something about Akka streams 2.2 did manage to find something for 2.4.x.
I have been looking at this documentation
Thanks !
I think you could use the TLS object in Akka Streams.
It would create a BidiFlow you could use to convert plaintext to cypher text and vice versa.

Port Forwarding for Squid

I'm trying to setup a Squid server on a virtual machine, and there will be another machine which will be connecting to the internet via Squid server. The problem is I couldn't find out how to get traffic with Squid server. I've read that port-forwarding is the way to go, and searched for it. Still, no examples/answers about that matter. I've wrote the rules for Squid, and tested it. It's not catching the traffic, at any level. Anything will help me out of this.
Thanks in advance.
I wrote a post about this a number of years ago to do something very similar - you can read about it here: http://ashleyangell.com/2009/03/configuring-a-basic-reverse-proxy-in-squid-on-windows-website-accelerator/

TLS Socket connection through Nodejs

Im trying to establish a TLS socket connection to chat.facebook.com port:5222 through Nodejs.
Im using the following code :
var a=require('tls');
var b=a.connect(5222,'chat.facebook.com',function(){console.log("connected");});
But it is not getting connected and instead giving an error :
[Error: 140089045411648:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:683:]
I have tried a similiar connection to encrypted.google.com:443 and console readily fired a "connected" .
Can someone guide me what i have been missing or what can be done to overcome this problem.
xmpp with tls uses "STARTTLS", a protocol upgrade from plaintext to encrypted. See http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6120.html#tls for details.
(It means you have to send some unencrypted xml stuff first, and wait for the other end to confirm your choice to upgrade to TLS)