i have an issue with mui toolpad - material-ui

hello i use mui toolpad https://mui.com/toolpad/
but i face an issue: when i create container and preview it i found that the container don't have the max width or full size of page and while i inspect the page i found that there is container with max-width: 1200px; surround my component and i don't have any control to this container
i need to remove this maxwidth from the container to make my container take full size


How to create an image & text cutout in Flutter, with Container customisability?

I need to cutout both images (icons that have transparency) and text into a Container.
The main method to achieve this appears to be using ShaderMask.
My main issue is that this doesn't allow me to wrap my text or image in a simple Container, with fixed height and decoration.
How can I either have this mask/cutout apply to a parent widget or gain further customisation options on the child? Or is there a more flexible option than ShaderMask?

Snapping effect / Focus on a Container for a ListView.builder scrolling vertically

I currently have a ListView.builder of containers that expand once I tap it. However, I'd like the containers to center in on the expanded container that was tapped.
List of items mockup
Expanded Container mockup
Currently, if I tap on No.2 from the Expanded Container mockup picture, the container will expand but it won't snap/focus on that container. I'd like to find a way to make this possible.
Thank you in advance!

Material UI - Height of the multiline InputBase is set to full height based on no of rows property when toggling the width

I am using the Material UI react library. I have an InputBase component with multiline prop.
When the wrapper div/element is shrunk to 0px width and expanded to full width again, the InputBase with multiline property is set to a max height even though there is no content inside it.
Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/jovial-zhukovsky-5dric?file=/index.html
Has anyone faced this issue? Any possible solutions?

Flutter - Adapt size of container to content in it

I have a container with a stack as child but when the text has too many lines it gets cut off. I would like the container to adapt to the text.
this is how it looks so far

Auto Scrolling in LWUIT Container

I have a not scrollable Form with a BorderLayout. In the CENTER of this BorderLayout, I have made a scrollable Container with BoxLayoutY. Inside this Container are appearing more Container. When there are a lot of Containers the CENTER Container is scrollable, but the last element is nos visible, I have to go down with the focus to see the last Container. What I want to do is:
When a new Container appears in the CENTER Container , this Container must scroll down, revealing the last Container added...is like an auto-scrolling.
Any help?
What about :