How to Execut CloudSIM on the command line - command-line

I would to execute cloudsim examples on command Line.
I try to execute it from the "bin" directory, but i had errors. He don't recognize the classes.
Thanks in advance.


TCL/TK Wish can't find file in the same directory

I am trying to write a TCL/TK Script that accesses an INI File with the command [::ini::open DBW.ini]. I am using the inifile package for this and am trying to run on wish for the gui.
However, wish answers with "couldn't open "DBW.ini": no such file or directory". The odd thing about this is, that I can run this Code in the VSCode extension "Code Runner".
Code Runner is configured to access the same wish Compiler that I'm trying to run on my Windows System.
Why would I be able to run this Code through VSCode, but when im using the wish Compiler directly it throws an error message.
Thank you in advance
Most likely your Tcl code is not being executed in the same directory as where the DBW.ini file is. The Tcl command pwd will return the directory where the code is executing. If this is not where the ini file is, a simple fix would be to specify the whole path to the file when you try to open it, something like:
[::ini::open C:/some/where/DBW.ini]

How to install avconv on windows 10?

I am working on matlab R2017a. For my project, I have to install avconv. I have searched a lot, but I only find a useful link that is this. After installing it, I run setup.exe, add following path to environment variables that is
C:\Program Files\AVCONV
After I execute my file, and it shows the same error that is this:
'avconv' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
I spent time on this, trying different solution, but found no useful help.

Compiling inno .iss file with the command line

I am trying to turn an Inno .iss file to the installer .exe over the command line.
I have found this page on the Inno website which shows you how to do this:
When I tried these commands, I got the command not found error:
'compil32' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I got the same error when trying iscc instead of compil32. I also tried compil64, as my computer is 64 bit, with the same result.
Thanks in advance.
This is basic operating system functionality. You need to either put the directories where the Inno Setup binaries are located into your system PATH, or use a fully qualified pathname to the executables when running them.

How to get Powershell to run SH scripts

Can someone please tell me how I get Powershell to run .sh scripts? It keeps just trying to open the file i need in Notepad when I run this command:
.\ 123
I've added .SH to my PATHEXT environment variable and also added the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 directory to the Path environment variable.
PowerShell scripts have a .ps1 extension (along with other supported extensions such as psm1,psd1 etc) it will not run other extensions other than that.
I had also got the same issue when i am trying to run .sh files. The solution is you need to enable bash shell by typing bash.After enabling Bash on Windows, you can run .sh files by typing bash ./ But i have tried through git bash with typing . it worked well. These are the two solutions that I have found, and you can try whatever you wish.

Failing to run command in makefile project in Eclipse

I have a problem when i try to build my makefile project within Eclipse on Linux OS. Whole makefile executes fine except for the last command which is unsimgcr -pd input output. I get an error /bin/bash: unsimgcr: command not found.
The weirdest thing is that if i run make command from linux terminal the makefile executes fine no problems. I think I should set something within Eclipse IDE, but I don't know how and help would be appreciated.
Likely unsimgcr is in your path when you run it from the command line but not in the path when run from eclipse. Either fix the path issues, or put an absolute path to unsimgcr in the make file.