How to build an endpoint in Spring Boot Webflux using Reactive Mongodb Repository? - mongodb

My mongodb query is
Handler Class
public Mono<ServerResponse> getBulkUserDetails(final ServerRequest request){
Model Class (UserDetails)
public class UserDetails {
public String id;
public String firstName;
public String middleName;
public Set<UserEmailDetails> userEmailDetails;
public class UserEmailDetails {
public String userdetailid;
public String userName;
public String email;
Endpoint details
POST -> /userdetails/usernameandemail/bulk
Sample Input in Request Body as JSON
Sample Output as JSON
I need to build a endpoint which takes array of username and email as input and sends the array of userResponses as output using Spring Boot Webflux Reactive Programming
Please help how i can get this implemented in best way using Spring Reactive MongoRepository


Error column specified more than once when inserting an entity with EmbeddedId using Micronaut Data

I'm using Micronaut Data JDBC and I'm facing an error. I have this entity:
#MappedEntity(value = "document_metadata")
public class DocumentMetadataJDBCEntity implements DocumentMetadata {
public static class MetadataPk {
#MappedProperty(value = "document_uid")
private UUID documentUid;
#MappedProperty(value = "metadata_key")
private String metadataKey;
public UUID getDocumentUid() {
return documentUid;
public String getMetadataKey() {
return metadataKey;
private MetadataPk metadataPk;
private String metadataValue;
public MetadataPk getMetadataPk() {
return metadataPk;
public String getMetadataKey() {
return getMetadataPk().getMetadataKey();
public String getMetadataValue() {
return metadataValue;
public UUID getDocumentUid() {
return getMetadataPk().getDocumentUid();
And when inserting I get this error: SQL error executing INSERT: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO "document_metadata" ("metadata_key","metadata_value","document_uid","document_uid","metadata_key") VALUES ('id','1234','c960d8de-99a4-40a6-91bf-b0d4a73910d6'::uuid,'c960d8de-99a4-40a6-91bf-b0d4a73910d6'::uuid,'id') was aborted: ERROR: column "document_uid" specified more than once
The code for saving is the next one:
Set<DocumentMetadataJDBCEntity> metadataSet = metadata.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> new DocumentMetadataJDBCEntity(new DocumentMetadataJDBCEntity.MetadataPk(
savedDocument.getUid(), e.getKey()), e.getValue())).collect(toSet());
Iterable<DocumentMetadataJDBCEntity> persistedMetadata = documentMetadataJDBCRepository.saveAll(metadataSet);
Any idea?
Add #Transient to your convenience accessor (getter) methods:
public String getMetadataKey() {
return getMetadataPk().getMetadataKey();
public UUID getDocumentUid() {
return getMetadataPk().getDocumentUid();
It "tells" Micronaut not to save the return value into the DB.

Apex parse values from Json string into custom field

Im trying to parse trough json string and return values into custom meta data type field on Case. I have created the custom metadata type already, example:
<value xsi:type="xsd:string">Casefield</value>
<value xsi:type="xsd:string">JORDFEIL</value>
<value xsi:type="xsd:string">key1</value>
Json String :
"operation": "get-id",
"payload": {
"ApplicationContext": {
"Context": "JORDFEIL",
"SenderId": "xxx",
"subContext": ""
"supportIssue": {
"InfoFields": [
"Key": "key1",
"Value": "value1"
"Key": "key2",
"Value": "value2"
"Key": "key3",
"Value": "value3"
"type": "~:CustomerInquiry",
My Wrapper class:
public class WebskjemaModel {
public class ApplicationContext {
public String Context;
public String SenderId;
public String subContext;
public String operation;
public Payload payload;
public String type;
public class InfoFields {
public String Key;
public String Value;
public class Payload {
public ApplicationContext ApplicationContext;
public SupportIssue supportIssue;
public class SupportIssue {
public List<InfoFields> InfoFields;
public String assignId;
public String businessObjectType;
public String comment;
public String contactDate;
public String contactName;
public String customerName;
public String customerNo;
public String docClass;
public String format;
public String objectDescription;
public String objectId;
public String subject;
public static WebskjemaModel parse(String json) {
return (WebskjemaModel) System.JSON.deserialize(json, WebskjemaModel.class);
The json string is stored a field in Case called WebskjemaBlob__c.
Below is my class:
public with sharing class WebskjemaCaseCreator {
Map<String, Case> Webskjemastring = new Map<String, Case>();
private Map<Id, Case> cases { get; set; }
private Map<Id, WebskjemaModel> webskjemaModels = new Map<Id, WebskjemaModel>();
public WebskjemaCaseCreator(Map<Id, Case> cases) {
this.cases = cases;
private void deserializeJson() {
for (Id caseId : cases.keySet()) {
Case c = cases.get(caseId);
WebskjemaModel model = WebskjemaModel.parse(c.Webskjemablob__c);
webskjemaModels.put(caseId, model);
private void mapFields() {
for (Id caseId : cases.keySet()) {
Case c = cases.get(caseId);
WebskjemaModel model = webskjemaModels.get(caseId);
private void mapFieldsForSingleCase(Case c, WebskjemaModel model) {
// TODO: Find WebskjemaModel inforfields and loop
// for (list of infofields for this model only){
// TODO: call method mapInfoField
// }
private void mapInfoField(Case c, String context, String infoFieldKey, String infoFieldValue) {
// TODO: Find Case field from custom meta data type mapping, based on context and infoFielfKey
// TODO: Put value from inforFieldValue into Case field
My question is how you get the key value pair from infofields and update the case fields based on the custom meta data type mapping?

Spring-Boot RestController: Passing Id as String not working

I connected my Spring-Boot-Application to a MongoDB. The application is nothing serious, just for getting into working with spring and MongoDB.
The problem it, that my id is a String and I get an Internal Server Error, when I pass the id of a database entry, in order to get it byId...
This is my domain class:
#Document(collection = "songinfo")
public class SongInfo {
private String id;
private int songId;
private String songName;
private String description;
The Controller-Method:
public class SongsInfoController {
private final SongInfoService songInfoService;
#GetMapping(value = "/{id}", headers = "Accept=application/json", produces =
public ResponseEntity<SongInfo> getSongInfoById(#PathVariable(value = "id") String id) {
SongInfo songInfo = songInfoService.getSongInfoById(id);
if (songInfo == null)
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return new ResponseEntity<>(songInfo, HttpStatus.OK);
The SongInfoServiceImpl:*
public SongInfo getSongInfoById(String id) {
return songInfoRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(NotFoundException::new);
This is the SongsInfoRepository:
public interface SongInfoRepository extends MongoRepository<SongInfo, String> {
Getting all songinfos from the database is working fine:
But when is pass the id from one of these entries, I get this:
What is wrong here with my implementation?
You're throwing the exception in SongInfoServiceImpl which is not handled in your SongsInfoController Class.
Solution 1: Instead of throwing the exception return null.
public SongInfo getSongInfoById(String id) {
return songInfoRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);
Solution 2: Add try catch block
public class SongsInfoController {
private final SongInfoService songInfoService;
#GetMapping(value = "/{id}",
headers = "Accept=application/json",
produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE}
public ResponseEntity<SongInfo> getSongInfoById(#PathVariable(value = "id") String id) {
SongInfo songInfo = null;
try {
songInfo = songInfoService.getSongInfoById(id);
} catch(Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
return new ResponseEntity<>(songInfo, HttpStatus.OK);
I think you need to divide two problem.
Check id parameter SongsInfoController
Inside controller check your parameter is valid through log or sysout
Check getSongInfoById method in SongInfoServiceImpl
Simply getSongInfoById(8752); is get error?
I want to add comment but my reputation is under 50.
If you comment above two solution check result, then I will add additional answer.

Rest API with Spring Data MongoDB - Repository method not working

I am reading and learning Spring Boot data with MongoDB. I have about 10 records in my database in the following format:
"_id" : ObjectId("5910c7fed6df5322243c36cd"),
name: "car"
When I open the url:
I get an exhaustive list of all items. However, I want to use the methods of MongoRepository such as findById, count etc. When I use them as such:
I get a 404.
My setup is as so:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {, args);
public class Item implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4343106526681673638L;
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "item", path = "items")
public interface ItemRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends MongoRepository<Item, String>, ItemRepositoryCustom {
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to implement the methods as defined by MongoRepository or will they be automatically implemented? I am lost and have been trying to figure this out for so long. I do not have any methods in my controller, its empty.
You have to declare the findById method in order for it to be exposed.
Item findById(String id);
Item findByName(String name);
Note that you don't need to implement the methods. SpringBoot will analyse the method name and provide the proper implementation
I had same issue,
After removing #Configuration,#ComponentScan everything worked fine.

Error in annoting camel swagger Rest Service

I have created a rest Service using Apache Camel Swagger component. The rest service works fine but the request and response schema is not what i intended of.
The schema that i am trying to create is :
"GetStudentData": [
"RollNumber": "1",
"Name": "ABC",
"ClassName": "VII",
"Grade": "A"
For this i have created a model as:
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
#XmlRootElement(name = "GetStudentData")
#XmlType(name="", propOrder={"studentInfo"})
public class StudentInfoWrapper {
private List<Student> studentInfo;
private double visiteddate;
public double getVisiteddate() {
return visiteddate;
public void setVisiteddate(double visiteddate) {
this.visiteddate = visiteddate;
public List<Student> getStudentInfo() {
return studentInfo;
public void setStudentInfo(List<Student> studentInfo) {
studentInfo = studentInfo;
And my student class is:
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
#XmlType(name="", propOrder={"RollNumber", "Name", "ClassName", "Grade"})
public class Student {
private String RollNumber;
private String Name;
private String ClassName;
private String Grade;
public String getRollNumber() {
return RollNumber;
public void setRollNumber(String rollNumber) {
RollNumber = rollNumber;
public String getName() {
return Name;
public void setName(String name) {
Name = name;
public String getClassName() {
return ClassName;
public void setClassName(String className) {
ClassName = className;
public String getGrade() {
return Grade;
public void setGrade(String grade) {
Grade = grade;
So when i load the above service into the swaggerUI it doesn't show the schema that i want.
How can i i get the desired schema. Looking forward to your answers.
Thanks in advance.