How to get the lastest N records in a Mongodb collection that has millions of records? - mongodb

Basically, I have the same question with this post: How to get the last N records in mongodb?
I saw the solution using sort() but would it be inefficient because it requires loading all of the data into memory, which can be slow and resource-intensive?
Would there be another way to solve this without having to use sort()?


Updating data in Mongo sorted by a particular field

I posted this question on Software Engineering portal without conducting any tests. It was also brought to my notice that this needs to be posted on SO, not there. Thanks for the help in advance!
I need Mongo to return the documents sorted by a field value. The easiest way to achieve this would be running the command db.collectionName.find().sort({field:priority}), however, I tried this method on a dummy collection of 1000 documents; it runs in 22ms. I also tried running db.collectionName.find() on the same data, it runs in 3ms, which means that Mongo is taking time to sort and return the documents (which is understandable). Both tests were done in the same environment and were done by adding .explain("executionStats") to the query.
I will be working with a large amount of data and concurrent requests to access DB, so I need the querying to be faster. My question is, is there a way to always keep the data sorted by a field in the DB so that I don't have to sort it over and over for all requests? For instance, some sort of update command that could sort the entire DB once a week or so?
A non-unique index with that field in this collection will give the results you're after and avoid the inefficient in-memory sorting.

Mongo DB update query performance

I would like to understand which of the below queries would be faster, while doing updates, in mongo db? I want to update few thousands of records at one stretch.
Accumulating the object ids of those records and firing them using $in or using bulk update?
Using one or two fields in the collection which are common for those few thousand records - akin to "where" in sql and firing an update using those fields. These fields might or might not be indexed.
I know that query will be much smaller in the 2nd case as every single "_id" (oid) is not accumulated. Does accumulating _ids and using those to update documents offer any practical performance advantages?
Does accumulating _ids and using those to update documents offer any practical performance advantages?
Yes because MongoDB will certainly use the _id index (idhack).
In the second method - as you observed - you can't tell whether or not an index will be used for a certain field.
So the answer will be: it depends.
If your collection has million of documents or more, and / or the number of search fields is quite large you should prefer the first search method. Especially if the id list size is not small and / or the id values are adjacent.
If your collection is pretty small and you can tolerate a full scan you may prefer the second approach.
In any case, you should testify both methods using explain().

Retrieve large results ~ 1 billion using Typesafe Slick

I am working on a cron job which needs to query Postgres on a daily basis. The table is huge ~ trillion records. On an average I would expect to retrieve about a billion records per execution. I couldn't find any documentation on using cursors or pagination for Slick 2.1.0 An easy approach I can think of is, get the count first and loop through using drop and take. Is there a better and efficient way to do this?
Map reduce using akka, postgresql-async, first count then distribute with offset+limit query to actors then map the data when needed then reduce the resul to elasticsearch or other store?

Slow Upserts with PyMongoDB

I'm trying to insert ~800 million records into MongoDB using PyMongo on a macbook air 1.7GHz i7 with no multi-threading, the documents are structured as below:
Records I'm reading are the following tuple:
I'm creating my own _id field based on the user_id in the file I'm reading from.
'imp_date':[array of dates],
'imp_creative':[array of numeric ids],
'imp_pid':[array of numeric ids],
'geo_id':numeric id}
I'm using an upsert with $push to append date, creative id, and pid for the corresponding arrays
I'm using an upsert with $set to overwrite the geographic location (only care about most recent.
{"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},safe=True,upsert=True)
I'm only writing about 1,500 records per second (8,000 if I set safe=False). My question is: what can I do to speed this up further (ideally 20k/second or faster)?
Ideas I can't find a definitive recommendation on:
-Using multiple threads to insert data
-Padding arrays (my arrays grow very slowly, each document array will have an average length of ~4 at the end of the file)
-Turning journaling off
Apologies if I've left out any required information, this is my first post.
1- You could add an index to speed it up, and index would help you to find the documents faster although the inserts would be slower (you have to update the index as well). If the improvement in the retrieving phase compensates the extra time to update the index depends on how many records you have in the collections, how many indexes you have and how complicated those indexes are.
However, in your case you are only querying with the _id so there's no much more you can do with indexes.
2- Are you using two consecutive updates? I mean, one for the $set and one for the $push?
If that's true, then you should definetelly use just one:
"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},
3- The update operation is an atomic operation which might locks other queries. If the document you are about to update is not already in RAM but it is in the disk, mongo will have to first fetch it from the disk and then update it. If you do a find operation first (which doesn't block as it's a read-only operation) the document will be in RAM for sure so the update operation (the locking one) will be faster:
"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},
4-If your documents don't grow too much as you have said, it won't be necessary to bother about padding factor and reallocation issues. Furthermore, in some recent versions (can't remember if it was since 2.2 or 2.4) collections are created with the powerOfTwo option enabled by default.

Querying directly on results from MongoDB mapreduce versus updating original collection

I have a mapreduce job that runs on a collection of posts and calculates a popularity for each post. The mapreduce outputs a collection with the post_id and popularity for each post. The application needs to be able to get posts sorted by popularity. There are millions of posts, and these popularities are updated every 10 minutes. Two methods I can think of:
Method 1
Keep an index on the posts table popularity field
Run mapreduce on the posts table (this will replace any previous mapreduce results)
Loop through each row in the mapreduce results collection and individually update the popularity of its corresponding post in the posts table
Query directly on the posts table to get posts sorted by popularity
Method 2
Run mapreduce on the posts table (this will replace the previous mapreduce results)
Add an index to the popularity field in the resulting mapreduce collection
When the application needs posts, first query the mapreduce results collection to get the sorted post_ids, then query the posts collection to get the actual post data
Method 1 would need to maintain an index on the popularity in the posts table. It'll also need to update millions (the post table has millions of rows) of popularities individually every 10 or so minutes. It'll only update those posts that have changed popularity, but it's still a lot of updates on a collection with a couple of indexes. There will be a significant # of reads on this collection as well. Is this scalable?
For method 2, is it possible to mapreduce the posts collection to create a new popularities collection, immediately create an index on it, and query it?
Are there any concurrency issues for question #2, assuming the application will be querying that popularities collection as it's being updated by the map reduce and re-indexed.
If the mapreduce replaces the popularities collection do I need to manually create a new index every time or will mongo know to keep an index on the popularity field. Basically, how do indexes work with mapreduce result collections.
Is there some tweak or other method I could use for this??
Thanks for any help!
The generic advice concerning Map Reduce is to have your application perform a little extra computation on each insert, and avoid doing a processor-intensive map reduce job whenever possible.
Is it possible to add a "popularity" field to each "post" document and have your application increment it each time each post is viewed, clicked on, voted for, or however you measure popularity? You could then index the popularity field, and searches for posts by popularity would be lightning-fast.
If simply incrementing a "popularity" field is not an option, and a MapReduce operation must be performed, try to prevent it from paging through all of the documents in the collection. You will find that this becomes prohibitively slow as your collection grows. It sounds as though your collection is already pretty large.
It is possible to perform an incremental map reduce, where the results of the latest map reduce are integrated with the results of the previous one, instead of merely being overwritten. You can also provide a query to the mapReduce function, so not all documents will be read. Perhaps add a query that matches only posts that have been viewed, voted for, or added since the last map reduce.
The documentation on incremental mapReduce operations is here:
Integrating the new results with the old ones is explained in the "Output options" section.
I realize that my advice has been pretty general so far, so I will attempt to address your questions now:
1) As discussed above, if your MapReduce operation has to read every single document, this will not scale well.
2) The MapReduce operation only outputs a collection. Creating an index and querying that collection will have to be done programmatically.
3) If there is one process that is querying a collection at the same time that another is updating it, then it is possible for the query to return a document before it has been updated. The short answer is, "yes"
4) If the collection is dropped then indexes will have to be rebuilt. If the documents in the collection are deleted, but the collection itself is not dropped then the index(es) will persist. In the case of a MapReduce run with the {out:{replace:"output"}} option, the index(ex) will persist, and won't have to be recreated.
5) As stated above, if possible it would be preferable to add another field to your "posts" collection, and update that, instead of performing so many MapReduce operations.
Hopefully I have been able to provide you with some additional factors to consider when building your application. Ultimately, it is important to remember that each application is unique, and so for the ultimate proof of which way is "best", you will have to experiment with all of the different options and decide for yourself which way is most efficient. Good Luck!