Javascript Inside Settimeout bugs? - settimeout

I have a question.
This code is not working well.
start_1 function call after 1 sec.
start_2 function call after 3 sec.
again, start_1 function call after 1 sec.
start_2 function call after 1 sec.
This 'settimeout start_2' function doesn't work properly. How should I fix it?
It should be called 'start_2' after 3 seconds.
let count = 0;
function start_1(){
if( count < 3)
setTimeout(start_1, 1000);
function start_2(){
function main(){
setTimeout(start_1, 1000);


Javascript and Callback function

I’m a newbie in programming language and I’m learning Javascript. I’m trying to understand the concept of callback function. I realized that callback is intended a function passed as parameter, but when does it call?
In the below examples I used a classic approach to write functions and then I tried to use the arrow function. The callback is done() function, in the first example it is called after the parent function, in the second one after.
What is the reason? Can you give me an explanation? Thank you so much for the feedback
Example no. 1
function done(){
function increment(num, callBack){
for(var i = 0; i <= num; i++){
return callBack();
increment(10, done);
Example no. 2
const done = () => {
const increment = (num, done) => {
for (var i = 0; i <= num; i++) {
increment(10, done());
To use callback you need to specify that there'll be a callback function as a argument, and you need to call that somewhere in the parent function like this, and that's when it will be called:
function someFunction(callback){
//Do something if needed...
callback() //callback(someParameter) if you want to pass some parameter to the callback func
//Do something if needed...
In your 2nd example, it's actually not a proper way of using callback function because you did not call the callback function inside parent function. You can modify it to to make it work as 1st example like this:
const increment = (num, done) => {
for (var i = 0; i <= num; i++) {
done(); //call the callback function
increment(10, done); //just pass the name of callback func, not call it like you did "done()"

Dart: wait for callback before continuing

I was wondering whether it's possible to wait for a callback before continuing a process.
I'm using a library that handles a future internally and then if it was successful, does a callback, otherwise handles the error internally with no callback.
Now I'm trying to use this library to create an instance, then fill it with random test data and then update that entity.
Map generateRandomizedInstance() {
result1["a"] = generateRandomA();
result1["b"] = generateRandomB();
result1["c"] = generateRandomC();
lib.updateEntity(result1, (result2){
// want to return this result2
return result2;
This would be fine if I'm only creating one entity and updating it once, but I want to create lots of random data:
ButtonElement b = querySelector("button.create")..onClick.listen((e){
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
It doesn't take long for this code to crash spectacularly as the callbacks aren't coming back fast enough.
I've tried changing the method signature to
generateRandomizedInstance() async {
and then doing:
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
print(await generateRandomizedInstance());
but that await syntax seems to be invalid and I'm not completely sure how to wrap that callback code in some kind of future that I can wait for the callback to come back before continuing to the next iteration of the loop.
I've tried a while loop at the end of generateRandomizedInstance that waits for a result variable to not be null, but that kills the browser and seeing as I'm not always getting a callback, in some cases it could cause an infinite loop.
Any ideas / suggestion on how to pause that for loop while waiting for the callback?
This should do what you want:
Future<Map> generateRandomizedInstance() {
Completer<Map> c = new Completer<Map>();
result1["a"] = generateRandomA();
result1["b"] = generateRandomB();
result1["c"] = generateRandomC();
lib.updateEntity(result1, (result2){
// want to return this result2
return c.future;
ButtonElement b = querySelector("button.create")..onClick.listen((e) async {
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
await generateRandomizedInstance();

How to do simple javascript looping in protractor

for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function(browserLog) {
I am trying to run this using protractor, but i get hundred times 100 printed in console. I have some functionality which am trying to implement using looping.How can i do looping in protractor?
This is because the functions you're passing to then all close over the variable i, not the value that variable has when you create the functions. So later, when the functions are called, they all see the value of i as it is then, after the loop is complete (100).
If you want to capture the value of i as it is when you create the function, you can use ES5's Function#bind:
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function(index, browserLog) {
}.bind(null, i));
bind returns a new function that, when called, will call the original function with a given this value (in this case I'm using null) and any arguments you follow that with, followed by arguments given to the function bind returned.
Another approach is a builder function:
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
function buildHandler(index) {
return function(browserLog) {
That has the advantage of allowing the caller to control this.

Google Apps Script Trigger not running

I have trouble with a time based trigger, which installs another time based trigger after work. I use this concept to split the work. Unfortunately the installed trigger never runs, but it is created.
The following code illustrates the concept:
function start() {
function installTrigger(){
function deleteClockBasedTriggers(){
var projectTriggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for(var i=0; i<projectTriggers.length; i++){
if(projectTriggers[i].getEventType() == ScriptApp.EventType.CLOCK){
function sendMail(){
var email = "";
MailApp.sendEmail(email, "TriggerMail", "hello");
You need to set trigger after 1 minute to get it fired.

Rx Subscribe issue, how to update data in UI control in winform

I would like to do a little project to do some calculation and add the calculated results in listbox.
My code:
int SumLoop(int lowLimit, int highLimit)
int idx;
int totalSum = 0;
for (idx = lowLimit; idx <= highLimit; idx = idx + 1)
totalSum += idx;
return totalSum;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var test2 = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)).Select(x=>(int)x).Take(10);
test2.Subscribe(n =>
this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
listBox1.Items.Add("input:" + n);
listBox1.Items.Add("result:" + SumLoop(n,99900000));
The result:
(stop a while)
(stop a while)
(stop a while)
(stop a while)
If i would like to modify the interval constant from 1000 --> 10,
var test2 = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)).Select(x=>(int)x).Take(10);
The displaying behavior becomes different. The listbox will display all inputs and results just a shot. It seems that it waits all results to complete and then display everything to listbox. Why?
If i would like to keep using this constant (interval:10) and dont want to display everything just a shot. I want to display "Input :0" -->wait for calculation-->display "result:376307504"....
So, how can i do this?
Thankx for your help.
If I understand you correctly you're wanting to run the sum loop off the UI thread, here's how you would do that:
.Select(x => (int)x)
.Select(x => SumLoop(x, 99900000))
.ObserveOn(listBox1) // or ObserveOnDispatcher() if you're using WPF
.Subscribe(r => {
listBox1.Items.Add("result:" + r);
You should see the results trickle in on an interval of 10ms + ~500ms.
Instead of doing control.Invoke/control.BeginInvoke, you'll want to call .ObserveOnDispatcher() to get your action invoked on the UI thread:
.Subscribe(x => {
listBox1.Items.Add("input:" + x);
listBox1.Items.Add("result:" + SumLoop(x, 99900000));
You said that if you change the interval from 1000 ms to 10ms, you observe different behavior.
The listbox will display all inputs and results just a shot.
I suspect this is because 10ms is so fast, all the actions you're executing are queued up. The UI thread comes around to execute them, and wham, executes everything that's queued.
In contrast, posting them every 1000ms (one second) allows the UI thread to execute one, rest, execute another one, rest, etc.