VSCode run selection in power shell scripts has stopped working - powershell

I have been using VSCode for 2 years on a current project, but from yesterday or the day before the run selected rows feature (F8) has stopped working on multiple rows. If I highlight a single row it works but not multiple. Anyone else come across this and is there a workaround please ?
Circled is the command F8
Its not possible to print the error messages as they are usually to do with the previous row (or line!) not being run.


How can I report in Salesforce cases open vs closed in one day

We are trying to build a report in Salesforce for the last 30 days that shows for each day, the amount of cases opened and the amount of cases closed(in total, not how many of the opened were closed). It's just a workload comparison for the support team, so how many cases in vs how many cases out.
Something like
Day 1 . 46 cases opened. 34 cases closed.
Day 2 . 50 cases opened. 52 cases closed.
Day 30. 36 cases opened. 26 cases closed.
We'd graph that with side by side bars.
We can't get our way around to bucket those two different group by's. As cased closed don't necessarily belog to cases opened that day.
We tried grouping by cases open or closed.
Normal report on Case won't work because you want to count a record twice (once on creation, once on closing... and pray you never reopen cases)
Does it really have to be on single report? You could make a dashboard with 2 report components, that'd be easy, group 1st by CreatedDate, 2nd by ClosedDate.
Or try to run a report on Case History (assuming you do have field history tracking enabled on key fields)
Here's sample "stacked bar" chart of a "Case History" report
(but I have very simple lifecycle, just New -> Closed... if you have more statuses it'll be tricky to filter them out and focus on just closing. Maybe you have a field you set when closing and it's history tracked?)
There's a feature called Case Milestones, check if it could help.

The simulation model time slows down in virtual mode

I am currently building a model on a manufacture process line and the simulation was running fine without errors. Suddenly when I entered in virtual mode to run quickly the simulation, the model started to slow down although the step is high. I am trying to identify where the issue is but nothing is working. At a certain time , the simulation just stops while the step is still running.
This is a picture of the pallete, maybe the experiment is causing this.
You created an infinite loop, this can be triggered by various things in your model.
Likely, you have a ' while' loop not finishing, could also be a condition-based transition.
You need to find this yourself, though. 3 options:
(easy): Check the model logic yourself and find the problem
(easy): nudge yourself to where it stops with traceln commands (see where they stop showing, getting you closer to the culprit)
(harder): Use a profiler (google "AnyLogic profiling" or similar if you are not familiar)
Benjamin is correct, you have created an infinite loop. Click on the "Events" tab in the developer panel and see which events are scheduled to occur at about the time that your model slows down to 0 days/sec. You can also pay attention to the "Step: " counter at the bottom of the developer panel and see where the step count spikes - e.g., if your model has roughly 10k steps per day, and suddenly starts climbing to 400k steps around 25.99 days, you can pay attention to which things are happening in your logic at that time and narrow down where the infinite loop is created. traceln will also help immensely

VSCode - SQL Server (msql) Extension - Prevent query execution on tab change

I am using the SQL Server (msql) extension in VSCode and really liking it.
However when I want to run 2 queries I am discovering that the results will refresh every time I switch result tabs.
Both results tabs are in the same well (seems to not happen when they are in different wells)
Can I prevent this from happening and retain the original query results?
"mssql.persistQueryResultTabs": true

The method .map in the type AbstractJavaRDDLike<<>> is not applicable for the arguments

I am getting an error in talend. PFA.
Please find more details of the mapping.
Can you please help me here?.
Thank You
This was an issue with code generation of Talend Bigdata version.
There were 5 subjobs in my job.
I was testing the functionality of last three subjobs.(Off late i have added 3 extra tSql components into my 4th subjob , which you can see in the screenshot).
For that i have de-activated the first two subjobs.(I have de-activated the first two subjobs earlier as well and unit tested which was fine)
I assumed this was the issue with code generation of talend.
(Earlier also I faced similar issue with .map() function of tSql component. That time i deleted tSql component and created it again and issue went away.)
I proceeded with the following trial and error method.
I closed the job and reopened again ( issue exists)
I restarted Talend tool and reopened again (issue exists)
I deleted the tSql components and created them again (issue exists)
I activated the de-activated subjobs and then checked again(ISSUE DISAPPEARED)

Google Sheet IMPORTHTML VERY Slow?

I have a spreadsheet that acquires some table data using the IMPORTHTML function, and for the first two days I was using it (refreshing twice daily) things were going fine. As of this morning, it is absolutely crawling. Went from taking ~15 seconds to load 30 rows to taking ~10 minutes. Can somebody lend aid on this?
Example formula:
As mentioned, the first couple of days it was able to refresh and process a list of 30 without any pauses. Now I get the 'Executing script' message for about ten minutes before it begins to do anything, and I haven't touched the source code since origin. I'm not sure what contributes to the performance of the IMPORTHTML statement...
I've run into similar loading issues when using IMPORTHTML, IMPORTDATA, etc. The best solution I've found is to write a trigger that will edit your formula so it is forced to refresh every hour or so.
Open up the script editor and put this in. Change 'A1' with the cell your IMPORTHTML function is in, and change foo to the URL you're trying to import.
function refreshData() {
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getRange('A1');
Then go to Edit > Current Project Trigger > Add Trigger, and set a refresh interval.
Hope this helps.