How can i know if i drag a window of another application in a macOS application? - swift

In Cocoa on the Mac, I'd like to detect when a window belonging to another app is moved, resized, or repainted. How can I do this?

You would need to use the Accessibility APIs, which are plain-C, located inside the ApplicationServices framework. For instance:
First you create an application object:
AXUIElementRef app = AXUIElementCreateApplication( targetApplicationProcessID );
Then you get the window from this. You can request the window list and enumerate, or you can get the frontmost window (look in AXAttributeConstants.h for all the attribute names you'd use).
AXUIElementRef frontWindow = NULL;
AXError err = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue( app, kAXMainWindowAttribute, &frontWindow );
if ( err != kAXErrorSuccess )
// it failed -- maybe no main window (yet)
Now you can request notification via a C callback function when a property of this window changes. This is a four-step process:
First you need a callback function to receive the notifications:
void MyAXObserverCallback( AXObserverRef observer, AXUIElementRef element,
CFStringRef notificationName, void * contextData )
// handle the notification appropriately
// when using ObjC, your contextData might be an object, therefore you can do:
SomeObject * obj = (SomeObject *) contextData;
// now do something with obj
Next you need an AXObserverRef, which manages the callback routine. This requires the same process ID you used to create the 'app' element above:
AXObserverRef observer = NULL;
AXError err = AXObserverCreate( applicationProcessID, MyObserverCallback, &observer );
if ( err != kAXErrorSuccess )
// handle the error
Having got your observer, the next step is to request notification of certain things. See AXNotificationConstants.h for the full list, but for window changes you'll probably only need these two:
AXObserverAddNotification( observer, frontWindow, kAXMovedNotification, self );
AXObserverAddNotification( observer, frontWindow, kAXResizedNotification, self );
Note that the last parameter there is passing an assumed 'self' object as the contextData. This is not retained, so it's important to call AXObserverRemoveNotification when this object goes away.
Having got your observer and added notification requests, you now want to attach the observer to your runloop so you can be sent these notifications in an asynchronous manner (or indeed at all):
CFRunLoopAddSource( [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop],
kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
AXUIElementRefs are CoreFoundation-style objects, so you need to use CFRelease() to dispose of them cleanly. For cleanliness here, for example, you would use CFRelease(app) once you've obtained the frontWindow element, since you'll no longer need the app.
A note about Garbage-Collection: To keep an AXUIElementRef as a member variable, declare it like so:
__strong AXUIElementRef frontWindow;
This instructs the garbage collector to keep track of this reference to it. When assigning it, for compatibility with GC and non-GC, use this:
frontWindow = (AXUIElementRef) CFMakeCollectable( CFRetain(theElement) );

Further research turned up "Quartz Display Services"
The interesting function for my needs is CGRegisterScreenRefreshCallback.


Multicast Delegates - C++

I would like to receive a multicast event from the LeapMotion plugin in C++. From their documentation, they mention the following things:
> On Hand Grabbed Event called when a leap hand grab gesture is
> detected. Signature: const FLeapHandData&, Hand, see FLeapHandData
> FLeapHandSignature OnHandGrabbed;
So in my .cpp file I added the following:
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
Leap = CreateDefaultSubobject<ULeapComponent>(TEXT("Leap"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
FScriptDelegate Delegate;
Delegate.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandGrabbed"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::HandGrabbed(const FLeapHandData& Hand) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hand Grabbed"));
As it is the first time I'm using delegates in Unreal/C++, I would like to know how I could make it work?
It compiles fine however I do not receive any events.
Add UFUNCTION() on your function HandGrabbed
Short Answer
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
FScriptDelegate Delegate;
Delegate.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandGrabbed"));
void ALeapMotionGesture::BeginPlay()
if (Leap != nullptr) {
Leap->OnHandGrabbed.AddDynamic(this, &ALeapMotionGesture::HandGrabbed);
Long Answer
ULeapComponent::OnHandGrabbed is a FLeapHandSignature which is declared with DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam.
The LeapMotion README says to consult the Multi-cast documentation, but they are using dynamic delegates, so you actually need to read the Dynamic Delegates documentation. There you will see you should use the AddDynamic helper macro which generates the function name string for you.
Dynamic Delegates make use of helper macros that take care of generating the function name string for you.
From the Dynamic Delegates doc:
Dynamic Delegate Binding
BindDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling BindDynamic() on dynamic delegates.
Automatically generates the function name string.
AddDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling AddDynamic() on dynamic multi-cast delegates.
Automatically generates the function name string.
RemoveDynamic( UserObject, FuncName )
Helper macro for calling RemoveDynamic() on dynamic multi-cast
delegates. Automatically generates the function name string.
Side Note
Dynamic delegates are serialized, which sometimes results in unexpected behavior. For example, you can have delegate functions being called even though your code is no longer calling AddDynamic (because a serialized/saved actor serialized the results of your old code) or you might call AddDynamic even though the deserialization process already did that for you. To be safe, you probably should call RemoveDynamic before AddDynamic. Here's a snippet from FoliageComponent.cpp:
// Ensure delegate is bound (just once)
CapsuleComponent->OnComponentBeginOverlap.RemoveDynamic(this, &AInteractiveFoliageActor::CapsuleTouched);
CapsuleComponent->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &AInteractiveFoliageActor::CapsuleTouched);

Get newly created id of a record before redirecting page

I would like to retrieve the id of a newly created record using javascript when I click on save button and just before redirecting page.
Do you have any idea please ?
Thank you !
One way to do this in Sugar 7 would be by overriding the CreateView.
Here an example of a CustomCreateView that outputs the new id in an alert-message after a new Account was successfully created, but before Sugar gets to react to the created record.
extendsFrom: 'CreateView',
// This initialize function override does nothing except log to console,
// so that you can see that your custom view has been loaded.
// You can remove this function entirely. Sugar will default to CreateView's initialize then.
initialize: function(options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
console.log('Custom create view initialized.');
// saveModel is the function used to save the new record, let's override it.
// Parameters 'success' and 'error' are functions/callbacks.
// (based on clients/base/views/create/create.js)
saveModel: function(success, error) {
// Let's inject our own code into the success callback.
var custom_success = function() {
// Execute our custom code and forward all callback arguments, in case you want to use them.
// Execute the original callback (which will show the message and redirect etc.)
// Make sure that the "this" variable will be set to _this_ view when our custom function is called via callback.
custom_success = _.bind(custom_success , this);
// Let's call the original saveModel with our custom callback.
this._super('saveModel', [custom_success, error]);
// our custom code
customCodeOnCreate: function() {
console.log('customCodeOnCreate() called with these arguments:', arguments);
// Retrieve the id of the model.
var new_id = this.model.get('id');
// do something with id
if (!_.isEmpty(new_id)) {
alert('new id: ' + new_id);
I tested this with the Accounts module of Sugar, but it should be possible to implement this for all other sidecar modules within Sugar.
However, this will not work for modules in backward-compatibility mode (those with #bwc in their URL).
Note: If the module in question already has its own Base<ModuleName>CreateView, you probably should extend from <ModuleName>CreateView (no Base) instead of from the default CreateView.
Be aware that this code has a small chance of breaking during Sugar upgrades, e.g. if the default CreateView code receives changes in the saveModel function definition.
Also, if you want to do some further reading on extending views, there is an SugarCRM dev blog post about this topic:
I resolved this by using logic hook (after save), for your information, I am using Sugar 6.5 no matter the version of suitecrm.
Thank you !

D: Delegates or callbacks?

I found conception of Delegates pretty hard for me. I really do not understand why I can't simply pass one function to another and need to wrap it to Delegate. I read in docs that there is some cases when I do not know it's name and Delegate is only way to call it.
But now I have trouble in understanding conception of callbacks. I tried to find more information, but I can't understand is it's simply call of other function or what is it.
Could you show examples of D callbacks and explain where they can be helpful?
import vibe.d;
shared static this()
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = 8080;
listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest);
void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req,
HTTPServerResponse res)
if (req.path == "/")
res.writeBody("Hello, World!", "text/plain");
&handleRequest is it callback? How it's work and at what moment it's start?
So within memory a function is just a pile of bytes. Like an array, you can take a pointer to it. This is a function pointer. It has a type of RETT function(ARGST) in D. Where RETT is the return type and ARGST are the argument types. Of course attributes can be applied like any function declaration.
Now delegates are a function pointer with a context pointer. A context pointer can be anything from a single integer (argument), call frame (function inside of another) or lastly a class/struct.
A delegate is very similar to a function pointer type at RETT delegate(ARGST). They are not interchangeable, but you can turn a function pointer into a delegate pointer pretty easily.
The concept of a callback is to say, hey I know you will know about X so when that happens please tell me about X by calling this function/delegate.
To answer your question about &handleRequest, yes it is a callback.
You can pass functions to other functions to later be called.
void test(){}
void receiver(void function() fn){
// call it like a normal function with 'fn()'
// or pass it around, save it, or ignore it
// main
receiver(&test); // 'test' will be available as 'fn' in 'receiver'
You need to prepend the function name as argument with & to clarify you want to pass a function pointer. If you don't do that, it will instead call that function due to UFCS (calling without braces). It is not a delegate yet.
The function that receives your callable may do whatever it wants with it. A common example is in your question, a web service callback. First you tell the framework what should be done in case a request is received (by defining actions in a function and making that function available for the framework), and in your example enter a loop with listenHTTP which calls your code when it receives a request. If you want to read more on this topic:
Delegates are function pointers with context information attached. Say you want to add handlers that act on other elements available in the current context. Like a button that turns an indicator red. Example:
class BuildGui {
Indicator indicator;
Button button;
... init
button.clickHandler({ // curly braces: implicit delegate in this case
indicator.color = "red"; // notice access of BuildGui member
button.clickHandler(&otherClickHandler); // methods of instances can be delegates too
void otherClickHandler(){
writeln("other click handler");
In this imaginary Button class all click handlers are saved to a list and called when it is clicked.
There were several questions in the OP. I am going to try to answer the following two:
Q: Could you show examples of D callbacks and explain where they can be helpful?
A: They are commonly used in all languages that support delegates (C# for an example) as event handlers. - You give a delegate to be called whenever an event is triggered. Languages that do not support delegates use either classes, or callback functions for this purpose. Example how to use callbacks in C++ using the FLTK 2.0 library: Delegates are perfect for this as they can directly access the context. When you use callbacks for this purpose you have to pass along all the objects you want to modify in the callback... Check the mentioned FLTK link as an example - there we have to pass a pointer to the fltk::Window object to the window_callback function in order to manipulate it. (The reason why FLTK does this is that back FLTK was born C++ did not have lambdas, otherwise they would use them instead of callbacks)
Example D use:
Q: Why I can't simply pass one function to another and need to wrap it to Delegate?
A: You do not have to wrap to delegates - it depends what you want to accomplish... Sometimes passing callbacks will just work for you. You can't access context in which you may want to call the callback, but delegates can. You can, however pass the context along (and that is what some C/C++ libraries do).
I think what you are asking is explained in the D language reference
Quote 1:
A function pointer can point to a static nested function
Quote 2:
A delegate can be set to a non-static nested function
Take a look at the last example in that section and notice how a delegate can be a method:
struct Foo
int a = 7;
int bar() { return a; }
int foo(int delegate() dg)
return dg() + 1;
void test()
int x = 27;
int abc() { return x; }
Foo f;
int i;
i = foo(&abc); // i is set to 28
i = foo(&; // i is set to 8
There are already excellent answers. I just want to try to make simple summary.
Simply: delegate allows you to use methods as callbacks.
In C, you do the same by explicitly passing the object (many times named context) as void* and cast it to (hopefully) right type:
void callback(void *context, ...) {
/* Do operations with context, which is usually a struct */
doSomething((struct DATA*)context, ...);
doSomethingElse((struct DATA*)context, ...);
In C++, you do the same when wanting to use method as callback. You make a function taking the object pointer explicitly as void*, cast it to (hopefully) right type, and call method:
void callback(void* object, ...) {
Delegate makes this all implicitly.

Threads from GCD reading old value

My problem is that I'm using dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) { ... }); to call a method asynchronously, in this method depending on some conditions i set a boolean to YES. When this boolean is read in this method, it's always read by it's old value which is NO.
The weird thing is that when i made a breakpoint on the line where the bool is checked, everything went fine and as intended !
Here is the code where the threads are spawned
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
[self drawFaceBoxesForFeatures:features forVideoBox:claporientation:curDeviceOrientation image:img];
The method itself
- (void)drawFaceBoxesForFeatures:(NSArray *)features forVideoBox:(CGRect)clap orientation: (UIDeviceOrientation)orientation image:(UIImage *)image;
if (![self getSendingRequestStatus]) {
NSLog(#"Sending req");
// send async request
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
sendingRequest = YES;
} );
It looks like you are modifying an ivar that was created outside of a block inside of the block. In order to do this and have the ivar hold the correct value, you are going to need to use the __block keyword like so:
#interface MyCoolClass : NSObject {
__block int sendingRequest_;
As Jack Lawrence said in the commend above, "[the runtime] takes a snapshot of all of the relevant objects/variables at that point in time". The __block identifier will tell the runtime that it should not copy that ivar to the heap and will allow you to assign values to sendingRequest_ inside of a block, even if that block is simply being run on the main thread.
A lot of good information to start with (including the above) can be found in the Blocks Programming Guide.
When primitives are passed into a block they are copied. So if you put a primitive local or instance variable in a block and then later change it either in the same method that created the block (after the block creation) or another method it won't have any effect on the variable in the block. In the case of a local variable, just make sure you make any necessary changes before block creation. In the case of instance variables you could try accessing the instance variable by using some C: self->iVar or declare it as a property and access it through the property accessor: self.iVar.

Calling a method in Objective-C that references another class file

I am trying to call a method that checks whether the player is bigger or smaller than the enemy. (this is a fish game)
In EnemyFish.m I am using this method
-(void) compareSize:(Player*)player{
if (self.fSize > player.pSize){
isBigger = true;
isBigger = false;
Then I want to call this method during the update so I am doing this:
-(void) update {
[self compareSize];
//Check to see if bigger than player fish
if( isBigger == true){
//code for if bigger
}else{ //etc. }
I am getting an exception: sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
not sure what the best way to set up this method would be, and the best way to call it, since [self compareSize] is definately not working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
What about if I use this
update:(Player *)player{
The problem I was running into here, is how to call this correctly, I wasn't sure how to change this to correctly call the new update method:
[self schedule:#selector(update) interval:1.0f/60.0f];
It is unclear what you are asking, but let's look at your code and see if it helps.
Your first method can be written more concisely as:
- (void) compareSize:(Player *)player
isBigger = self.fSize > player.pSize;
There is no point in using an if/else to assign a true/false (or YES/NO) value.
Looking at this method raises the obvious question of whether it would be better returning a value rather than assigning to an instance variable. This would look like:
- (BOOL) compareSize:(Player *)player
return self.fSize > player.pSize;
and now you can use a call to compareSize in an if.
Assuming the second version of compareSize your second method is:
-(void) update
//Check to see if bigger than player fish
if ([self compareSize]) // OOPS, no Player
//code for if bigger
But this doesn't work as you need an instance of Player to pass to compareSize:, e.g. [self compareSize:somePlayerInstance]. So you now have to ask yourself where you expect the Player to be found; it could be an argument to update (e.g. - (void) update:(Player *)somePlayerInstance), or you might have a method to call which returns a whole collection of players and you need to test against each one, etc., etc. I can't give an answer as I've no idea of your game and algorithm!
Following comment
You must store a reference to your Player object somewhere in your application. If there is only a single player is Player designed as a singleton with a sharedInstance, or similarly named, class method that returns the single instance? If so then your update will contain:
if ([self compareSize:[Player sharedInstance]])
Another design pattern is to have your application delegate store the reference and to provide a method (or property) for accessing it. Following this pattern (and making up a class MyDelegateApp and property player names) your code might look like:
if ([self compareSize:((MyAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]).player])
Yet another model is to create the single player in the application's main XIB/NIB file - etc., etc., there are many application models!
You "simply" (its not simple of course) need to design your application model so that your single player is accessible, one way or another, where you need it...
Your compareSize: method (note the colon) requires a player parameter.
So you need to call it like this:
[someEnemyFish compareSize:somePlayer]
If self is the instance of EnemyFish you want, you can do [self compareSize:somePlayer], but your title seems to indicate self isn't an EnemyFish?