I can not understand why drools (v8.33) fails to compile my decision table (see image). The failure is at Rule #6 and the output at runtime is:
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='O6']
fill cannot be resolved
fill cannot be resolved
fill cannot be resolved
fill cannot be resolved
fill cannot be resolved
fill cannot be resolved
I suspect that the issue is that the fill object defined in the LHS "Exec Broker" Condition is not available in the RHS actions because there is only a Capacity condition needed for that rule.
Interesting that the error is printed 6 times (one for each rule). However, if I remove Rule #6 the decision table compiles and runs just fine.
What do I put in the Exec Broker for Rule #6 or how do I extend the fill object across all actions and conditions?
It would be easier with a reproducer (a small github repo demonstrating the issue).
That said, based on the screenshot, it seems to me in column E,F you are trying to reference a fill which is not matched in LHS.
For line16 in excel, column C is empty,
hence no match on fill: Fill( execBroker == ...).
Did you wanted not to set the fill in column E,F? In that case, just leave cells E16 and F16 empty.
No RHS referencing fill would be produced.
Did you wanted to match any possible Fill object in memory? Even if that could mean multiple combination of Leg and OrderMaster, since there is no beta-join? In that case, it could help defining an alternative LHS column C, but without the execBroker constraint. Then valorize with an "X" (or any other content) in the related row line.
This is because, in this latter case, what you want to produce is the rules with the following:
rule 06
leg: Leg( securityType == "OPT" )
fill: Fill( ) // <-- notice you want without execbroker
order: OrderMaster( capacity == "C" )
Hope this helps!
rule "attaching AV and impact rating"
agenda-group "evaluate likelihood"
dialect "java"
exists $threat:Application.Threats(impact == "Disclose Information")from $threatList
exists AttackVector($av == AttackVector.REQUEST_MANIPULATION)
RiskRating riskRating=new RiskRating($threat.getImpactRating(),$av.getLikelihood(),$av.getName());
I am working on getting the object $threat in THEN part of the above-mentioned rule. If I run the above rule, it says:
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='attaching AV and impact rating']
referee/security/attack/Rule_attaching_AV_and_impact_rating1426933818.java (7:1053) : $threat cannot be resolved
If I loop through it and get the value in the THEN part, it causes a CARTESIAN product and inserts the values a number of times in the session. My rule looks like this when I get the cartesian product.
rule "attaching AV and impact rating"
agenda-group "evaluate likelihood"
dialect "java"
exists $threat:Application.Threats(impact == "Disclose Information")from $threatList
$threat:Application.Threats(impact == "Disclose Information")from $threatList
exists AttackVector($av == AttackVector.REQUEST_MANIPULATION)
RiskRating riskRating=new RiskRating($threat.getImpactRating(),$av.getLikelihood(),$av.getName());
How do I get the value of $threat in THEN part without having the cartesian product?
Remove the exists operation entirely.
rule "attaching AV and impact rating"
agenda-group "evaluate likelihood"
dialect "java"
$av: AttackVector()
$threat: Application.Threats(impact == "Disclose Information")from $threatList
exists(AttackVector($av == AttackVector.REQUEST_MANIPULATION))
RiskRating riskRating=new RiskRating($threat.getImpactRating(),$av.getLikelihood(),$av.getName());
exists means "there is a thing in working memory that matches these conditions/looks like this". It's not used to actually extract or provide a reference to that matching instance. Simply remove the operator and it works as you need -- if there is an Application.Threats that matches your conditions, the rule triggers and the matching value is assigned to the $threat variable.
What you're running into is the fact that you have multiple threats that mean your condition, which is why you're having multiple triggers of the rule -- it will trigger once per matching Application.Threats. The exists keyword mitigates this because it only cares that at least one match exists, but you don't get a reference (because if there's four matches which one will be assigned to the variable? it doesn't make sense, logically.)
So you need to change your rule so that it won't fire multiple times and will instead only fire once when it finds a match. Usually you'd do this by making the consequences do something to working memory that makes the rule no longer eligible to be fired. In your example, you insert a RiskRating object; you could, then, check that no risk rating exists in your conditions:
not( RiskRating( /* insert criteria here or leave empty */ ) )
Alternatively you could retract something from working memory that your rule relies on to be present or a match. For example, if you don't need it for anything later on, you could retract the attack vector:
retract( $av )
Yet another option might be to try and update your getThreatList() implementation to return a Set instead so you don't have duplicates (assuming threats are considered duplicates based on the 'impact' field.) Or you could try to remove all Application.Threats instances that match the criteria from the threatlist being returned.
We simply don't know enough about your use case or rule set to know what data you need or what it looks like, but at the end of the day you simply need the rule to fire once and only once, so to do this you need to somehow update the rule to know that it's no longer valid.
I am new to Drools so please bear over with the terminology!
Can I make rule trigger even though an empty list is involved in the LHS?
I have the code below.
There are two rules. One rule that insert facts and another rule that work on facts.
Part of fact B is to hold a list of facts A.
If this list is not empty then I am able to work on fact B.
If this list is empty then I am not able to work on fact B.
How can I write the code so I am able to work on fact B even though the list is empty.
If I activate the line below "b.As.add(a);" then I can work on fact B.
If I deactivate the line below "b.As.add(a);" then I can work not on fact B.
declare A
nameA : String
declare B
nameB : String
As : java.util.ArrayList
rule "insertfacts"
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
b.As = new java.util.ArrayList();
b.As.add(a); // Only with this line rule checkfacts fires
insert( b );
rule "checkfacts"
$b : B();
$a : A() from $b.As;
// take action based on object $b
Thomas S
To check if an object is present in working memory, you should use not() or exists() (depending on what you're trying to do.)
So your insert-facts rule should be like this:
rule "insertfacts"
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
b.As = new java.util.ArrayList();
b.As.add(a); // Only with this line rule checkfacts fires
insert( b );
This way you won't end up with extra B instances because insertfacts will only trigger when B doesn't exist (so, once.)
To check for an empty list, you can do size == 0 as a check:
rule "As list is empty"
$b: B()
ArrayList( size == 0 ) from $b.As
// At this point you know that As is an empty list,
// so you can insert stuff if you want
Alternatively, if you want to check that a specific object is not in the list, you can use not memberOf.
rule "Some instance A is not in the As list"
$a: A() // the A instance we're trying to check
$b: B( $a not memberOf As )
// at this point As is a list of any size which doesn't contain the $a instance
Similarly there's memberOf for checking that the specific object is in the list:
rule "Some instance A is in the As list"
$a: A()
$b: B( $a memberOf As )
// As is a list of any size which DOES contain $a
Note that there are two complementary operators you could be using to check that something is or is not part of a list: memberOf and contains. They're roughly the same, just with the arguments in different orders. See this other question for more information about those two operators.
Of course, if you don't care at all about the contents of the As ArrayList, then just don't check anything against it in the "when" clause. If you're sure you'll never have a situation where it's undefined, you can even skip the null check.
rule "We don't care whether there's something in As"
$b: B( $as: As )
// at this point we have access to the variable $as which will be
// the arraylist; it may be empty, it may have stuff in it
... but you could always do a null check if you want to be safe:
$b: B( $as: As != null)
It was mentioned in a comment that you plan to write regular code in the "then" clause and loop through the list. Usually you don't want to do that -- if you just want to do work against the members of the list or a subset of the list (eg items of the list which meet certain criteria), Drools will implement the iteration out of the box for you.
As a simple example, let's say that you want to find all of the A instances inside of the list which have the name "PURCHASE" and update the name to be "VERIFIED_PURCHASE".
B( $as: As != null )
$a: A( name == "PURCHASE" ) from $as
(You could add an update call on the right hand side if it's important to reevaluate rule matches, but in this simple example it's not needed.)
What will happen here, and what's usually a little difficult for people new to Drools to wrap their heads around, is that Drools will internally iterate through the As array list and check each item to see if it matches the requested criteria (name == "PURCHASE"). For each item it finds that matches the criteria, it will trigger the right hand side.
So for this example, if As has 10 items and 3 are named "PURCHASE", this rule's consequences ("then" clause) will trigger 3 times, once per matched item.
If you need a collection of these matches on the right hand side, you can use collect or accumulate depending on how complex your use case is.
rule "Get all purchases"
B( $as: As != null )
$purchases: ArrayList() from collect( A( name == "PURCHASE" ) from $as )
// do something with $purchases here
Of course, you shouldn't then turn around and iterate through $purchases on the right hand side -- use the built-in way I showed previously.
The Drools engine is extremely good at optimizing performance; anything you put in the "when" clause gets optimized by Drools, which is why you want to do the iteration there (and let Drools leverage its own internal capabilities at that.)
The right hand side ("then" clause) is not optimized, so by putting the iteration and other logic on that side is going to make your rules perform worse in comparison. You may not notice the difference in a toy example like the ones we're working on in this question, but once you start processing hundreds or thousands of requests per minute, it will definitely start showing.
(I spent 10 years of my career supporting an embarrassingly huge collection of rules (scale is millions of rules) and I've never had the need to actually write a for-loop or any sort of iteration in the "then" clause. And the few places where I did find them as added by other engineers, I was able to remove them for non-negligible performance improvements. Let the framework do what it's good at.)
I am newbie to drools. Need understanding how to cascade filtered data from one condition to next one as shown below.
rule "rulename"
$var1 : MainObj(filter1)
$var2 : SubObj() from $var1.getSubObj // need all SubObj without any filter here for then clause.
$var3 : SubObj(conditions) from $var2 // Need a subset of SubObj for another then clause
How can I achieve that?
Continuation of my original post..
i have below rule computing statistics of a rule execution as below.
rule "myrule"
$a:wrapper(isActive("ruleName") && dataTypeCode.equals("typeCodeinDB"))
$total : Number() from accumulate($entity: MyObj(ObjAttribute=='testValue') from $a.getMyObj() , count( $entity ))
$filter: MyObj(ObjAttribute=="testValue" && ObjAttribute2.equals("ValidValue")) from $a.getMyObj()
$filter.addToResults($filter.getRuleConstituents(),1,drools.getRule().getName(),null); // Add data for insertion in DB at later stage
$filter.addPayloadExecution($a.dataTypeCode(),$a.getMyObj().toString(),$a.getMyObj().size()); //Total Count of MyObj
$filter.addRuleExecutions(drools.getRule().getName(), $total); // anotehr slice of data
Here.. i am computing two stats.. Total count of MYObj(), apply some filter for data validation and compute count of valid list ($filter is valid data)
When I run that code I am getting error as below
Exception executing consequence for rule "MyRule" in moneta.rules: [Error: $filter.addRuleExecutions(drools.getRule().getName(), $total): null]
[Near : {... $filter.addToResults($filter.get ....}]
[Line: 1, Column: 1]
Need advice on resolving this.
I can't tell if you're trying to change the data in one rule and make it visible in another, or if you're trying to do a single complex condition in a single rule. So I'll outline how both work.
Complex conditions
The pseudo-code in your rule indicates that you have a main object with a filter and a collection of sub-objects. You need to get a list of all sub-objects without a filter, and also to get a list of sub-objects that meet some sort of condition.
To collect these sublists, we have two available operations: accumulate and collect. Since you didn't give a real example, just some psuedo-code, I can't say for sure which is the correct one for you to use. The example I present below uses collect because it is appropriate for this use case. For more information about these operations, refer to the Drools documentation. I've linked to the section on operators; scroll down to see the details for collect and accumulate.
So imagine I have an app that is modeling a school, and my KindergartenClass object has a List of Student objects. In this case, KindergartenClass is the main object, and Student is the sub-object. My Students have names, ages, and an Allergies object that indicates food allergies. Students without Allergies have no allergy object. This is going to be the filter for the example rule -- finding the students without allergies.
The rule would then look like:
rule "EXAMPLE"
KindergartenClass( $students: students ) // $var1
// Find all students with no allergies, $var2
$var2: List() from collect( Student( allergies == null ) from $students )
// Find all students who are older than 5, $var3
$var3: List() from collect( Student( age > 5 ) from $students )
Obviously your right-hand-side would have to be adjusted because 'List' has no doSomething() and doVar3Stuff() methods. But without an actual example rule for what you're attempting I can't be more specific here.
You could get the individual students from the lists like this:
$studentWithoutAllergies: Student() from $var2
$studentOlderThan5: Student() from $var3
... but then your then-clause would trigger once for every single $studentWithoutAllergies and $studentOlderThan5. Most people don't want a cartesian product all elements in two lists and then having their consequences firing for each of those products.
Of course, you also talk about "cascading", though it's rather unclear what you mean. If you mean that you want $var3 to be a subset of what you found in $var2, then it's as simple as changing the from clause. So in the example I've been working with, if you actually want all students older than 5 who have no allergies, you can simply change the when clause to be:
// Find all students with no allergies, $var2
$var2: List() from collect( Student( allergies == null ) from $students )
// Find the subset of the non-allergy students who are older than 5, $var3
$var3: List() from collect( Student( age > 5 ) from $var2 )
Changing the data that triggers the rule
There are two keywords available for changing the data available to the left hand side (when clause): update and insert. Which one you use depends on what you're trying to do, and come with very different considerations in terms of performance.
When you ask Drools to fire a set of rules, it first goes through all of the rules and determines if the rule fires, given the data you've inputted. Basically it just goes through, in order, all of the when clauses and decides if the rule is activated or not. Then, once it has the sub-set of rules, in order, it goes through, one by one, executing the right hand side.
If you call update in your right hand side (then clause), then this process repeats: all rules are evaluated again, from the top, including the rule you just fired. If you call insert in your then clause, then the new data is put into working memory, and Drools re-evaluates all of the remaining rules in its execution list. (So, for example, if Drools had decided that rules A, B, C, and D met their when criteria, and B inserts a new fact into working memory, then C and D would be re-evaluated to make sure that they were still valid.)
This is how you'd use them:
rule "Example rule with Update"
$input: MyAwesomeInputObject(someValue == 0)
rule "Example rule with Insert"
Person(name == "Bob")
not( Age() )
Age age = new Age(18);
insert(age); // there is now an Age object in working memory
I'm not 100% familiar with your use case, but I'm going to assume you want to fire all of the filtering rules a second time after your initial rule fires, with the updated data. So I'd do something like this:
rule "rulename"
$var1 : MainObj(filter1)
$var2 : SubObj() from $var1.getSubObj // need all SubObj without any filter here for then clause.
$var3 : SubObj(conditions) from $var2 // Need a subset of SubObj for another then clause
update($var1); // update the var1 in working memory
I have no idea what your when clause is trying to do, since it doesn't appear to match the comments and the syntax is completely wonky. So only the right hand side (then clause) has been adjusted. I have added update($var1) so it will refire the rules with the new instance of $var1 that should have your changes in it.
Of course, once you start re-firing all rules, you run the risk of having rules loop. If this does happen, you will see spikes of CPU and apparent thread deadlocks (this is useful to alert on.) Note that there is a no-loop property, but it won't help when you're calling update.
Drools 5.4
I have a decision table that sets values in the BlueReport object based on Channel Name attribute. Everything works, except if a Channel name contains an unknown channel for which we don't have mappings, we need to set the values to indicate this condition. The picture below should illustrate this more clearly, I'm sure. Here is what we want:
How can we achieve the "ALL OTHERS" default condition?!
I've evolved my spreadsheet rules to this now:
In this version of DT above, I have left B15 blank, and then I have added a new condition on C15 which checks the auditRule field for presence of string variable "DIV". I don't know if I have the right syntax for it in C9?! The ruleAudit field is update everytime there is a match for Channel Name (F11 - F15). Therefore, absence of DIV rule name, would indicate that there is no match to any of the patterns on B11 - B14. What do you think?!
Add a new condition column again with declaration for blueReport and set this condition
channel_name!=$1 || channel_name!=$2 ||channel_name!=$3 || channel_name!=$4
New Condition's value field must be empty for the first four records except these values like ChannelName1,ChannelName2,ChannelName3,ChannelName4 in "ALL OTHERS" row. Though this isn't the standard solution try this workaround to check
I think the post can help you. It means you should not only declare sequential in the RuleSet, but also declare PRIORITY in RuleTable that the rules will be called according to the value of PRIORITY.
We have a bug at this CKEditor plugin, and a generic solution is like to this, applying a generic string-filter only to terminal text nodes of the DOM.
QUESTION: how (need code example) to traverse a selection node (editor.getSelection()) by CKEditor-4 tools, like CKEDITOR.dom.range?
First step will be to get ranges from current selection. To do this just call:
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
This gives you an array of ranges, because theoretically (and this theory is proved only by Firefox) one selection can contain many ranges. But in 99% of real world cases you can just handle the first one and ignore other. So you've got range.
Now, the easiest way to iterate over each node in this range is to use CKEDITOR.dom.walker. Use it for example this way:
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),
while ( ( node = walker.next() ) ) {
// Log values of every text node in range.
console.log( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && node.getText() );
However, there's a problem with text nodes at the range's boundaries. Consider following range:
This will log: foo, bar, and bom. Yes - entire bom, because it is a single node and walker does not modify DOM (there's a bug in documentation).
Therefore you should check every node you want to transform if it equals range's startContainer or endContainer and if yes - transform only that part of it which is inside range.
Note: I don't know walker's internals and I'm not sure whether you can modify DOM while iterating over it. I'd recommend first caching nodes and then making changes.