How to implement errors handling in custom kafka connector [closed] - apache-kafka

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I have created some custom kafka sink connector i want to use error handling capability in it but when I am trying erros.tolerance=all still my connector is failing I am throwing ConnectException.
My connector is failing regardless of error configuration.
Can someone please guide me do I have to use any interface to add error handling capability in my custom kafka connector

errors.tolerance is not a pluggable interface for Connect Framework. It is an enum with only a few options.
You need to throw RetriableException for transient errors, but the connector will still fail when retries are exhausted.


Handling Dependency 4XX in REST [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am wondering what would be the appropriate error code to bubble upto my clients when I get 4XX from my dependencies. Say for example, one of my downstream services returns to me a 401 code. This means my own server was not authorised for this request. How should I bubble this information to my clients? Would 424 be the appropriate code to bubble up? I read that it was added to HTTP as an extension, so is it recommended to use it?
Status codes from extensions can be used when properly registered and sufficiently defined.
That said, a 4xx seems to be incorrect here. If your server is not configured properly to access a back end, that's a server error, thus a 5xx.

How to create create scalability model for Kafka cluster [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to check following condition
How many streams can support before noticing Kafka cluster degradation and how to scale up the cluster
It will hugely depend on what your application is doing, the throughput, and so on. Some general resources to help you:
Elastic Scaling in the Streams API in Kafka
Kafka Streams Capacity planning and sizing

WSO2 BAM: howto send log event via REST endpoint [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to send log events to BAM 2.4.1 via client REST but I dont find any example about it so I need to know what is the endpoint url and some example about building of the json message to send.
Thanks in advance for any help
Currently, it doesn't have a REST API to publish events. Current options are listed here.
In addition you can use Analytics JavaScript (JS) API as well. It has this limitation.
Currently due to a limitation, client applications should be deployed
in the same domain as the Dashboard server. i.e -

Where can I get all the message from one topic using kafka java api [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In the command line, I can use "--from-beginning" to get all the messages in one topic, but how can I get the same effort when I code a java program ,and I'm using High Level Consumer api.
while creating the consumer properties you can add
props.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); to start reading from the beginning

Worklight - Persistency data access issue com.worklight.core.exceptions.PersistentDataAccessException: Persistency data access [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have seen some error logs on the worklight messages.logs we are not able to understand or replicate the scenario, Interestingly all the issues recorded are with respected to WKUHB database, Can anyone please share more information how can we understand the impact of this error on Mobile Apps.
Worklight version used :-, DB2 Version :- v9.7.0.7
The error log states:
A communication error occurred during operations on the connection's underl ying socket, socket input stream, or socket output stream. ... A remote host did not respond within the timeout period.
You need to check in your network setup why the timeout was reached.
You may also look in your underlying application server for the management of stale connections.