1 Gravityform ID is being used on popup and on footer, sending both at the same time - gravity-forms-plugin

We have created only 1 gravity form with most of the fields are required and then we used this form on footer and on popup so basically this form ID is running twice on the same page. The problem is that when user submit a form from footer, it doesnt allow to send because the popup form should also be filled-up with data. Can someone help me get it sorted?
Thank you


How to restrict filling duplicate entry in Google forms

I am working on a Google form where I keep receiving responses every minute. I want to restrict people in case if they are filling the response with the same unique id in column R.
So basically when anyone click on submit button, form should check the values in column R with the value in current form and restrict the user while filling up the form.
I tried doing this in Google form script editor but didn't get the exact code which can validate and stop the user while submitting the form.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As Zig and Sandy mentioned it is not possible with live forms.
However you have the on submit trigger. You can write your script to look for duplicates of the last record when the form is submitted and in case there is any picks up the email (maybe a required field if they don't have to sign in to fill the form) and let them know their duplicated submit has been removed.

Marketo duplicated form validation

I have a problem with duplicated Marketo Form. I have 2 exactly the same forms on a page. First one is displayed in the content section of the page, the second one is diplaying in a popup when some button is clicked.
The issue is that when I submit the first form which is blank the validation messages are displaying for the second form in a popup.
I understand that the problem is that 2 forms have the same ID.
Is there a way to have 2 exactly the same Marketo forms working well on a page?
The problem is that when the Marketo form is embedded, it gives the <form> element a unique ID attribute based on the form ID. When you put the same form on the page twice, it puts two <form> elements on the page with the same unique ID, and - apart from that being invalid HTML - it means when you submit one form, it tries to submit both forms.
I'm not sure if it is possible - but there may be a way to use javascript to dynamically alter the <form> ID after it has been loaded into the page, therefore giving you two separate unique IDs... YMMV!
The only other workaround I've used was to duplicate the form in Marketo, and have a 'form A' and 'form B'.

How to avoid displaying newsletter form if it is submitted or close once?

I am using mautic form.
I have added form code in my header script and this script always run on every page so how can I avoid to display that form if user close form or he has submitted it before.
Paste the script to the content of your page where you want the form to display. That way it will appear only on the page you want it to show up and on the place you want it to show up.
If you want to display another content after the form submission, configure the after submit redirect URL in the form's configuration.

Creating a Form that lets the user review what they entered before submission

I am trying to create a Form that lets the user to review what they entered before submitting the form. The first page will let the user enter what they want. The second page will show what the user entered. The second page will have two buttons. one for make changes and the second would be for submit. The third page will be the final summary page and will let the user print the form.
What i tried:
I created all the fields on first 1 page manually and then passed everything to page 2. I created a branch on page 1 to pass the values to page 2. Page 2 was connected to the table in which all the information is stored in. Page 2 had two buttons. One button was to make changes to page 1 and second button was to submit. Page 3 was just a summary page which allowed the user to print. It worked nicely but i later realized that if someone used a comma or pressed enter to start a new line in one of the fields then it will give me errors. This problem was occurring because i used a branch.
What i want to do.
I created a temp_table which is exactly like the main_table. The first page will be connected to the temp_table. The second page will be connected to a view on temp_table to show what the user entered. Page 2 will have two buttons called make changes and submit. Make changes will take the user to page 1 so the user can edit what they entered. Submit button will transfer what the user entered from temp_table to main_table (I believe we can use a process that runs a query to transfer data to main_table whenever the user presses submit). page 3 will be just a summary page that will let the user make changes.
I don't know how to approach this. How do i make the Make Changes button work? Any advise?
Note: I am very new to apex so i apologize if i made any mistake.
Thank you and any help will be appreciated.

Is it possible to take values of an HTML5 SessionStorage and email it?

I'm creating an application with two pages (Page One, Page Two) that have radio buttons on them. The values are stored in sessionStorage and displayed to the user on Page 3. However, I want a Submit button that will take those values in sessionStorage and email it to me (I was planning to use PHP to process and send the email). Can someone help point me in the right direction on how to solve this please?
If you already have a form with your submit button then you could have your javascript insert new inputs of type="hidden", one for each key/value pair. These values will then be submitted with the form so you can process them just like any other POST parameter.