Storing Values in a for loop, Index 400 is out of bounds - append

I am doing a 100 iteration for loop and I have gotten the code to work by printing out the value at each iteration.
However, I want to vectorise these values but each time I do this it comes up with an error.
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
52 if name == "main":
---> 53 main()
in main()
48 #ig.savefig('simulation.pdf')
49 print(n_RD)
---> 50 x[i] = np.append(x,n_RD)
52 if name == "main":
IndexError: index 400 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Tried creating an empty vector and adding the values to it but getting repeated errors


Why does this end up as 72 in Brainfuck?

so I started looking into Brainfuck and I found this line as a part of a "Hello World" Program:
This line produces the output "H". If I understood it correctly, for that to happen the current 'block' needs to have the value 72 in ASCII but as of my understanding it would do the following:
Set block [0] to 255 (because of subtracting from a block that's already equal 0)
Until [0] equals 0 add 1 to block [1] and subtract 7 from [0] (so 37 iterations)
Subtract 1 from [1] which is 37 by now
Output [1] so 36
So in the end it would be 36 but not 72. Where am I going wrong here?
It's in Until [0] equals 0 [...] subtract 7 from [0] (so 37 iterations) that you've got the mistake.
255 divided by 7 isn't 37, it's about 36.42. After 37 iterations, the loop won't end, because the cell [0] contains -4 = 252. 252 is divisible by 7, so the loop will end after counting down through that.
The issue you have is assuming the you're only wrapping around once. You're not counting down through 255, you're counting through 511, which divided by 7 is 73, which is then decremented to 72, as you state.
This assumes 8-bit cell size, but it seems that that's what the code is written for anyways. (9 bits would work too, but that's not a usual implementation.)

How do I find the index of maximum and minimum values in MATLAB?

I need to write a code to display the location of the highest and lowest tx value. Nothing appears to be working. Here is my code:
tx=[130 103 152 163 218 278 82 195 221 154 94 159 214 185];
%minimum and maximum times
How do I edit this code to show the max and min values of tx only??
This uses the second output of both min and max, which returns the index of the min/max value respectively.
Adding two inline functions to return the min and max is a possibility.
min_index = #(vector) find(vector==min(vector))
max_index = #(vector) find(vector==max(vector))
idx_min = min_index(tx);
idx_max = max_index(tx);

matlab: Getting correct indices for an array

I'm having an array and when I apply find(im), I get indices for non zero elements. But, I want indices for all elements of array irrespective whether it is zero or non zero.
Here is my array:
im =[94 122 99 101 111 101;
99 92 103 87 107 116;
93 109 113 84 86 106;
5 17 6 54 56 53;
13 11 5 56 44 50;
0 10 5 49 42 51];
when I apply find(im): I get indices: 35(Since the array contain 0 in it). But I need to get 36.
How do i do it?
Since you want the linear indices of all elements in the array, and you know the number of elements in the array, their indices will be:
im = magic(5);
indices = 1:numel(im)
I.e. if you were to loop the array you would be looping all of the elements.

Matlab code crashing unexpectedly

Does anyone of you have a clue of why the following code is crashing with Index exceeds matrix dimensions. error for N_SUBJ = 17 or N_SUBJ = 14, but not for example for the values 13,15,16?
N_PICS = 7
COLR = hsv;
N_COLR = size(COLR,1);
COLR = COLR(1+[0:(N_PICS-1)]*round(N_COLR/N_PICS),:);
SUBJ_COLR = hsv;
And also, could somebody please explain me what it's doing exactly and how it's working?
When you say crashing, I assume you mean you are seeing the error, Index exceeds matrix dimensions.? If you are seeing this error then the matrix returned by hsv does not have enough rows for the sub-sample operation you are doing.
selects a subset of the original matrix. 1+[0:(N_SUBJ-1)]*round(N_SUBJ_COLR/N_SUBJ) calculates which row to select, and : means all columns.
The matrix SUBJ_COLR is 64-by-3, thus N_SUBJ_COLR is equal to 64. You're indexing into the 64 rows of SUBJ_COLR and in some cases the particular index is greater than the number of row, resulting in a Index exceeds matrix dimensions. error. So the question is really why does this snippet
evaluate to numbers greater than 64 for some values of N_SUBJ? This expression can be rewritten as:
where I've replaced N_SUBJ_COLR by 64 for clarity. This latter expression more clearly shows what the largest index in the vector will be and how it depends on the value of N_SUBJ. You can print out this largest index as a function of N_SUBJ:
N_SUBJ = 1:30;
which returns
ans =
Columns 1 through 13
1 33 43 49 53 56 55 57 57 55 61 56 61
Columns 14 through 26
66 57 61 65 69 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 51
Columns 27 through 30
53 55 57 59
As you can see, there are several values that exceed 64. This nonlinear behavior comes down to the use of round. The integers created by the round part don't appear to get small enough fast enough as they multiply (N_SUBJ-1) which is growing in order to keep the total term less than 64. One option might be to replace round with floor, but there are probably other ways.

Most repeated values

I know how to check an 8-neighbourhood in matlab (i.e; nlfilter). But, I want to assign the value which is more repeated to the center value. So, say for instance that I have the following values in the 8-neighbourhood:
2-values = 56
3-values = 64
1-value = 70
1-value = 87
1-value = 65
In this case we would assign 64 to the center pixel.
How can we do that?
I think you want either the mode or the histc function.
M=mode(X) for vector X computes M as the sample mode, or most
occurring value in X.
Example with your data:
x = [56 56 64 64 64 70 87 65];
ans =
But this will only get you the most frequently occurring value.
If you want the count of each unique item in the array, you could do,
unqx = unique(x);
unqx =
56 64 65 70 87
valueCount = histc(x, unqx)
ans =
2 3 1 1 1
You could then sort this and take the first N values
valueCount = sort(valueCount, 'descend');
% Use unqx(valueCount(1:N))