How to create an inline table from an existing table - qliksense

I have a table in qlik Sense loaded from the database.
From this I need to make a filter that will display all the Fruit/Veg records along with records from other joined tables, when selected.
The filter needs to be something like this :
Any help will be appreciated.

I do not know how to do it in qlicksense, but in SQL it's like this:
FROM tablename

Not sure if its possible to be dynamic. Usually I solve these by creating a new field that combines the values from both fields into one field
Load * Inline [
1 , Apple , , 5
2 , Figs , , 10
3 , ,Carrots , 20
4 , Oranges , , 12
5 , ,Corn , 10
'FRUIT_' & FRUIT as Combined
FRUIT <> ''
'VEG_' & VEG as Combined
VEG <> ''
This will create new table (Combined) which will be linked to the main table by ID field:
The new Combined field will have the values like this:
And the UI:
P.S. If further processing is needed you can join the Combined table to the RawData table. This way the Combined field will become part of the RawData table. To achieve this just extend the script a bit:
join (RawData)
Load * Resident Combined;
Drop Table Combined;


How to update the cheapest item owned by someone in postgres?

Let's say I have the following table in Postgres:
fruit_id owner_id fruit_price notes
1 5 15
2 5 30
3 5 20
4 8 10
5 8 80
I am looking for a way to update the cheapest fruit owned by someone.
That is, I am looking for an operation that would allow me to set the notes column for the cheapest fruit owned by an individual. So this should only ever update one row (updating multiple rows is fine if there are several ties for the smallest value).
For example (psuedocode):
UPDATE fruit SET notes = 'wow cheap' WHERE owner_id = 5 AND fruit_price IS cheapest;
And this would update the first row in the above example data, because fruit_id of 1 is the cheapest fruit owned by user 5.
One possible way is simply to use a correlated subquery:
update fruit set
notes = 'some notes'
where owner_id = 5
and fruit_price = (
select min(fruit_price) from fruit f2
where f2.owner_id = fruit.owner_id

select maximum column name from different table in a database

I am comparing from different table to get the COLUMN_NAME of the MAXIMUM value
These are example tables: Fruit_tb, Vegetable_tb, State_tb, Foods_tb
Under Fruit_tb
fr_id fruit_one fruit_two
1 20 50
Under Vegetables_tb (v = Vegetables)
v_id v_one V_two
1 10 9
Under State_tb
stateid stateOne stateTwo
1 70 87
Under Food_tb
foodid foodOne foodTwo
1 10 3
Now here is the scenario, I want to get the COLUMN NAMES of the max or greatest value in each table.
You can maybe find out the row which contains the max value of a column. For eg:
SELECT fr_id , MAX(fruit_one) FROM Fruit_tb GROUP BY fr_id;
In order to find the out the max value of a table:
SELECT fr_id ,fruit_one FROM Fruit_tb WHERE fruit_one<(SELECT max(fruit_one ) from Fruit_tb) ORDER BY fr_id DESC limit 1;
A follow up SO for the above scenario.
Maybe you can use GREATEST in order to get the column name which has the max value. But then what I'm not sure is whether you'll be able to retrieve all the columns of different tables at once. You can do something like this to retrieve from a single table:
WHEN `id` THEN `id`
WHEN `fr_id` THEN `fr_id`
END AS maxcol,
GREATEST(`id`,`fr_id`) as maxvalue FROM Fruit_tb;
Maybe this SO could help you. Hope it helps!

Putting keyword data into a csv file MATLAB

Given a table of the following format in MATLAB:
userid | itemid | keywords
A = [ 3 10 'book'
3 10 'briefcase'
3 10 'boat'
12 20 'windows'
12 20 'picture'
12 35 'love'
4 10 'day'
12 10 'working day'
... ... ... ];
where A is a table of size (58000*3), I want to write the data in a csv file with the following format:
itemid keywords
10 book, briefcase, boat, day, working day, ...
20 windows, picture, ...
35 love, ...
where we the list of itemids is stored in Iids = [10,20,35,...]
I would like to avoide using loops for this as you can imagine the matrix is big-sized. Any idea is appreciated.
I wasn't able to think of a solution without loops. But you can optimize your loop by:
using logical indexing
running such loop only M times (if M is the number of unique itemid elements) instead of N times (if N is the number of elements in your table).
The solution I come up with is this.
First of all, create your table
A=table([3;3;3;12;12;12;4;12], [10;10;10;20;20;35;10;10],{'book','briefcase','boat','windows','picture','love','day','working day'}','VariableNames',{'userid','itemid','keywords'});
which looks like
Select the unique values for column itemid (your Iids):
which looks like
Create a new, empty, table which will contain the results:
And now the minimal loop I've come up with:
for id=Iids'
% select rows with given itemid value
% create new row in NewTable with the id and the (joined together) keywords from the selected rows
NewTable=[NewTable; table(id,{strjoin(RowsWithGivenId.keywords,', ')})];
Also, append the new column names in NewTable
NewTable.Properties.VariableNames = {'itemid','keywords'};
And now NewTable looks like:
Please note: due to the fact that the keywords in the new table are separated by comma, a csv file is not the format I recommend. By using writetable() as writetable(NewTable,'myfile.csv');
what you'll get is
As instead, by replacing ; instead of a separating comma (in strjoin()), you'll get a nicer format:

getting categoryid fo more than one shortname passed

I have the following tables:
id catid subcatid
10 {1} {10,20}
20 {2} {30,40}
30 {3} {50,60,70}
catid shortname parent_id bid
1 A 10
2 B 20
3 c 30
10 x 1 10
20 y 1 10
30 z 2 20
40 w 2 20
Both the tables have a relationship using id. The problem I am getting is outlined below. Here is my query currently:
SELECT ARRAY[category_id]::int[] from cat_subcat
where parentcategoryid IS not NULL and shortname ilike ('x,y');
I want to get the category_id for an entered shortname, but my query is not giving the proper output. If I pass one shortname it will retrieve the category_id, but if I pass more than one shortname it will not display category_id. Please tell me how to get the category_id for more than one shortname passed.
To actually use pattern matching with ILIKE, you cannot use a simple IN expression. Instead, you need ILIKE ANY (...) or ALL (...), depending on whether you want the tests ORed or ANDed:
Also, your ARRAY constructor will be applied to individual rows, which seems rather pointless. I assume you want this instead (educated guess):
SELECT array_agg(catid) AS cats
FROM cat_subcat
AND shortname ILIKE ANY ('{x,y}');
Well, as long as you don't use wildcards (%, _) for your pattern, you can translate this to:
AND lower(shortname) IN ('x','y');
But that would be rather pointless, since Postgres internally converts this to:
AND lower(shortname) = ANY ('{x,y}');
.. before evaluating.

how to get grouped query data from the resultset?

I want to get grouped data from a table in sqlite. For example, the table is like below:
Name Group Price
a 1 10
b 1 9
c 1 10
d 2 11
e 2 10
f 3 12
g 3 10
h 1 11
Now I want get all data grouped by the Group column, each group in one array, namely
array1 = {{a,1,10},{b,1,9},{c,1,10},{h,1,11}};
array2 = {{d,2,11},{e,2,10}};
array3 = {{f,3,12},{g,3,10}}.
Because i need these 2 dimension arrays to populate the grouped table view. the sql statement maybe NSString *sql = #"SELECT * FROM table GROUP BY Group"; But I wonder how to get the data from the resultset. I am using the FMDB.
Any help is appreciated.
Get the data from sql with a normal SELECT statement, ordered by group and name:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY group, name;
Then in code, build your arrays, switching to fill the next array when the group id changes.
Let me clear about GroupBy. You can group data but that time its require group function on other columns.
e.g. Table has list of students in which there are gender group mean Male & Female group so we can group this table by Gender which will return two set . Now we need to perform some operation on result column.
e.g. Maximum marks or Average marks of each group
In your case you want to group but what kind of operation you require on price column ?.
e.g. below query will return group with max price.
SELECT Group,MAX(Price) AS MaxPriceByEachGroup FROM TABLE GROUP BY(group)