Kubernetes and logs from localhost with promtail - kubernetes

I have kubernetes installed on a viral machine. I have put grafana,loki and promtail with helm charts on it.I want to take logs from /var/log/syslog on the virtual machine.
I tried
extraScrapeConfigs: |
- job_name: syslog
label_structured_data: yes
job: "syslog"
- source_labels: ["__syslog_connection_ip_address"]
target_label: "ip_address"
- source_labels: ["__syslog_message_severity"]
target_label: "severity"
- source_labels: ["__syslog_message_facility"]
target_label: "facility"
- source_labels: ["__syslog_message_hostname"]
target_label: "host"
as I added with rsyslog.conf on VM _#nodeip:1514
but nothing happens.Any idea how it can happen


Promtail + Loki - Only shows some namespaces not all

we recently decided to install loki and promtail via the loki-stack helm chart. Loki and promtail kind of work. We get some logs from Promtail and we can visualize them in grafana but our development namespace is nowhere to be found in loki. Promtail shows the development pod as an active target and promtail already collected the logs from the pod but we cant seem to get them into loki somehow... Any ideas?
set loki.monitoring.selfMonitoring.grafanaAgent.installOperator to false
This problem is caused by grafana-agent which is installed by default as a sub-chart of grafana/loki chart...
agent creates secret 'loki-logs-config' (loki in this case is Helm release name) which contains following configuration:
agent.yml: |+
- clients:
- external_labels:
cluster: loki
url: http://loki.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:3100/loki/api/v1/push
name: monitoring/loki
- job_name: podLogs/monitoring/loki
- namespaces:
- monitoring
role: pod
- cri: {}
- source_labels:
- job
target_label: __tmp_prometheus_job_name
- action: keep
regex: loki
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_instance
- action: keep
regex: loki
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_name
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_namespace
target_label: namespace
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_service_name
target_label: service
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
target_label: pod
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: container
- replacement: monitoring/loki
target_label: job
- replacement: /var/log/pods/*$1/*.log
separator: /
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: __path__
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
target_label: __host__
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
- action: replace
replacement: monitoring/$1
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name
target_label: job
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: container
- action: replace
replacement: loki
target_label: cluster
positions_directory: /var/lib/grafana-agent/data
server: {}
As you can see under kubernetes_sd_configs there is namespaces list with value of monitoring - I have no idea why is it there, but that's the namespace I've installed this chart into.
You won't see this secret after executing helm template - it seems that Grafana Agent creates it somehow after startup.
It has label app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=grafana-agent-operator
Pretty magical if you ask me...
The solution for me was disabling disabling installation of Grafana Agent:
replication_factor: 1
type: 'filesystem'
auth_enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: true
installOperator: false
enabled: false
Note: top loki element in the code block above is needed only if you add grafana/loki chart as subchart to your chart
IMO enabling beta feature (Grafana Agent is v0.30.0 today) in a Chart used as a reference in Loki's doc is insane :)

Scape metrics from multiple containers in prometheus with Istio

Our application is deployed in the istio service mesh and we are trying to scrape metrics at container level using the prometheus.io annotations.
So we have enabled spring boot metrics in our application and we are able to fetch the metrics on the given path '/manage/prometheus'.
We have enabled Prometheus annotations in the deployment file of our application as follows:
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
prometheus.io/port: '8080'
prometheus.io/path: '/manage/prometheus'
This works fine when there is a single container in the pod.
But for pods that have multiple containers, we are unable to scrape the metrics with the container port.
Following are the workarounds we tried:
Following the reference https://gist.github.com/bakins/5bf7d4e719f36c1c555d81134d8887eb we tried to add the relabel configs for scraping data at container level:
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
- role: pod
- action: keep
regex: true
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name]
action: keep
regex: (.*)
- source_labels: [ __address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number]
action: replace
regex: (.+):(?:\d+);(\d+)
replacement: ${1}:${2}
target_label: __address__
- action: replace
regex: (https?)
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme
target_label: __scheme__
- action: replace
regex: (.+)
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
target_label: __metrics_path__
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_namespace
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
- action: drop
regex: Pending|Succeeded|Failed
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: container
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number
target_label: container_port
But after applying the above configuration we are getting the error as:
Get "http://10.x.x.x:8080/stats/prometheus": read tcp 10.y.y.y:45542->10.x.x.x:8080: read: connection reset by peer
So 10.x.x.x is the pod IP and 8080 is the container port, it is not able to scrape using the container port.
We tried the above configuration after removing the istio mesh i.e. by removing the istio sidecar from all the microservices pods and we could see container level metrics being scraped.
Istio’s proxy is somewhere blocking the metrics to be scraped at the container level.
Have anyone faced this similar issue?

How to relabel Kubernetes metrics with dynamic pod URLs in Prometheus?

I am trying to discover both pods and nodes on the same job using kubernetes_sd_configs and use their labels together.
I have blackbox-exporter on multiple pods in my cluster on different nodes, my goal is to monitor each of them, but I am having trouble with the metric relabelling.
I am trying to achieve something like this:
My current configuration looks like the following, but the pod URL is missing:
- job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
metrics_path: /probe
module: [ping]
- role: node
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
- target_label: __address__
replacement: <pod_should_be_here>:9115
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
regex: (.+)
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__param_target]
target_label: instance

Prometheus + Kubernetes metrics coming from wrong scrape job

I deployed prometheus server (+ kube state metrics + node exporter + alertmanager) through the prometheus helm chart using the chart's default values, including the chart's default scrape_configs. The problem is that I expect certain metrics to be coming from a particular job but instead are coming from a different one.
For example, node_cpu_seconds_total is being provided by the kubernetes-service-endpoints job but I expect it to come from the kubernetes-nodes job, i.e. node-exporter. The returned metric's values are accurate but the problem is I don't have the labels that would normally come from kubernetes-nodes (since kubernetes-nodes job has role: node vs role: endpoint for kubernetes-service-endpoints. I need these missing labels for advanced querying + dashboards.
Output of node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}:
node_cpu_seconds_total{app="prometheus",chart="prometheus-7.0.2",component="node-exporter",cpu="0",heritage="Tiller",instance="",job="kubernetes-service-endpoints",kubernetes_name="get-prometheus-node-exporter",kubernetes_namespace="default",mode="idle",release="get-prometheus"} | 423673.44
node_cpu_seconds_total{app="prometheus",chart="prometheus-7.0.2",component="node-exporter",cpu="0",heritage="Tiller",instance="",job="kubernetes-service-endpoints",kubernetes_name="get-prometheus-node-exporter",kubernetes_namespace="default",mode="idle",release="get-prometheus"} | 417097.16
There are no errors in the logs and I do have other kubernetes-nodes metrics such as up and storage_operation_errors_total so node-exporter is getting scraped.
I also verified manually that node-exporter has this particular metric, node_cpu_seconds_total, with curl <node IP>:9100/metrics | grep node_cpu and it has results.
Does the job order definition matter? Would one job override the other's metrics if they have the same name? Should I be dropping metrics for the kubernetes-service-endpoints job? I'm new to prometheus so any detailed help is appreciated.
I was able to figure out how to add the "missing" labels by navigating to the prometheus service-discovery status UI page. This page shows all the "Discovered Labels" that can be processed and kept through relabel_configs. What is processed/kept shows next to "Discovered Labels" under "Target Labels". So then it was just a matter of modifying the kubernetes-service-endpoints job config in scrape_configs so I add more taget labels. Below is exactly what I changed in the chart's scrape_configs. With this new config, I get namespace, service, pod, and node added to all metrics if the metric didn't already have them (see honor_labels).
- job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints'
+ honor_labels: true
- role: endpoints
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
action: keep
regex: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
action: replace
target_label: __scheme__
regex: (https?)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: (.+)
- source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
action: replace
target_label: __address__
regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
replacement: $1:$2
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
action: replace
- target_label: kubernetes_namespace
+ target_label: namespace
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
action: replace
- target_label: kubernetes_name
+ target_label: service
+ - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
+ action: replace
+ target_label: pod
+ - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
+ action: replace
+ target_label: node
From the scrape configs, the kubernetes-nodes job probes https://kubernetes.default.svc:443/api/v1/nodes/${node_name}/proxy/metrics, while kubernetes-service-endpoints job probes every endpoints of those services with prometheus.io/scrape: true defined, which includes node-exporter. So in your configs, the node_cpu_seconds_total metrics is definitely come from kuberenetes-service-endpoints job.

Prometheus: cannot export metrics from connected Kubernetes cluster

The issue: I have a Prometheus outside of Kubernetes cluster. So, I want to export metrics from remote cluster.
I took the config sample from Prometheus Github repo and modified this a little bit. So, here is my jobs config.
- job_name: 'kubernetes-apiservers'
scheme: http
- role: endpoints
api_server: http://cluster-manager.dev.example.net:8080
bearer_token_file: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/kube_tokens/dev
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
action: keep
regex: default;kubernetes;http
- job_name: 'kubernetes-nodes'
scheme: http
- role: node
api_server: http://cluster-manager.dev.example.net:8080
bearer_token_file: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/kube_tokens/dev
insecure_skip_verify: true
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
- job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints'
scheme: http
- role: endpoints
api_server: http://cluster-manager.dev.example.net:8080
bearer_token_file: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/kube_tokens/dev
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
action: keep
regex: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
action: replace
target_label: __scheme__
regex: (http?)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: (.+)
- source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
action: replace
target_label: __address__
regex: (.+)(?::\d+);(\d+)
replacement: $1:$2
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_name
- job_name: 'kubernetes-services'
scheme: http
metrics_path: /probe
module: [http_2xx]
- role: service
api_server: http://cluster-manager.dev.example.net:8080
bearer_token_file: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/kube_tokens/dev
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_probe]
action: keep
regex: true
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: __param_target
- target_label: __address__
replacement: blackbox
- source_labels: [__param_target]
target_label: instance
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_namespace]
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
target_label: kubernetes_name
- job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
scheme: http
- role: pod
api_server: http://cluster-manager.dev.example.net:8080
bearer_token_file: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/kube_tokens/dev
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
action: keep
regex: true
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: (.+)
- source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
action: replace
regex: (.+):(?:\d+);(\d+)
replacement: ${1}:${2}
target_label: __address__
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
I don't use a TLS connection to API, so I want to disable it.
When I curl /metrics URL from Prometheus host - it prints them.
Finally I connected to the cluster, but...the jobs are not up and therefore Prometheus doesn't expose relabeled metrics.
What I see in Console.
Targets state:
Also I checked the Prometheus debug. It's thought the system gets any necessary information and requests are done successfully.
time="2017-01-25T06:58:04Z" level=debug msg="pod update" kubernetes_sd=pod source="pod.go:66" tg="&config.TargetGroup{Targets:[]model.LabelSet{model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"UDP\", \"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"kube-dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"10053\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"dns-local\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"kube-dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"10053\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"dns-tcp-local\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"TCP\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"kube-dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"10055\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"metrics\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"TCP\", \"__address__\":\"\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"dnsmasq\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"53\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"UDP\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"dnsmasq\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"53\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"dns-tcp\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"TCP\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"10054\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"metrics\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"TCP\", \"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"dnsmasq-metrics\"}, model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol\":\"TCP\", \"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"healthz\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number\":\"8080\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name\":\"\"}}, Labels:model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready\":\"true\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_kubernetes_io_created_by\":\"{\\\"kind\\\":\\\"SerializedReference\\\",\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"v1\\\",\\\"reference\\\":{\\\"kind\\\":\\\"ReplicaSet\\\",\\\"namespace\\\":\\\"kube-system\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"kube-dns-2924299975\\\",\\\"uid\\\":\\\"fa808d95-d7d9-11e6-9ac9-02dfdae1a1e9\\\",\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"extensions\\\",\\\"resourceVersion\\\":\\\"89\\\"}}\\n\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_scheduler_alpha_kubernetes_io_affinity\":\"{\\\"nodeAffinity\\\":{\\\"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution\\\":{\\\"nodeSelectorTerms\\\":[{\\\"matchExpressions\\\":[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"beta.kubernetes.io/arch\\\",\\\"operator\\\":\\\"In\\\",\\\"values\\\":[\\\"amd64\\\"]}]}]}}}\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_name\":\"kube-dns-2924299975-dksg5\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_k8s_app\":\"kube-dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_pod_template_hash\":\"2924299975\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_tier\":\"node\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_scheduler_alpha_kubernetes_io_tolerations\":\"[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"dedicated\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"master\\\",\\\"effect\\\":\\\"NoSchedule\\\"}]\", \"__meta_kubernetes_namespace\":\"kube-system\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name\":\"cluster-manager.dev.example.net\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_component\":\"kube-dns\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_kubernetes_io_cluster_service\":\"true\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_name\":\"kube-dns\"}, Source:\"pod/kube-system/kube-dns-2924299975-dksg5\"}"
time="2017-01-25T06:58:04Z" level=debug msg="pod update" kubernetes_sd=pod source="pod.go:66" tg="&config.TargetGroup{Targets:[]model.LabelSet{model.LabelSet{\"__address__\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name\":\"bot\"}}, Labels:model.LabelSet{\"__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app\":\"bot\", \"__meta_kubernetes_namespace\":\"default\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_name\":\"bot-272181271-pnzsz\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip\":\"\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name\":\"ip-172-17-101-25\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_kubernetes_io_created_by\":\"{\\\"kind\\\":\\\"SerializedReference\\\",\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"v1\\\",\\\"reference\\\":{\\\"kind\\\":\\\"ReplicaSet\\\",\\\"namespace\\\":\\\"default\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"bot-272181271\\\",\\\"uid\\\":\\\"c297b3c2-e15d-11e6-a28a-02dfdae1a1e9\\\",\\\"apiVersion\\\":\\\"extensions\\\",\\\"resourceVersion\\\":\\\"1465127\\\"}}\\n\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready\":\"true\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_pod_template_hash\":\"272181271\", \"__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_version\":\"v0.1\"}, Source:\"pod/default/bot-272181271-pnzsz\"}"
Prometheus fetches updates, but...doesn't convert them to metrics.
So, I've broken my brain to figure out why is it going this way. So, please, help if you can figure out where might be mistake.
If you want to monitor a Kubernetes cluster from an external Prometheus server, I would suggest to set up a Prometheus federation topology:
Inside the K8s, install node-exporter pods and a Prometheus instance with short-term storage.
Expose the Prometheus service out of the K8s cluster, either via an ingress-controller (LB), or a node port. You can protect this endpoint with HTTPS + basic authentication.
Configure the center Prometheus to scrape metrics from above endpoint with proper authentication and tags.
This is the scalable solution. You can add monitor as many K8s clusters you want, until it reaches the capacities of the center Prometheus. Then you can add another center Prometheus instance to monitor others.
Finally I came to the though it's not trivial to setup Kubernetes cluster monitoring outside of cluster. Cause Kubernetes architecture suggested to keep all infrastructure within one local network. So, every workaround is going to be messy.
Also I came to the problem trying to debug why all configured jobs about Kubernetes roles such as nods, pods, services and endpoints doensn't even show up in targets status page. I may think wrong, but I didn't find out how to debug this issue in Prometheus.
My solution to monitor Kubernetes cluster outside was a kube-api-exporter. Pretty simple Python script which gets all metrics about ds, deployments and pods and finally provides the URL to fetch them. So, I'd recommend to come to this solution everyone who's got stuck with this sort of integration.
Also I started to fetch metrics from etcd. That's cool that etcd provides Prometheus-style metrics out of the box.
P.S.: thanks to FuzzyAmi for help.