A way to edit pbxproj without Xcode resolving package graph? - swift

I have tried to create a script that edits CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION accordingly in the .pbxproj file. But every time the script runs (when I archive), Xcode has to resolve package graph, which then cancels my archive.
Is it possible to edit without Xcode interfering?
I know I can just edit the Info.plist, but I might have multiple targets. Instead of looping through all these targets, I would rather just change CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION and then every Info.plist in every target points to CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION.
I have also tried using xcconfig files to do this. But that also does not work.


How do I add files to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase with an Xcode4 Project Template

I'm working on an Xcode 4 project template and I'm struggling with controlling the files that get added to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase--header files get added that I do not want to be copied into the project bundle and a file that I do want to be copied does not appear in this list (a custom .framework file that contains both the static library and image resources).
It seems like Xcode automatically builds contents of this build phase from the Nodes section in the project template; if it's a .framework, it automatically gets added to the linked libraries, if it's a .m, it automatically gets added to compiled sources, and everything else gets added to the Copy Bundle Resources.
I'd be grateful for any direction on this one!
To clarify, I'm attempting to create an Xcode project template that, when used, creates a new Xcode project that includes the specified files from the template in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
This should help. After the Class-Resources key-value pair, you can add files somehow. I couldn't figure that out but I'm sure you can find it somewhere.
EDIT: Actually, i think an easier way is to in the Definition part, after the Path key, add a TargetIndices key (an array). With some experimenting you should be able to find out what value to put on one item of that array to put it in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
Yes, Xcode tries to manage this for you. If after adding a file, it did not did what you want, then change it. It's guesses are "usually" correct "most" of the time. :)

Using resources with the same name in Xcode

Is there a way to add multiple resources with the same name to an Xcode project and have 1 of them take priority over the others?
I added 2 files, both called icon.png, to an Xcode project. They are on different folders in the file system (Folder1/icon.png and Folder2/icon.png) and on different groups in Xcode. Is there a way to tell Xcode to have Folder2/icon.png take priority over Folder1/icon.png? And if only 1 icon.png exists, then use that one.
EDIT (2010-12-23):
You can have multiple files with the same name in an Xcode project even if they are not in separate folder references, but they are in separate groups. Once compiled, the app bundle (which will be flat with no folders in it), will only have one copy of the file (icon.png). How do you pick which copy of the file to use?
I was told that you can do this for BlackBerry. It works something like this: The compiler will go down the list of files in the project and start adding them to the app bundle. If it sees a duplicate, it will overwrite it (or not), so the files at the bottom (or at the top) will have higher precedence and will be the final bundle.
This can better easily be solved by using folders within a resource bundle in your Xcode project. Take a look here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFBundles/Introduction/Introduction.html
Wait a second, since you specifically mentioned icon.png, are you trying to supply different iDevices (iPad, iPhone4, iTouch3...) with different icon images?
If yes, check this out, http://d.pr/W2w0 , Apple has already provided a way for us to finish this task with convenience. All you need to do is following a specific naming convention.
What we do if we have a situation like this is:
We have several subfolders on the file system level of the project dir and add them to XCode into separate groups.
This works well. For actually building, we try to avoid Files with the same Name in one target. Icon.png and iTunesArtwork are only added once in every target.
It just proved to be a Maintainability Nightmare

Minimizing the use of Xcode - how to quickly build and go from source code?

I realize I have to use Xcode to develop for the iphone, but I'm trying to build apps from raw source code generated outside of Xcode.
For example, I would like to "Build and Go" the apple demo "TheElements" (here). (I use this example because it has no .xib files - so Xcode is not needed for the UI).
It works to just unzip and open the .xcodeproj in there, but what if I had generated this code elsewhere and haven't yet used xcode? I.e., I have a directory of files (the contents of the .zip without the xcodeproj stuff):
Can I quickly (automatically?) get this built and running in the simulator?
I guess the question also relates to what information is really stored in the xcodeproj. Ideally, there would be some scriptable method for generating the project.pbxproj file, but sadly can't find this.
You might think of the Xcode project file as a glorified Makefile (if you're coming from the Unix world) or a VC solution file (if you're coming from Windows). It's a description of the dependencies between components and the steps required to build, link, and deploy those components. There is no more fundamental "Build and Go" than that.
On the iPhone, Xcode is required to build a viable application (technically, you could chain up the command line invocations used by Xcode—check the build log—but you'd be pretty crazy to bother). You can use a command line invocation (xcodebuild) instead of using the Xcode GUI app, but you still need a project file.

Xcode iPhone app package missing files

I'm struggling to figure out what exactly it is that decides which files go into the .app-package when compiling an application in Xcode. I've noticed that most image files go there automatically, while others like yaml-files or psd don't, and I cant find anywhere to set this. So, how do you do this?
Look at the build phases for your application target. You'll find that recognized image files were added to the Copy Bundle Resources phase. To copy files of a type that Xcode doesn't recognize, you can add a Copy Files build phase.
If all else fails, read the documentation.

Editing a run script build phase in XCode

In XCode I made a new run script build phase and want to do one of two things:
Edit it
Delete it
I can see how to add a new one, but not how to access the existing one?
In xcode project tree, click on targets, then pick the target for which you added script. Each time you add new script/event it will show up as a new grey folder in target's subtree. Pick folder named 'Run Script', right click, select 'Get info': script body will be in 'General' tab.
If you have multiple scripts, you probably would want to rename them in that target tree.
I realize this is really old (And the solution I'm mentioning might not have even existed when it was asked), but I came across it when looking into how to do the same thing, and thought it would be useful to put in my findings for anyone else. I've discovered that if you check the box for Run script only when installing on the run script screen, then it will only run when you do an Archive. I guess since there isn't an "Install" option for iOS apps, Archive gets treated as the same thing, at least for this purpose.
For people who have been searching for how to add a run script build phase, there is a simple step-by-step guide (with screenshots) at http://runscriptbuildphase.com. It shows both Xcode 4 and Xcode 3.
Found it!
In the XCode Build System Guide look at Adding and Deleting Build Phases.
In your XCode project, under Targets in the Groups and Files pane you can see the Run Script... double click to edit, delete to delete.
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