I want to add firebase push notification in my flutter app and sending notification through flutter web admin,App is working perfect but web is not sending message
I'm having a situation with Firebase Messaging in flutter. I need to decrypt the notification body - which is an encrypted chat message - before displaying it. I was able to do it on the foreground notifications, but not on the background and terminated ones.
I tried decrypting it on
FirebaseMessaging.instance.getInitialMessage().then((message) => myHandler)
and on
but it doesn't seem to run through this code.
I have Fcm key
and working when i put fcm trial of cloud messageing in firebase
I tried but only got same device notification,
I am expecting that when I send a message to another user The other user need to get a notification while the app is not opened
in my flutter project, I used FCM to push notifications and flutter_local_notification to display the received notifications
and I used the "data" payload to read the notification in my app.
and it works fine, but when I send more than one notification only the last one appears in the device tray (For both ios & android).
it seems like the application received only one notification
anything to do so multi notifications could be shown in the tray
I am getting push notification from a non-firebase source. I see the push popup and when selected opens my app. However, I need get the payload from the message.
Firebase messaging handler only get me the payload from push message originate via firebase. Is there another plugin that will show me the message payload from non-firebase push.
My app is setup to use firebase for push notification. I see the push and the data when I send a message thru firebase
FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
print('Got a message whilst in the background!');
print('Message data: ${message.data}');
//trap when app is in foreground
(RemoteMessage message) {
Now , another third party vendor(iterable) is sending push message. I see the popup but how do I get the data from the message. The firebase handler does not get triggered
You can't get the message data from the FirebaseMessaging if you are not using Firebase.
Firebase messaging is exclusive to firebase, so you can't use it to get other third-party notifications. Your third-party notification provider will provide SDK, you need to integrate it into your app, in order to get the data from the message.