Is it possible to get Whatsapp messages to webhook when number has been added to a group? - facebook

My goal is to get messages from a group (including the information about the group).
Can I add the business number to a group and get all the messages written in the group where my business number has been added ?


Getting Total unread messages count in Twilio Conversations

we're using Twilio Conversations to power 1-to-1 chat for a webapp. I see that the unreadMessagesCount implemented via Read Horizon can indicate the number of unread messages in a particular conversation for a participant.
My question: Is there a way to get the total unread messages for ALL of a user's ongoing conversations? E.g., if a user has 3 ongoing conversations that each have 5 unread messages, I would like to provide the user with an badge showing they have 15 unread messages (i.e., the customary user experience using messaging apps).
Would we have to loop through all the conversations that a user is a participant of and call unreadMessagesCount for each? If so, have some concern if that would bog down performance too much as some users could be a participant to a large number of conversations.
If total count of unread messages in all conversations is not able to be implemented efficiently, would also be fine if could just identify the total number of 1-on-1 conversations that have 1+ unread messages. But have not found a way to do this either.
Appreciate any thoughts on the best way to implement this.

FCM, How to make all users in group to subscribe to topic

I'm making a social media app like Facebook using Flutter and Firebase.
I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging to make notification service.
I want to make users who joined community or groups to subscribe their group's topic. Therefore, I can send notification to them by using method which is "subscribeToTopic()". However, I don't know how to make all users in community or groups to subscribe to certain topics.
If you know how to make all users to subscribe to certain topics, please let me know. Thank you!
There is no API to get the current subscribers to a topic, nor is there an API that verbatim subscribes all subscribers to one topic to another topic.
If you already track group membership yourself, you can either let each client subscriber themselves to the additional topic, or you can determine the list of tokens for the group members and then subscribe them to the topic on the server.

Address List which emailed from

I'm currently organizing the Google groups that our account has and would like to see where each group received the email.
As far as I'm looking at the public API, it seems that there is no way to know when a group received an email or how many it already received.
For example, if a member has been a member of a group since the beginning, it would be possible to create a list from the member's email archive, but I don't want to do that for each group.
Does anyone have a better idea?
Maybe one of the solutions is here, and I'll check it.
Download all messages from a Google group

Send mail to a particular user from subscriber list in Sendy API

I have multiple users in Subscriber list (suppose 10 users) and I want to send email to only one user from that list. I cannot create one list per user as I will need to generate report also. So how can I achieve this without making any changes in their core code.

OpenFire - Permanent Group Chat using PubSub

First from this question :
Asmack/openfire How do I keep a user permanently in groupchat room
I read that I cannot use MUC to keep the user persistent in the group, they'll automatically leave the group and can rejoin after they come online again, that concept is like IRC like what've been asked in here ->
Then from the stackoverflow question I read about using pubsub, then I've done some research about pubsub and what I've got is pubsub can persist the user to be in the group even the user is offline but the message flow is more like one directional from the publisher to the subscriber (read-only).
So if I want to create a group chat application can I use pubsub and set all the member to become both publisher and subscriber? or is there any alternative solution?or my understanding of the pubsub and MUC is incorrect?
my goal is to create some group chat like in the whatsapp or blackberry messenger group.
You can make users permanent in Group chat in MUC by changing the following code of openfire.
File : src/java/org/jivesoftware/openfire/muc/spi/
change line 547-550:
// TODO Consider that different nodes can be creating and processing this presence at the same time (when
remote node went down)
// TODO Consider that different nodes can be creating and processing this presence at the same time (when
remote node went down)
// TODO Dont remove user from group when they go offline.