how can I add discord.js bot with distube module on Unbuntu server? - server

I create a discord.js bot in nodejs and i had the module distube
On local, when I want to add a music and play it. It works (My music is played) but when I had it on my Unbuntu server it doesn't work.
There is no error in the console, the bot says that there is not music in the queue but when we check queue object we see songs in the array.


how call noVNC console from rest-api oVirt

I am a junior programmer, and I am coding a small web-front-end for oVirt using REST-API. My front-end can create, change, start, stop, and delete vm. But have a problem, I don't understand how to call the noVnc web console. I can get a ticket, proxy ticket, file .vv to connect from virt-viewer.
This link open console from admin portal https://ovirt.local/ovirt-engine/services/novnc-main.jsp?host=ovirt.local&port=6100&title=50add455-ffbc-4bfb-bf0b-2dd41d083d83%20-%20noVNC but not work if insert another vm title
Please help, how call noVNC console?

Start of a Script from one server to another server

I've got a server (raspberry PI 3) which functions as a webserver.
Additionally, I've got a client (raspberry PI 3) with a camera connected.
I've created a script on the client, which creates an image of the camera and then sends it automatically to a volume share of the server(webserver).
With a simple <img> HTML tag I want to show the image on the website.
Now I have to manually start the script, which triggers the camera.
So my question is:
How can I start a script from the server(webserver) which triggers the script from the client automatically?
My idea was with sshpass. Unfortunately that did not work.
How would it work via SSH PASS or what else is a useful way?

Connect to console app running as a system task on Windows server

I run several game servers on a single windows-server-2012-r2. Many of the game servers run as console-application. I have created scheduled-tasks to run each on windows startup even if I'm not logged on. I would like to be able to attach to the consoles of those apps when logged on to the server, similar to what can be done in linux. Perhaps I'm going about this in the wrong way. Is there a way to attach to console apps running as tasks? Is there a software tool that accommodates this sort of thing?
Been searching high and low for a solution but haven't found anything yet. Have decided to write a wrapper for console app that will redirect Stdin, Stdout and Stderr of a process to a Telnet connection. Will use nssm to run the wrapper as a service.
I produced a solution:
Banjo will launch a specified console application and route its streams to and from a telnet connection.
Pull requests welcome.

IBMLogger and checking logging in the Bluemix console

I'm building a hybrid app that speaks to a Bluemix app. I've got Mobile Application Security and Mobile Quality Assurance as a service. I'm using IBMLogger to send log messages, like so:
IBMBluemix.getLogger().info("Device successfully registered: "+ JSON.stringify(response));
I was under the impression that the MobileFirst-style services on Bluemix acted somewhat like the same components for a local MF install. I'm trying to find where I can see my log files in the BM console but have not been able to find them.
For a local MF install using the hybrid SDK, you have to specifically say you want your logs sent to the server, but I do not see that option when looking at the hybrid docs for BM/MF.
There is some doc here:
I suppose by default the log goes to the console, which you can retrieve through the loggregator, aka do cf logs <yourapp> --recent. You can also use the Monitoring & Analytics service to retain logs - see the above doc.

How to send a video stream to a cloud?

I want to send a live video stream to a server and I want to perform facial recognition on that video and I would like to get the result back to the client program. Where do I get a server? Can I use Windows Azure here? If yes, can I also make a Python/C++ Server program listen on a particular port?
You haven't talked about the client-side piece. Assuming you're in control of a client app, you could push the video to a Blob, then drop a notification in an Azure queue for a background task to process the uploaded video fragment.
Instead of directly pushing to blobs, you could host a web service that lets you push uploads, and the web service could store the video fragment and then trigger a background processing task.
Running python should be very straightforward - just upload the python exe and any related modules, either with your Windows Azure deployment or in blob storage (then pull them down from blob storage and install them when the VM starts up). As far as port-listening, you can define up to 25 ports that are external-facing. You'd then have your python app listen on the port you defined (either tcp, http, or https).
More info on block and page blobs here. Steve Marx posted this example for installing python in your Web or Worker role.