Flutter: how do I only allow paste WITHOUT FORMATTING in html_editor_enhanced? - flutter

I'm using the plugin html_editor_enhanced and when I paste text, it keeps the formatting (bold, underline, foreground/background color etc...).
I'm building tool that will be used by many people, and I want all the texts to mainly have the same font, fontsize, all black etc, only bold text for a few cases.
It would be much easier to only allow pasting without formatting (remove all formatting when pasting), than to explain to each individual to remove formatting manually (and how to do that).


Prettier indentation settings - HTML tree structure is too narrow

im trying to make wider spaces between HTML parent and child elements. I tried with many settings but my tree is still super unreadable. I can't see what exactly each div contains.
The current look:
I'm trying to achieve wider structure, like this one:
"editor.tabSize": 2,
You're using a variable-width font. Spaces in variable-width fonts are often much thinner than other glyphs/characters. The image of what you want is using a monospace font (where every glyph/character has the same width). Use the editor.fontFamily setting in the settings.json file. You'll need to consult your OS / Desktop environment to see what fonts you have installed for selection. If there's one you want and don't have, you'll need to install it.

How to add support for a custom non-unicode font in VSCode?

I have a custom fantasy script which looks like this (just the text portion):
It is a monospaced font built with FontForge. How can I add support for it to VSCode, so I can type in ASCII (like the left side here), and it outputs the random UTF-8 symbol mapped to the custom font in VSCode? So I can then save the file and have it be either a bunch of gobbledygook characters or the ASCII characters I originally typed?
Ideally this could be a plugin, so if you know of an open source VSCode plugin which I could use as inspiration, that would be a perfect answer as well.
I see how to set a custom font in VSCode, but (a) that is globally, and (b) it doesn't necessarily solve the typing problem. I just really would like to know how to do this, not necessarily requiring an answer to implement it.
Recommended UX is to have a "separate keyboard" for it, meaning typing the keys on the keyboard would result in different values. Maybe something like that can be done on a per-file basis?

Printing markdown in VSCode uses different styling than on-screen

When I go to print markdown from VSCode it does render the markdown, but it has a very different styling than the on-screen preview. How do I fix this?
VS Code does not support the printing of markdown or anything else. For that you need a printing extension. There are only two of these, and I wrote the one that prints rendered markdown. I'm quite certain you're talking about mine because it has a Markdown: Styles setting and the other one doesn't.
There are settings that allow you to customise styling. It's not currently styled using a stylesheet because there are complications referencing that sort of asset in remoting environments.
To work around this I had to embed styles into the document. This has the unfortunate effect that you cannot override them with a separate CSS file. As a temporary measure, I have made available settings allowing you to customise the embedded styles.
I notice in the screen snap that I have specified "Blackadder ITC" as the font-family. This is not a typeface I would recommend, probably I was giving a demo. I sincerely hope this wasn't in shipped setting defaults. If that's why you think it's "ugly" then change the heading font-family to whatever typeface you prefer for headings. sans-serif will use the local default.

Is there a way to change background color of syntax highlight in Visual Studio Code

I was looking for a better code editor for my projects and wanted to give VSCode a try. But I couldn't find where to customize the syntax highlighting settings. What I actually need is to change the background color of embedded languages within a file so that I can identify different parts of the code a lot easier.
I have this PHP file which contains, HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I'd like to set different background colors for all 4 languages within this single file. Is this possible with VSCode? or does anyone know a code editor that supports this? UltraEdit supports this but it has so many other shortcomings.
Not possible #3429 Themes don't support background styling

Letterspacing in Eclipse code editor

Is there any way to change the letter-spacing of text in Eclipse's code editor?
Maybe you can try changing from a fixed width font to the variable width font like Verdana or Tahoma. Window->Preferences->Appearance->Colors and Fonts->Basic->Text Font
If you mean the java code editor in Eclipse this is not possible. The editor is not a word processor. You can only change the font setings (typeface, style, color, size).
If you are referring to this kind of letter spacing, then no, I do not think so.
Not in the sense that a typography system allows you to tweak the appearance of text on a printed page.
The default for me is Courier New Regular 10. You can change the size to 12 or some other size.
Are you trying to change the kerning rules? Kerning is positioning different letters in a variable-width font. For instance in the word "We", the "e" is tucked in a little bit under the "W". The page-layout software that magazine publishers use can control this.
Fonts are opaque to Eclipse; it doesn't give you a way to change the rules within the font. Unfortunately the best you can do is try the different fonts and sizes until you find one that has kerning rules that work, more or less.