Best practice for writing spark sql sourced from json file [closed] - scala

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Closed 2 days ago.
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Our Scala spark pipeline executes multiple sql queries from a json config.
what would be the best way to write unit tests for the sqls sourced from the json which are used for Scala pipelines


Where find open code-source Spark-streaming Kafka [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm looking for the open code-source of Spark-streaming-kafka with scala
Please do you have an idea about it's link on Apache where can I found it ?
Not sure of what you're looking for but one of those two links should help:
Spark source code is available on GitHub:
spark-streaming-kafka source code can be downloaded via Maven dependency in your IDE for instance (

What is the best way to read the lines of dynamically generated file in Perl? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a log file which gets dynamically populated by the second. I want to read the file (latest lines) and filter out if any exception. What is the best way to read the lines of dynamically generated file in Perl?
See How do I do a tail -f in perl? in perlfaq5 and File::Tail.

What package to use for database migrations in Go? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am fairly new to golang, and trying to identify the best tools for the job. Currently I am evaluating the following packages:
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these (or other packages) and could provide some comments.
We use mattes/migrate at work and are very happy with it. It works with plain SQL files, handles file naming by itself and can easily be automated via CLI. It doesn't do anything Go specific.
With gomigrate you need to create the files yourself and write code for executing the migrations.
Take a look at, a maintained fork of

What are the available open source acceptors for quickfix? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are the available open source quickfix acceptors/servers/simulators which have MATCHING and EXECUTION option. If you any tool please give the link.
I found few tools like fiximulator,quickfix-messenger and ect. But these tools don't have order matching option.
Thanks in advance.
QuickfixJ comes with an example called OrderMatcher. It is a simple order matching engine that accepts orders and generated ER when matches occurs.

Automating REST API documentation for routes [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to automate the documentation of routes in a Spray application?
e.g. Is there perhaps an SBT plugin that generates markdown describing what it knows about the spray routes?
I stumbled upon spray-swagger while researching the same thing but I don't know exactly what it does and which stage the project is at.