Helm test log functionality - kubernetes-helm

I am using helm chart to install some pods. I also have shell script based helm test cases written in templetes/tests/ folder. When I run helm test Releasename -n namespace command it will run the shell scripts I wrote inside test folder. But this won't give any logs for success or failure of the test case. I have added the echo statements in my shell scripts.
Later I found another command. helm test Releasename --logs -n namespace. This gives the logs for test run but only when test failed. Not showing any logs if test case passed. I want logs for both success and failure of test case. I am completely new to this helm concepts. I am not much familiar with the configurations. Can anyone please help me in this?
I'm using helm version v3.11.1


Command to force new deployment in helm?

I use gitlab + kubernetes.
I use this command:
helm secrets -d vault upgrade --install --atomic --namespace NAMESPACE --values VALUES.yml --set image.tag="WHATEVER" DEPLOYMENT_NAME FILE_TO_THIS_DEPLOYMENT
the moment the CI pipeline fails i cannot restart it again, because of some Kubernetes/Helm errors:
another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress
I know that i can just fix this inside kubernetes and then i can rerun, but this is just a shitty experience for people who dont know that much about Kubernetes/Helm.
Is there a one-shot command which is just really deploying a new version and if the old version was somehow in a failing state, delete/fix it beforehand?
I really just want to execute the same commands again and again and just expect it to work without manually fixing kubernetes state everytime anything happens.

Install Pre-Generated Helm Chart

I want to intercept the helm YAML and customize it using a Python script, and then install it. I have been doing something like helm template | python3 script... | kubectl apply -f - but of course this doesn't create a helm release in my cluster, so I lose out on helm rollback etc.
I have considered using Kustomize but it doesn't have the features that I'd like.
Is there a way to take pre-generated YAML, like that from helm template or helm install --dry-run and then install/upgrade that using helm?
Isn't that what post-renderers are for?
See https://helm.sh/docs/topics/advanced/#post-rendering
A post-renderer can be any executable that accepts rendered Kubernetes manifests on STDIN and returns valid Kubernetes manifests on STDOUT. It should return an non-0 exit code in the event of a failure. This is the only "API" between the two components. It allows for great flexibility in what you can do with your post-render process.
A post renderer can be used with install, upgrade, and template. To use a post-renderer, use the --post-renderer flag with a path to the renderer executable you wish to use:
$ helm install mychart stable/wordpress --post-renderer ./path/to/executable
I haven't used it myself yet, but it looks interesting if you want to run your own alternative kustomize.
See https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-ytt/tree/develop/examples/helm-ytt-post-renderer for an example that is not kustomize.

Why can't I successfully follow the Argo CD Getting Started guide?

I have tried so many times uninstalling ArgoCD and reinstalling. I have no idea what I am doing wrong honestly.
I start by installing ArgoCD. I am not interested in anything fancy, so I'm trying the core installation.
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/core-install.yaml
No errors. The guide says I can use argocd login --core to skip steps 3-5, so I do that:
cis#sd2:~$ argocd login --core
Context 'kubernetes' updated
Looks good as far as I know. Now I try to create their example application:
argocd app create guestbook --repo https://github.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps.git --path guestbook --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace default
... Nothing. Nothing at all happens. I'm never prompted for another command as long as I don't interrupt the process by pressing control+c. Am I vastly misunderstanding the getting started guide? I am happy to provide any necessary information about my cluster, I just have no idea what information would even be relevant.
This is the guide I am trying to follow: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/getting_started/

How to run a script in a pod once, manually, using helm

I'm looking for the correct way to run a one-time maintenance script on my Kubernetes cluster.
I've got my deployment configured via Helm, so everything is bundled in my chart and works extremely well from an automation point of view.
Problem is running a script just once. I know Helm has hooks, but I don't think those can be configured to run manually (only pre/post upgrade/install etc.). This is compared to running kubectl apply -f my-maintenance-script.yaml, which I can do just once and be done with.
Is there a best-practice way of doing this? I want to be able to use Helm since I can feed all my config/template values into the Job.
You can use Kubernetes Job, and use helm test to run the Job.

Openshift deployment validation - QA

wanted to know if there's any tool that can validate an openshift deployment. Let's say you have a deploy configuration file with different features (secrets, routes, services, environment variables, etc) and I want to validate after the deployment has finished and the POD/s is/are created in Openshift, that all those things are there as requested on the file. Like a tool for QA.
Readiness probe are there which can execute http requests on the pod to confirm its availability. Also it can execute commands to confirm desired resources are available within the container.
Readiness probe
There is a particular flag --dry-run in Kubernetes for resource creation which performs basic syntax verification and template object schema validation without real object implementation, therefore you can do the test for all underlying objects defined in the deployment manifest file.
I think it is also feasible to achieve through OpenShift client:
$ oc create -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
$ oc apply -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
You can find some useful OpenShift client commands in Developer CLI Operations documentation page.
For one time validation, you can create a Job (OpenShift) with Init Container (OpenShift) that ensures that all deployment process is done, and then run test/shell script with sequence of kubectl/curl/other commands to ensure that every piece of deployment are in place and in desired state.
For continuous validation, you can create a CronJob (OpenShift) that will periodically create a test Job and report the result somewhere.
This answer can help you to create all that stuff.