I am trying to build a similar product using LSH and I have following query.
My data has following schema
id: long,
title: string,
description: string,
category: string,
price: double,
inventory_count: int,
active: boolean,
date_added: datetime
Should I perform LSH on individual features separately and then combine them in some way, may be weighted average?
Should I go about building LSH on all features all together (basically attaching feature name while creating shingles like title_iphone, title_nexus, price_1200.25, active_1...) and then using bag-of-words approach perform LSH on this bag?
If someone can direct me to a document where I can figure out how to perform LSH on structured data like of ecommerce it will be great.
P.S. I'm planning to use spark and min-hash function in LSH. Let me know if you need any more details.
I would go with your first approach but concatenate the binary codes we obtained from each individual LSH-hash instead of averaging them.
For instance, suppose you use 4 bits to represent the hash ( for each feature family) :
hash(id) 0101
hash(title) 1001
hash(date_added) 0001
hash(data_0) = 0101,1001,0001
weighted_average = (5+9+1)/3 = 15/3 = 5
Now suppose your have another hash for data_1:
hash(data_1) = 111100000000
weighted_average = (15+0+0)/3= 15/3 = 5
In your retrieval process, the similarity search could be performed by first compute the hash for the query data: for instance,
hash(data_x) = 010010000011
weighted_average = (4+8+3)/3 = 15/3 = 5
Suppose you found out that data_1 and data_0 are the only two data pieces that have been hashed to the same bucket as data_x, then you only need to compute the hamming distance (which can be calculated
using bitwise operator XOR) between
data_1 and data_x -> hamming distance = 6, similarity = 6/12
data_0 and data_x -> hamming distance = 3, similarity = 9/12
So in this example, data_0 is the most similar data to your query.
NOTE you will lose the similarity info encoded in individual binary codes if you average them. See the examples above, you would get the same encoding for data_1 and data_0, which is 5 or 1001. However, if you look at each individual feature, apparently data_1 is more different from data_x than data_0.
ALSO NOTE If you feel some feature family is more important thus it worths more weight, you can use more bits for that feature family.
I have a multiclass classification problem I'm looking to sort with logistic regression. I know this can also be tackled by decision trees and random forest, but wish to stick specifically with "LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS".
I have all the data tidying done. I have my data nice and tidy in a dataframe with a:
label field (String), a feature vector (vector of features/ numbers) and a third column "LabelIndex" (numbers representing the class).
When I do a train test split on the data frame and try to fit it to: LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS
val model = new LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS().setNumClasses(10).setIntercept(true).setValidateData(true).run("trainingData")
It doesn't like the "run" part.
The example I am working off, loads a data file in via:
val data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(Spark.sparkContext, "data/mnist.bz2")
(i'm trying to copy the example, and slot in my own data. But its in a different format, looks different etc)
I was doing a bit of reading, and I'd come across, I need to convert my dataframe to a RDD[LabeledPoint].
I need to map it.
I'm having problems finding good info on how to do this.
How do I simply convert a Dataframe with 3 fields as described above, "Label" (String), "Features" (feature vector), "IndexedLabel" (Double)
into a RDD[LabeledPoint]?
Got it working:
Can't convert Dataframe to Labeled Point
This link showed me how to make the conversion successfully.
I am trying to implement cosine similarity to calculate Item-Item Similairity using Input Dataset which looks like this -
UserID, ProductID, Transactions
where UserID, ProductID are Long values and Transaction is Integer.
I am following this example in Spark -
In above example it expects a dense Vector as input , which gets converted to RowMatrix.
Could you please help me convert my input data set -
to a Matrix of form -
u1 |T1| |T2
u2 |T4|T5|
u3 |T6| |T7
I am aware of the way that I can create a CooridnateMatrix something like this -
val mat = new CoordinateMatrix(transactions.map( entry => MatrixEntry(entry.user,entry.product, entry.txns)))
But, this one uses actual user and product id values in place of indices of Matrix, and fails as soon as the values extend beyond Integer.
I need a way that i can convert my data to an indiced matrix.
I am into a process of doing a POC on Retail Transaction Data using few Machine learning Algorithms and coming up with a prediction model for Out of stock analysis. My questions might sound stupid but I would really appreciate if you or anyone else can answer me.
So far I have been able to get a data set ==> Convert the features into a (labelpoint , Feature Vectors) ==> Train a ML model ==> Run the model on Test DataSet and ==> Get the predictions.
Problem 1:
Since I have no experience on any of the JAVA/Python/Scala languages, I am building my features in the database and saving that data as a CSV file for my machine learning Algorithm.
How do we create features using Scala from raw data.
Problem 2:
The Source Data set consists of many features for a set of (Store, Product , date) and their recorded OOS events (Target)
StoreID(Text column), ProductID(Text Column), TranDate , (Label/Target), Feature1, Feature2........................FeatureN
Since the Features can only contain numeric values so, I just create features out of the numeric columns and not the text ones (Which is the natural key for me). When I run the model on a validation set I get a (Prediction, Label) array back.
Now how do I link this resultant set back to the original data set and see which specific (Store, Product, Date) might have a possible Out Of Stock event ?
I hope the problem statement was clear enough.
Spark's Linear Regression Example
Here's a snippet from the Spark Docs Linear Regression example that is fairly instructive and easy to follow.
It solves both your "Problem 1" and "Problem 2"
It doesn't need a JOIN and doesn't even rely on RDD order.
// Load and parse the data
val data = sc.textFile("data/mllib/ridge-data/lpsa.data")
Here data is a RDD of text lines
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))
Problem 1: Parsing the Features
This is data dependent. Here we see that lines are being split on , into fields. It appears this data was a CSV of entirely numeric data.
The first field is treated as the label of a labelled point (dependent variable), and the rest of the fields are converted from text to double (floating point) and stuck in a vector. This vector holds the features or independent variables.
In your own projects, the part of this you need to remember is the goal of parsing into an RDD of LabeledPoints where the 1st parameter of LabeledPoint, the label, is the true dependent numeric value and the features, or 2nd parameter, is a Vector of numbers.
Getting the data into this condition requires knowing how to code. Python may be easiest for data parsing. You can always use other tools to create a purely numeric CSV, with the dependent variable in the first column, and the numeric features in the other columns, and no header line -- and then duplicate the example parsing function.
// Building the model
val numIterations = 100
val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations)
At this point we have a trained model object. The model object has a predict method that operates on feature vectors and returns estimates of the dependent variable.
Encoding Text features
The ML routines typically want numeric feature vectors, but you can often translate free text or categorical features (color, size, brand name) into numeric vectors in some space. There are a variety of ways to do this, such as Bag-Of-Words for text, or One Hot Encoding for categorical data where you code a 1.0 or 0.0 for membership in each possible category (watch out for multicollinearity though). These methodologies can create large feature vectors, which is why there are iterative methods available in Spark for training models. Spark also has a SparseVector() class, where you can easily create vectors with all but certain feature dimensions set to 0.0
Problem 2: Comparing model Predictions to the True values
Next they test this model with the training data, but the calls
would be the same with external test data provided that the test data is a RDD of LabeledPoint( dependent value, Vector(features)). The input could be changed by changing the variable parsedData to some other RDD.
// Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error
val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, prediction)
Notice that this returns tuples of the true dependent variable previously stored in point.label, and the model's prediction from the point.features for each row or LabeledPoint.
Now we are ready to do Mean Squared Error, since the valuesAndPreds RDD contains tuples (v,p) of true value v and the prediction p both of type Double.
The MSE is a single number, first the tuples are mapped to an rdd of squared distances ||v-p||**2 individually, and then averaged, yielding a single number.
val MSE = valuesAndPreds.map{case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()
println("training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)
Spark's Logistic Example
This is similar, but here you can see data is already parsed and split into training and test sets.
// Split data into training (60%) and test (40%).
val splits = data.randomSplit(Array(0.6, 0.4), seed = 11L)
val training = splits(0).cache()
val test = splits(1)
Here the model is trained against the training set.
// Run training algorithm to build the model
val model = new LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS()
And tested (compared) against the test set. Notice that even though this is a different model (Logistic instead of Linear) there is still a model.predict method that takes a point's features vector as a parameter and returns the prediction for that point.
Once again the prediction is paired with the true value, from the label, in a tuple for comparison in a performance metric.
// Compute raw scores on the test set.
val predictionAndLabels = test.map { case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
val prediction = model.predict(features)
(prediction, label)
// Get evaluation metrics.
val metrics = new MulticlassMetrics(predictionAndLabels)
val precision = metrics.precision
println("Precision = " + precision)
What about JOIN? So RDD.join comes in if you have two RDDs of (key, value) pairs, and need an RDD corresponding to the intersection of keys with both values. But we didn't need that here.
I am trying to find out the mean, media and percentile ranges of price movements for a given volume to be filled using trade data. Attaching the code below. The problem is that the code gives me wsfull error when i run it on ~80k records. I am using a 4g linux box. At the moment I can only run it for ~30k records and even then q uses >70% of my ram.
Is there any way to make it more memory friendly?
rangeForVol : {[symIn; vol; dt]
data: select from table where sym=symIn, date=dt;
data: update cumVol: sums quantity, cVol: sums quantity from data;
data: update cumVolTgt: cumVol + vol from data;
data: update pxLst: price[where each ((cumVol>=/:cVol) and (cumVol<=/:cumVolTgt))=1] from data;
data: update minPx: min each pxLst, maxPx: max each pxLst from data;
data: update range: maxPx - minPx from data;
select count i by floor range%0.5 from rangeForVol[`ABC; 2500; 2012.06.04]
The code you quote above almost certainly does not do what you were trying to achieve.
The column cumVol and cVol are both identical (in that they contain a running total of that day's volume). Later you calculate cumVol>=/:cVol. /: means that for every element in cVol you will compare it to the entire vector cumVol. As they are identical, you will get the identity matrix (plus some extra 1b for any non-distinct values).
q)(til 4)=\:til 4
It seems you wanted to perform an element-wise comparison between the two vectors (though comparing a vector to itself also doesn't make sense), and if you want to do this explicitly, each-both would be the correct adverb (='). However, in q, the = operator will implicitly apply item-wise to two vectors of the same length (or a vector and a scalar, as is happening in your each-left example), making any adverb unnecessary.
The fact you are creating two n x n matrices when you probably intended a length n vector is probably the reason you're running out of memory.
What is the difference between bloom filters and hash sketches (also FM-sketches) and what is their use?
Hash sketches/Flajolet-Martin Sketches
Flajolet, P./Martin, G. (1985): Probabilistic counting algorithms for data base applications, in: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 2 (September 1985), pp. 182-209.
Durand, M./Flajolet, P. (2003): Loglog Counting of Large Cardinalities, in: Springer LNCS 2832, Algorithms ESA 2003, pp. 605–617.
Hash sketches are used to count the number of distinct elements in a set.
a bit array B[] of length l
a (single) hash function h() that maps to [0,1,...2^l)
a function r() that gives the position of the least-significant 1-bit in the binary representation of its input (e.g. 000101 returns 1, 001000 returns 4)
insertion of element x:
pn := h(x) returns a pseudo-random number
apply r(pn) to get the position of the bit array to set to 1
since output of h() is pseudo-random every bit i is set to 1 ~n/(2^(i+1)) times
number of distinct elements in the set:
find the position p of the right-most 0 in the bit array
p = log2(n), solve for n to get the number of distinct element in the set;
the result might be up to 1.83 magnitudes off
in Data Mining, P2P/distributed applications, estimation of the document frequency, etc.
Bloom filters
Bloom, H. (1970): Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors, in: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 7 (July 1970), pp. 422-426.
Bloom filters are used to test whether an element is a member of a set.
a bit array B[] of length m
k different hash functions h_k() that map to [0,...,m-1], i.e. to one of the position of the m-bit array
insertion of element x:
apply h_k to x (h_k(x)), for all k, i.e. you get k values
set the resulting bits in the array B to 1 (if already set to 1, don't change anything)
check if y is already in the set:
get the positions p_k to check using all the hash functions h_k (h_k(y)), i.e. for each function h_k you get a position p_k
if one of the positions p_k is set to 0 in the array B, the element y is definitively not in the set
if all positions given by p_k are 1, the element y might (!) be in the set
false positive rate is approximately (1 - e^(-kn/m))^k, no false negatives are possible!
by increasing the number of hashing functions, the false positive rate can be decreased; however, at the same time your bloom filter gets slower; the optimal value of k is k = (m/n)ln(2)
in the beginning used as a cheap filter in databases to filter out elements that do not match a query
various applications today, e.g. in Google BigTable, but also in networking for IP lookups, etc.
The Bloom Filter is a data structure used for Membership lookup while FM Sketch is primarily used for counting of elements. These two data structures provide the respective solutions optimizing over the space required to perform the lookup/computation and the trade off is the accuracy of the result.