MOSS Workflow with InfoPath forms - Redirect after submit - moss

I have a MOSS workflow that uses InfoPath forms.
After submitting the form, MOSS saves the information and redirects the user to a list of items.
Is there a way to control where the user is redirected after the InfoPath form is saved?
I'd like to redirect him to another page of my MOSS site.

Use the "Source" parameter within the query string; you'll be redirected to that page after the form closes.


AMP for Email Form Component - Is it possible to redirect user to web page?

When using the AMP for Email form component, is it possible to redirect the user to a web page when one clicks the form submit button within the email?
No, it's not allowed. There's a section on this for the AMP for Website format:, but notice that the section is not there for the email format:
See also

Using spfx webparts, would there be a way to either programmatically send an email which has a link to open a modal or using flow?

I want an spfx made webpart that I've made be able to send an email (I'm using IEmailProperties at the moment) which provides a link to a modal form?
For example:
User clicks button in webpart, form loads.
User fills out form and submits it to SP list.
Form sends email on submission. Email has a link to the actual item created, so when the user clicks the provided email link, it opens up the modal form.
I would presume that the user would HAVE to be sent to the SP page where the webpart is unconditionally, but would it be possible to open up the modal corresponding to the SP list item?
Is this feature available in SharePoint framework, because if it isn't, compared to something like InfoPath 2013 or PowerApps it's quite a limitation.
I've researched this with several shallow Google searches and on gitHub for any premade stuff, but alas there is nothing that I've spotted.
I've been told IT IS possible:
"Yeah, they’d have to visit the page. Email clients don’t do JavaScript so you can’t really do interactive stuff there. If you want to take them directly to a page that then displays a modal, that’s plenty possible though. (e.g. display the modal based on if the URL contains a certain string)"
But wouldn't know how to do the above, can anyone start me on the right path?
In the email, pass a query string containing the item ID/list ID etc of the item, then have the webpart read the See: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? If your values exist. If they do exist, then open the modal using some kind of framework like bootstrap or fluent UI. You can write your own form using PnPjs or use an iframe potentially to display the OOTB edit form.
Additionally, you can link to any page in SharePoint provided you use an extension instead of a webpart to host the modal. You can install extensions tenant wide, and have it listen for the query string.

Can I read a value from one SharePoint web part into the the form for a list in another web part?

I'm not sure if it's possible to do what I'm hoping, but maybe I'll get lucky. It has to do with setting form fields in a SharePoint 2010 list, using InfoPath forms.
Basically, I have one list with requests from several vendors. Each vendors has their own requests page which is a Web Part Page with one web part: a list of submissions with a custom view applied that filters it only to them. This is a (clunky but functional) way to ensure each vendor only sees their own requests. To submit a new request, they click on the "Add Item" link at the bottom of the list web part. At this point, a customized InfoPath form pops up, and they add their request.
In the form, one of the fields is "Vendor". What I would like to achieve is to have the InfoPath form read something on the page which tells it which vendor's page it was called from and pre-select that vendor (I could then disable the control so they couldn't change it). I am happy to alter the calling page as needed, or to configure the InfoPath form (can you custom-configure GET or POST values or anything to define a field that way?).
Any help would be very appreciated.

Redirecting form to current browser url (ATG)

I have a form which is included on all the pages of our website. The dsp:form action attribute is same as the current page url. This works fine for most of our pages but fails when a user submits the form on a page where browser shows a seo friendly url.
For example when a user submits the form on one of our product pages the page refreshes and redirects user to
How can i keep user on the same browser url on form sumission?
Have you considered using therein property value /OriginatingRequest.requestURI as your successUrl value?
OriginatingRequest is a request-scoped component that represents the current HTTP request (specifically, the instance of DynamoHTTPRequest)

How to create a form in SharePoint that modifies query string

My request is simple.
I want to put a form (a text field let's say) on a Sharepoint page, with a submit button.
When i submit, I want the URL to be reposted with the s="textfromtextfield".
Say i was on a url http://site/site.aspx?p=x clicking submit will take me to:
If this button "is completely yours" and not one of sharepoint controls you might try writing the following code on the button click handling method on the server side.
Page.Response.Redirect(newUrl, true);
More than likely you want to open the page in SharePoint Designer and add/play with form actions. Check this page for details (rather than attempt to communicate it step by step):
FYI. SharePoint Designer is now free for download from Microsoft.
If you have never edited a form in SharePoint Designer, this may help: