Information Rights Management (IRM) & SharePoint - can the system administrators view the content of a protected file? - moss

We are considering deploying a MOSS site for our HR department but there is some concern over the system administrators being able to access the highly confidential material regarding performance and salaries. It appears that IRM is the silver bullet we are looking for providing the MOSS System Administrators CAN NOT open the documents to view the content.
Can anyone confirm that IRM will secure the content from our Sys Admins in our MOSS Site?

There are 2 ways in using IRM with SharePoint:
SharePoint integrated mode: In this mode, IRM is applied on the document on the fly with correct permission when the user download it. In this case the document is stored unprotected, so administrator with direct access to the SQL database can view the content of the document.
"Standard": If IRM is applied on the document before uploading it to SharePoint, the document is stored protected (there are 2 protections: SharePoint permissions AND IRM permissions). So even SQL administrator won't be able to extract the document in this case. However, there are some side effects: for example search won't work as the search engine won't be able to extract the content of the document.
In your case, you will need to use the second solution: encrypt the documents before uploading them to SharePoint.

Have you looked at Adeptol Rights management for sharepoint at


Is there a way to temporarily ignore permissions on SharePoint Online for the purposes of a powershell script?

I have a tenant admin account for a SharePoint online tenant. I am tasked with looking at all the sites on the tenant and all the SharePoint groups on each site. Getting a list of sites is easy using PNP libraries (Get-PnPTenantSite). My next step is to loop through each site and get all the security groups associated with each site - also easy using Get-PnPGroup commandlet.
The problem I'm running into is that my tenant admin is not added to some sites - not Site Admin, Not Site Owner, not even Site Reader - and so when my script executes against one of these sites, I'm getting a 403 Forbidden when asking for the groups on the site. Yes, I could avoid this by just adding my tenant admin as an owner on every single site in the tenant, and could probably even do this using a fairly simple powershell script.
However, my question is, why is this necessary? Shouldn't I be able to just run a script with some kind of "tenant admin super-read-permissions" or something that will just temporarily give me all access to everything without having to go through the middle step of adding myself everywhere?
Depending on the needs of your business with SharePoint, it may seem like an unnecessary or extra layer of security. After all, why not allow an administrator to access all the things?
The answer lies in the fact that SharePoint security is designed to allow separation of roles. These roles may not necessarily match exactly how responsibilities are defined in your company.
From Microsoft:
Global Administrators and SharePoint Administrators don't have
automatic access to all sites and each user's OneDrive, but they can
give themselves access to any site or OneDrive.
Tenant admins have several responsibilities:
Create sites
Delete sites
Manage sharing settings at the organization level
Add and remove site admins
Manage site storage limits
To perform these responsibilities, very little access to the actual sites and their content is required.
Management of access to a site collection and its content is the responsibility of the site collection administrator and site owners.
It sounds like in your company, you wear both hats. You might be creating and deleting sites, and also getting involved in access control or auditing at the site collection level. In these cases, you must use the privilege of the tenant admin (e.g., add and remove site admins) to grant yourself the site collection privileges required to access the information you need.
I recommend not granting yourself these privileges forever. It is helpful to consider that having constant administrative access to all sites is undesirable for a few reasons. For instance:
Search is supposed to be filtered to content that is relevant to the user. If the user is an admin with access to all content, search will not be filtered in a useful way.
While an administrator may certainly grant themselves access to a site, some collaborators would prefer that their content remain private to their team until or unless they require technical support.
All of this addresses the "why" part of your question. As for the technical question, there is currently no "tenant admin super-read-permissions" role that you can use for the data you want to collect.

Office 365 room mailboxes CalendarProcessing access via Microsoft Graph

When using rooms and equipments, Exchange (in Office 365, but in other versions as well) uses a number of options to handle requests for those resources in events.
By default, Exchange will for instance strip the subject when creating the event in the room's calendar, and replace it with the organiser name. If you then try to fetch the room's calendar (for a meeting room display, for instance), you'll only have the organiser name instead of the subject of each meeting.
This may be appropriate in some scenarios, but in many others one wants the actual subject to be shown in that calendar.
To achieve that, the only option I know of is to use the Powershell Set-CalendarProcessing cmdlet to change DeleteSubject, AddOrganizerToSubject and more.
In a SaaS environment this is pretty annoying as you need the Office 365 admin to use Powershell to do this operation, which may not be completely straightforward, or you need to ask for the user's login and password and pass them to Powershell, which raises security issues, and will not work in many scenarios (2FA, SAML auth...).
Is there a way to access these settings via Microsoft Graph?
Alternatively, if not available via Microsoft Graph, is there a way to use a Microsoft Graph oAuth token to perform this operation via Linux Powershell? I know it's possible to use oAuth tokens, but despite all my efforts I haven't managed to find a way to perform regular hosted oAuth login and use the token received for this purpose.
Any hints welcome!
To clarify: I'm in a SaaS scenario where I am the SaaS provider, so I need to allow admins of my customers to change those settings easily or automatically, it's not to access my own room mailboxes (I would use powershell for that).
I don't see anything in the MS Graph Reference that would do what you want. With that said, the barriers you state in your question for using the remote powershell api shouldn't be hard to accomodate.
For starters, your IT provider for email should work with you to configure rooms the way that you want/need. If they are willing to delegate this to you, then there are ways to set up Role Based Access Control ( to give you only access to calendar processing.
Likewise, MS has posted instructions and tools to use MFA with Exchange Online Powershell (
According to your description, I assume you want to get the subject of a meeting room.
There is no reference on official Doc for your case yet, we can post this issue to the Graph support on the User Voice.
The only interface I'm aware of for managing this (beyond the Exchange UI of course) is PowerShell.
This isn't supported by Microsoft Graph or Exchange Web Services. It's worth noting that even if this operation was supported, it would still require an Admin to execute it. Operations of this nature almost always require Admin Consent.
Try using JEA (Just Enough Administration) or PSSessionConfigurations . Create a constrained endpoints and give access for necessary user/groups for required cmdlets.

Disable user browsing in Azure Active Directory for standard users

I created a new AAD user without any special permissions (no admin, just a user). Now, when I login using the Connect-MSOLService cmdlet and retrieve all users using Get-MSOLUser I can see every user within that directory.
Why and am I able to change that?
Background: I want to use a single AAD instance for multiple SAAS applications and want to prevent that a user can browse all users.
Actually, there is a way to disable user browsing in an AAD using the Set-MsolCompanySettings from the MSOnline module:
Set-MsolCompanySettings -UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled $false
In Azure AD, Users and groups are created in a flat structure without OU and GPO. You can't restrict the user's permission to a specific scope. The user can view all the user information in Azure AD.
To isolate the users from different scopes, you can create multiple directories for Azure AD, and configure the SaaS applications as multi-tenant application for AAD.
You can refer to the article below for more details about Azure AD Directory role.
If you connect to an Active Directory you usually want to read some data. As such if you're authorized to do that you can easily access information that is available and particularly "sensitive" (e.g. you can't read private keys of user objects easily). If you look at the history of Active Directory and it's typical usage within companies, it's likely that only single tenant (company) using it at a given time. As such there were even less reason to restrict the access.
If you want to have multiple tenants use the same AD you will have to figure out a scheme that works for you and setup the proper permissions yourself.
Helpful articles for this could be:
Build a multi-tenant SaaS web application using Azure AD & OpenID Connect
Question: Creating a multi-tenant AD environment

How to migrate memberships from SqlAzureMembershipProvider to Azure Active Directory

I have an existing application with a few thousand users using SqlAzureMembershipProvider for authentication.
I am interested in creating an Azure Active Directory for the application and migrating the existing membership profiles into it.
Is it technically possible to export/import the membership profiles?
The only approach I can think of is creating a PowerShell script that gets user details from the app one by one and creates a new user for each of those in the new AD.
Yes it is possible but there are no tools to do this.
For AD e.g. there is DirSync.
Probably easiest to use the Graph API - refer: Azure AD Graph API - samples Microsoft Azure Active Directory Samples and Documentation.
As you say, you will have to cycle through the users one by one. The password is going to be a problem. You may have to give each user a dummy password to start.

Alfresco Creating a new user group that permits only creating user and groups

I want to create a new user group.
The members in this user group can create new users and new groups.
I think creating users or groups require admin permission. This user group does not have other admin permission except creating, editing and deleting user,group. Does alfresco provide this kind of group in alfresco community 4.0c? How can I implement it? How to add a new group with specified permission? I really appreciate for help.
You could add a custom role in permissionDefinitions.xml but I don't think that would help in this instance, since the ability to create users and groups plus the other administrative actions are hard-wired to the built-in administrators role.
Instead, you could create a custom web script which performs a check to see if the current user is a member of your custom security group. Since the authenticated user may not be a repository admin (and probably isn't) then you would need to use something like this Sudo tool for Alfresco webscripts to temporarily give them permission to create the objects.
You would need to be competent in Java webscript development in order to implement this. There are some good resources on the Alfresco wiki, documentation and training materials available online.
You cane manage that through Alfresco Share. In your Alfresco installation directory:
/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/model/permissionDefinitions.xml you'll find the permissionDefinitions.xml file. Through that file you can manage your custom roles for Alfresco users and groups.
Here, in this WIKI you can find some hints about what you need to change to accomplish that.
Hope it helps. The wiki helps here, if you need some better explanation please let me know.