iphone localization - iphone

hello all when i run the command to generate Localizable.string file from my terminal it says me bad entry in to the classes file the file gets generated but it has no entry in it infact it should have entry in it. Here is what i am running in my terminal but somehow it is not happening please guide me need to solve this
Last login: Mon Jun 7 18:02:09 on ttys000
comp10:~ admin$ cd ..
comp10:Users admin$ cd ..
comp10:/ admin$ cd /Users/admin/Desktop/localisationwithcode
comp10:localisationwithcode admin$ sudo
usage: sudo -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v
usage: sudo [-HPSb] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid]
{ -e file [...] | -i | -s | <command> }
comp10:localisationwithcode admin$ genstrings Classes/*.m
Bad entry in file Classes/localisationwithcodeViewController.m (line = 35): Argument is not a literal string.
Bad entry in file Classes/localisationwithcodeViewController.m (line = 36): Argument is not a literal string.
Bad entry in file Classes/localisationwithcodeViewController.m (line = 37): Argument is not a literal string.
Bad entry in file Classes/localisationwithcodeViewController.m (line = 38): Argument is not a literal string.
2010-06-07 18:04:45.047 genstrings[3851:10b] _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
comp10:localisationwithcode admin$

You have an alternative way to solve Issue:
1.Right click on your Project Name From Groups and Files
2.From there Click on Resources Tag(Mac OS)
3.On That you will get tag like String File Clink on that File and Name as per your Requirement...


Samtools/hpc/truncated file

I have tried to submit the script below to HPC
#PBS -N bwa_mem_tumor
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=2
#PBS -j oe
module load bio/samtools/1.9
bwa mem $ref $fwd $rev > $sample.tumor.sam && samtools view -S $sample.tumor.sam -b > $sample.tumor.bam && samtools sort $sample.tumor.bam > $sample.tumor.sorted.bam
However as an output I can get only the $sample.tumor.sam and log file says that
Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown:
Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..."
It is also possible your cache file is out-of-date; it may help to try:
$ module --ignore-cache load "bio/samtools/1.9"
Also make sure that all modulefiles written in TCL start with the string
However when I input modeles avail it shows that bio/samtools/1.9 is on the list.
Also when i use the option module --ignore-cache load "bio/samtools/1.9"
the result is the same
If i try to continue working with the sam file and input manually the command line
samtools view -b RS0107.tumor.sam > RS0107.tumor.bam
it shows
[W::sam_read1] Parse error at line 200943
[main_samview] truncated file.
What's possibly wrong with the samtools module ir we with the script?

How do I fuzzy find all files containing specific text using ripgrep and fzf and open it VSCode

I have the following command to fuzzy find files in the command line and to open the selected file in VSCode.:
fzf --print0 -e | xargs -0 -r code
Now I want to be able to search also file contents for a string. I am able to find the searched string in the command line:
rg . | fzf --print0 -e
but now it does not work anymore to open the file in VSCode using this command:
rg . | fzf --print0 -e | xargs -0 -r code
because to VSCode is passed a file name which contains the file name itself and the search string which is of course an empty file.
How can I combine to two above commands to pass the file name to VSCode which contains the searched string?
The --vimgrep option to rg returns just what the doctor ordered. That's what I used in the vscode extension issue request you put in:
It returns data like:
$ rg --vimgrep
extension.ts:5:5:let fzfTerminal: vscode.Terminal | undefined = undefined;
extension.ts:6:5:let fzfTerminalPwd: vscode.Terminal | undefined = undefined;
Then you can cut out the first 3 fields and pass them to code -g:
rg --vimgrep --color ansi | fzf --ansi --print0 | cut -z -d : -f 1-3 | xargs -0 -r code -g

MobaXterm Busybox strange setup

I am using MobaXterm portable.
I found a strange setup, summarized here.
External commands in /bin work fine. E.g., with /bin/ssh.exe I can ssh ok.
Internal commands are
"redirected" to busybox, as
$ which cat
$ ll /bin/cat
lrwxrwxrwx 1 USER001 UsersGrp 16 Jul 24 07:42 /bin/cat -> /bin/busybox.exe
at the same time aliased to files that apparently do not exist.
$ type cat
cat is aliased to `/bin/cat.exe'
These aliases apparently take precedence over files in PATH, so the commands do not work.
$ cat myfile
bash: /bin/cat.exe: No such file or directory
If I unalias, cat does not look for /bin/cat.exe but for /bin/busybox.exe, and everything is "back to normal".
$ unalias cat
$ cat myfile
Hello world
How can I get normal behaviour (either without aliases or with the presence of the alias targets)?
I mean not to write my own unaliases in .bashrc, this shouldn´t be needed.
Moreover, perhaps I would be breaking something.
Why would MobaXterm setup things like this?
PS: In the initial state, even ls does not work, for the same reason.
But ll works, since
$ type ll
ll is aliased to `_bbf ls -l'
$ type _bbf
_bbf is a function
How can I get normal behaviour?
unaliasing by hand, so /bin/busybox.exe is actually used.
Below I add a script for that.
Copying .exe files from the temporary root dir when it is available, so the external versions are used.
Why would MobaXterm setup things like this?
When not using a Persistent root (/) directory, this is obtained
$ which cat
$ ll /bin/cat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 RY16205 UsersGrp 49703 jul. 28 07:12 /bin/cat
$ type cat
cat is aliased to `/bin/cat.exe'
$ ll /bin/cat.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 USER001 UsersGrp 49703 jul. 28 07:12 /bin/cat.exe
$ cat myfile
Hello world
$ unalias cat
$ type cat
cat is hashed (/bin/cat)
$ cat myfile
Hello world
So any of the two cats work (internal busybox and external versions; I do not know if they are exactly the same).
This is because /bin points to C:\Users\user001\AppData\Local\Temp\Mxt108\bin and cat.exe is there.
But when using a Persistent root (/) directory, /bin points to <Persistent root (/) directory\bin, and cat.exe is not created there.
The former temporary root dir is removed as soon as MXT is closed.
So this is probably a configuration error from MobaXterm.
If so, the only option seems a workaround, as above.
Script for unaliasing:
export ROOTDIR_WIN=$(cygpath -wl /)
if [[ ${ROOTDIR_WIN##*\\} == "Mxt108" ]] ; then
# Not using a Persistent root dir. Do not need to unalias.
echo "Not using a Persistent root dir. Do not need to unalias."
# Using a Persistent root dir. Need to unalias.
exe_linux_list="bash busybox chmod cygstart cygtermd cygwin-console-helper dircolors dwm_w32 echo grep ls MoTTY ssh ssh-pageant test twm_w32 wc xkbcomp_w32 XWin_MobaX"
for exe_linux in ${exe_linux_list} ; do
if [[ $(type -t ${exe_linux}) == "alias" ]] ; then
#type ${exe_linux}
unalias ${exe_linux}
On my MobaXterm system, /etc/profile sources /etc/baseprofile which includes aliases for all of these sorts of things, i.e.
alias "cat"="_bbf cat"
and checking that from my command prompt yields what I would expect:
$ type cat
cat is aliased to `_bbf cat'
Have you changed your system somehow so that /etc/baseprofile is not being sourced? Or have you changed /etc/baseprofile?
It also appears that you've installed the regular GNU Coreutils package, as I don't have a /bin/cat.exe.
$ ll /bin/cat.exe
ls: /bin/cat.exe: No such file or directory
Perhaps that's where your problem started but the _bbf function is supposed to handle that. Which again leads me to the belief that you've changed /etc/baseprofile somehow.
At most time, it is cool. This error maybe caused by wrong path match of cat.exe.
As for me, when I run git log, the same error message comes out. It is due to PATH variable. There are two dirs and both of them contain git.exe. One of them is half-done with a small size. And Mobaxterm choose it. :D
I confirm this by run which git and it will give the actual path out.
I fix it by
alias git='/drives/C/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git.exe'
The following is my dirs.
│ git-gui.exe
│ git-lfs.exe
│ git.exe # oops
│ gitk.exe
│ start-ssh-agent.cmd
│ start-ssh-pageant.cmd
│ ├─bin
│ │ git-upload-pack.exe
│ │ git.exe # the right one

Search and replace with grep and perl

I need to replace "vi_chiron" with "vi_huracan" from all the files below. I am using the following command line and also have changed the permission to full access for all the underlying files:
grep -ri "vi_chiron" ./ | grep -v Header | xargs perl -e "s/vi_chiron/vi_huracan/" -pi
I am getting the error:
"Can't open ./build/drivers_file.min:#: No such file or directory.
" and many other similar errors. Any idea why ? Below is the permission for the file:
ll build/drivers_file.min
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ask vi 5860 Mar 13 12:07 build/drivers_file.min
You can change your command in the following ways:
grep -ril "vi_chiron" . | xargs grep -vl Header | xargs perl -e "s/vi_chiron/vi_huracan/" -pi
find . -type f -exec grep -ril "vi_chiron" | xargs grep -vl Header | xargs perl -e "s/vi_chiron/vi_huracan/" -pi
In order to manipulate all files that do not contain Header and change vi_chiron into vi_hurican.
If I were you, I would simplify the chain and do it the other way around:
grep -rvl Header . | xargs sed -i.bak 's/vi_chiron/vi_hurican/'
If you are confident enough change the -i.bak into -i in order to have sed not taking any backups.
Also note that your change and replace is not global, if you want to put it globally use: sed -i.bak 's/vi_chiron/vi_hurican/g' instead.
'-i[SUFFIX]' '--in-place[=SUFFIX]'
This option specifies that files are to be edited in-place. GNU
'sed' does this by creating a temporary file and sending output to
this file rather than to the standard output.(1).
This option implies '-s'.
When the end of the file is reached, the temporary file is renamed
to the output file's original name. The extension, if supplied, is
used to modify the name of the old file before renaming the
temporary file, thereby making a backup copy(2)).
This rule is followed: if the extension doesn't contain a '*', then
it is appended to the end of the current filename as a suffix; if
the extension does contain one or more '*' characters, then _each_
asterisk is replaced with the current filename. This allows you to
add a prefix to the backup file, instead of (or in addition to) a
suffix, or even to place backup copies of the original files into
another directory (provided the directory already exists).
If no extension is supplied, the original file is overwritten
without making a backup.
source: https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.txt

Encoding utf-8 doesn't recognize text

Terminal: screen in xterm on the latest Ubuntu LiveCD.
��� �������.avi
While I'm trying to ls directory, I see this:
ls -la give me this:
MidNight Commander show me this:
$ ls
??? ???????.avi
$ env | grep -i LANG
$ export | grep -i LANG
declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
Looks like this is UTF-16 surrogate, am I right? [
I'm trying to trick it through python3, I'm caught such exception:
for i in os.listdir('.'):
print (i)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udcc4' in
position 0: surrogates not allowed
I've uploaded file with empty body, just title - 4.0K: https://mega.co.nz/#!roYUyQaB!AwOMDznj9DC_wSpAeWqjVj_Oqu2z8Kfk5VsSmFs0ybA
$ echo $'\xc4\xf3\xf5 \xe2\xf0\xe5\xec\xe5\xed\xed' | chardet
<stdin>: MacCyrillic (confidence: 0.92)
$ echo $'\xc4\xf3\xf5 \xe2\xf0\xe5\xec\xe5\xed\xed' | enca -L ru
MS-Windows code page 1251
LF line terminators
$ echo $'\xc4\xf3\xf5 \xe2\xf0\xe5\xec\xe5\xed\xe8' | iconv -f 'Windows-1251'
Дух времени
So you need to set your terminal to Windows-1251.