Error 1219 occurs when I try to map a network drive multiple server - network-drive

I have a network drive (for instance, G: on Server A). And I am trying to map an additional network drive (H:) to a new server (Server B). I tried the net use command, giving to rise to error 1219 on Window XP.
net use h: \\ServerB\docs /user:ServerB\user Password
I am connecting the network drive of Server A using Server A's account. And I have to use both of network drive simultaeusly, so I don't think I can the net use * /del command to connect to Server B.
What can I do?

Any util commands:
net use (to see all existing connections)
net use * /del /yes (to delete all existing connections)
#echo off
set "svrname=server"
set "share=share$"
set "usr=administrator"
set "pwd=password"
for /f "tokens=2" %%# in ('net use^|find /i "\\%svrname%"') do net use %%# /delete>nul
net use l: \\%svrname%\%share% /user:%usr% "%pwd%">nul

If you use the server IP address instead of the DNS name, it gets around this silly Windows limitation.
So instead of
net use h: \\ServerB\docs /user:ServerB\user Password
If 'Server' has an IP address of you can use
net use h: \\\docs /user:ServerB\user Password
Hope this helps


PsExec connects using system name but not ipAddress

I need to use my local computer to simulate a test stand which will be on a domain and access a remote computer which is on a workgroup using PsExec. The testing computer is built from an imaging tool. The IP will be the same every time but the name isn't. The process I'm working with was used on an embedded XP system and is now being upgraded to WIN10. I've added network security using GPO and have found workarounds to be able to open the connection but for some reason just trying to run cmd on the remote machine does not work when using the IP, only the name. Using the IP returns the "access is denied" error. I have already added the token filter key to the registry. Has anyone heard of something like this before?
I have a script I'm trying to run but in the meantime I'm just trying to get
psexec \IP_ADDERESS -h -u USER_NAME(this is an admin) -p PASSWORD cmd
edit: I have to keep my computer on a domain but I have a spare that I was able to put on a workgroup with the test system. Running psexec went perfect. It makes no sense why it works for the name and not ip on a domain->workgroup connection and works exactly how I need it to on a workgroup->workgroup connection.

run a distribution test with jmeter in Vm Centos

I'm trying to run a distribution test for learning purpose and i'm using a Virtual machine Centos 7 as a slave in my Windows 7 ( master running in window 7) but even if i configure the master with the IP of the slave ( VM ), modifying the file, doesn't work, i try run Jmeter-server in the Centos machine but this problem appears.
Created remote object: UnicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](lo
cal),objID:[4e68a212:14a8564a618:-7fff, 5760053273490727502]]]
Server failed to start: java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot start. localhost.locald
omain is a loopback address.
An error occurred: Cannot start. localhost.localdomain is a loopback address.
Can somebody give me a direction where look or a explanation how can i do it?
Put the following line in file:
Alternatively start JMeter providing above property as a command-line argument as:
jmeter (or jmeter-server)
Double check your network configuration, i.e. make sure that your /etc/hosts file contains the following lines: localhost localhost.localdomain your CentOS machine hostname
In all above cases should be IP address of your CentOS machine and this IP address must be different from
Also make sure that you select "Bridged" networking in your Virtual Machine, machines should be able to reach each other over the network, firewalls should be properly configured to allow communication, etc.
For more information on different JMeter Properties and ways of setting/overriding them see Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Windows Server AppFabric 1.1 - Failed to read remote registry key from host

I have just installed and configured AppFabric cache cluster with one Host (the local machine). I use SQL as the Provider.
When I launch the Caching Administration Windows PowerShell using Administrator privileges,
I got the following error,
Use-CacheCluster : ErrorCode<ERRCAdmin040>:SubStatus<ES0001>:Failed to connect
to hosts in the cluster
At line:1 char:62
+ Import-Module DistributedCacheAdministration;Use-CacheCluster <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Use-CacheCluster], DataCacheE
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheExc
When I opened the DCacheAdministration.log it shows as below,
Host XXX is Reachable.,DistributedCache.CacheAdmin,Verbose,2013-5-2 13:54:06.042
Failed to read remote registry key from host XXX: Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheException: ErrorCode<ERRCAdmin026>:SubStatus<ES0001>:Remote registry access failed on host XXX. Check if the required permissions are available and the host is not down. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The network path was not found at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AdminApi.RemoteRegistry64.OpenRemoteConnection(String hostName) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AdminApi.RemoteRegistry64.OpenConnection(String hostName, String registryPath)at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AdminApi.CacheAdmin.GetRemoteRegistryKey(String hostName, Boolean writable)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AdminApi.CacheAdmin.GetRemoteRegistryKey(String hostName, Boolean writable)
at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AdminApi.CacheAdmin.GetServerVersion(String hostName),DistributedCache.CacheAdmin,Error,2013-5-2 13:54:08.053
Remote registry Service has been started. Which accounts needs read permission in regedit.exe? I have provided rights for LOCAL SERVICE (as Remote registry service use this as Logon) and for NETWORK SERVICE (Which i have used as Caching Service Account). Do i have to give any other permissions to make Registry key accessible??
Or what are the other things I need to check?
Please Help
I fixed the same issue by enabling the Remote Registry Services and running it. I think AppFabric tries to connect to the remote server (which is local machine) using domain name to manipulate registry.
What exactly do you see in the HOSTNAME reported in the error message "Failed to read remote registry key from host XXX". Is XXX the machine name of the local machine or FQDN of the machine or is it pointing to a totally different machine ???
If it is pointing to the local machine name or the FQDN of the local machine, then try putting an entry in the HOSTS file for the hostname pointing to and see if that helps. If that doesn't then try restarting Remote Registry service and then run Restart-CacheCluster from the same PowerShell Caching Administration window and see if that helps.
It is FQDN. I tried editing the host file also and alos restarted the service and cachecluster, but resulted in the same issue.
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. <My FQDN>

copy file to remote desktop drive

I want to copy a file from my local C:\filename.png to the remote computer to which I am connected via remote desktop's C:\ drive.
Is it possible to copy using powershell or anyother terminal command?
I am using windows 7 (local PC) --- Remote Desktop (Windows Server 2003)
If your host's c: drive is injected into a terminal services session, it just gets a new drive letter in the remote session.
On my network, my host machine's drives are injected into a VM and C: becomes M:.
So in that case, in the remote session:
copy c:\file.png m:\png
BUt perhaps a beter way - from your host:
Copy \\remote\c$\file.png c:\file.png
My remote session usually names the local resource tsclient, such that I can browse my local C drive with this PS command:
Set-Location \\tsclient\C
then I can do anything I would normally do on the local file system, e.g. copying:
copy \\tsclient\C\file.txt C:\file.txt
You can share a folder on your server and map it as network drive on the client computer. Then you can use the copy command.
At the server side you kann check and deplace the files manually or with a program.
if both are Windows 7 ;
Just copy and paste done in ordinary window
If both machines run the same OS, then it can be achieved
If you are using mstc program then
Go to Remote Desktop Connection -> Options -> Local Resources -> check the drivers option and connect to the remote PC. Then you can perform copy paste like usual

how to install ipv4 via a cmd windows xp

I need to script a way to install IPV4 on windows xp the reason is i have many pc with a corrupt win sock registry so the fix Microsoft has is to delete the reg keys hklm/system/currentcontolset/services/winsock and winsock2 and then to run a netsch ip reset which creates the winsock2 part of the registry then the part i need to script is go to network adapter properties goto tcpip and install a new protocol and select tcp/ip and install it which uses the file c:\windows\inf\nettcpip.inf and then this creates the winsock part is there a way to script this part?? i have looked and cant find anything
Could not find a way so did it with registry keys