How to use the current visitor's account in SSAS query? [MOSS + PPS + SSAS] - moss

I'm using MOSS2010 + Performance Point + Analysis services. Here's the questions:
How to get the current visitor's account in PPS report?
How to use the current visitor's account in SSAS query?

This post may help:

Another option is to configure your PerformanePoint 2010 data source to use Per-User Identity.
Then access the UserName MDX function:
WITH MEMBER Measures.x AS UserName
FROM [Adventure Works]

As far as I know, you can only customize scorecards with the custom scorecards transformations. The reports cannot be customized.
You can perform 4 types of scorecards transformation : PerUser, PreQuery, PostQuery and PreRender. From there, it's C#, so do whatever you like.
To create a Scorecard transformation, you will need to inherit from IGridViewTransform. You will need to include references to Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client and Microsoft.SharePoint.
See the following link for a tutorial on how to achieve this :
For your information, since there's not much documentation on the subject, I found that it is a good idea to XML Serialize your "viewData" object to take a closer look at what's inside and understand the general feel of it. The "Cells" objects are pretty strange, starting from the end of the scorecard and getting backward.
Good luck!


Attachments to a Purchase Requisition

I need to download attachments for over 300 purchase requisitions in the Oracle e-Business suite. Instead of opening the requisitions one-by-one and then going to the "Manage Attachments" section, I would like to do this through a query, where I would enter the PR numbers and then get the attachments. Does anybody know if this would be possible through a query in SQL developer (or Ms Access)? If yes, which tables should I consider to design the query?
Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give me.
You can use this SQL as a basis and add a restriction to the req headers you need to see like this
fad.entity_name='REQ_HEADERS' and
fad.pk1_value in (select to_char(prha.requisition_header_id) from po_requisition_headers_all prha where ...) and
note that the to_char() is required to use the fnd_attached_documents_n1 index as fad.pk1_value is varchar2 whereas prha.requisition_header_id is a number
These are stored in the FND_DOCUMENTS and information about which application entity / key it is attached to is in FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS - this blog article does a good job of describing the tables involved.

Tableau MarkLogic Data Modelling

I am using Tableau with MarkLogic. I have the following XML Structure
<CustomerInformation CustomerId="1">
<EmployerName IsCurrentEmployer=""></EmployerName>
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
I have created a view on above structure.
Initially I have created a single view for all elements, but on Tableau I got duplicate values as well as Cartesian join result.
So to tackle this, I used approach of fragment root.
Since there can be multiple PolicyDetails for single customer. I have created fragment root on Policy.
Similarly Claims, Complaints, Billing, Quote can be multiple for single policy, I have created fragment root on each one of them.
Now after doing this it resolves the duplicate issue as well as Cartesian join result set. It gives unique set of record for each entities (CustomerInfo, Policy, Claims, Complaints, Quote, Employer, Billing).
However I am not able to relate this entities with each other (as in foreign-primary key).
I have created the following view with element scope and all. I am pasting only Customer and Policy details, if this resolves other entities can be similarly managed
view:column("CustomerId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("CustomerInformation"), xs:QName("CustomerId"))),
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("QuoteNumber", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Quote"), xs:QName("QuoteNumber"))),
view:column("ComplaintId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("PolicyComplaint"), xs:QName("ComplaintId"))),
view:column("BillingId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Billing"), xs:QName("BillingId"))),:)
view:column("CustomerFirstName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerFirstName"))),
view:column("CustomerLastName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerLastName")))
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("PolicyName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyName"))),
view:column("PolicyType", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyType")))
All pre-requisites like element-range index and all is been done.
I am trying to relate these entities using view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))) in CustomerBasicInfo view.
If I do so it shows zero results in Tableau or Query console.
If I remove it, gives unique record but without any relationship with each other.
All I want is to achieve relationship between Policy-Customer
Kindly go through the code snippet, if more clarification required please let me know
The getting of cartesian join results is a known issue with the SQL views driven from Range indexes in MarkLogic, particularly with aggregate docs like above.
The simplest way to solve it for SQL views would be to split your docs into separate Policies, with embedded copies of the customer into. That could mean a fair amount of data duplication if customers often have multiple policies.
You could also consider taking these docs apart, and storing policies and customer details separately, with id refs from policy to customer, so that you can join them together afterwards, in Tableau, or SQL.
MarkLogic 9 comes with a new feature though, that would prevent the need for all this. It is called Template Driven Extraction. It also provides SQL views on data, but works in a different way. It is driven with a match pattern (called the context) that controls the rows in the view. You would use Policy as context in this case. From there you would use relative paths to go up the tree to customer details, and down to get policy details.
TDE templates are installed using tde:template-insert. The documentation of that function shows a simple example of such a TDE:
You can also play around with tde:node-data-extract first, to get the hang of it.

Best way to give options for starts with or contains in REST query

I have a REST service that allows people to put in a course title as part of the query to get scores, but, sometimes they may want to get a group, such as Calculus% for Calc 1, 2 and 3.
But, what is the best way to give them an option that makes sense?
For example, I have http://localhost/myrest/any/any/Calculus III
where the first two parameters are student id and some grade category.
I don't think having http://localhost/myrest/any/any/contains/Calculus III is a good use as then I will need to force them to use equals if that is what they are looking for.
Another option is http://localhost/myrest/any/any/Calculus% or http://localhost/myrest/any/any/%Calc% is another option, but then you have removed the option to easily use % as an allowed character.
So, to give additional filtering options in a REST URL, what is the best (defined as simplest/most intuitive for the user) way to allow contains or starts with.
In your system, would the following query list all subjects in the grade category?
If yes, then one option you can consider is extracting the non-exact subject name into a GET parameter. Thus without breaking the current logic where having a full name of the subject in the URL provides the score for that subject, you'd also have the ability to filter the list of subjects within the same grade category by means of the GET parameter.
For example:
... could provide a result like this:
<subject uri="/myrest/any/any/Calculus%20I">A</subject>
<subject uri="/myrest/any/any/Calculus%20II">B</subject>
<subject uri="/myrest/any/any/Calculus%20III">C</subject>

coldfusion - bind a form to the database

I have a large table which inserts data into the database. The problem is when the user edits the table I have to:
run the query
use lots of lines like value="<cfoutput>getData.firstname#</cfoutput> in the input boxes.
Is there a way to bind the form input boxes to the database via a cfc or cfm file?
Many Thanks,
Query objects include the columnList, which is a comma-delimited list of returned columns.
If security and readability aren't an issue, you can always loop over this. However, it basically removes your opportunity to do things like locking certain columns, reduces your ability to do any validation, and means you either just label the form boxes with the column names or you find a way to store labels for each column.
You can then do an insert/update/whatever with them.
I don't recommend this, as it would be nearly impossible to secure, but it might get you where you are going.
If you are using CF 9 you can use the ORM (Object Relation Management) functionality (via CFCs)
as described in this online chapter
(starting on page 6 of the pdf)
Take a look at <cfgrid>, it will be the easiest if you're editing table and it can fire 1 update per row.
For security against XSS, you should use <input value="#xmlFormat(getData.firstname)#">, minimize # of <cfoutput> tags. XmlFormat() not needed if you use <cfinput>.
If you are looking for an easy way to not have to specify all the column names in the insert query cfinsert will try to map all the form names you submit to the database column names.
This is indeed a very good question. I have no doubt that the answers given so far are helpful. I was faced with the same problem, only my table does not have that many fields though.
Per the docs EntityNew() the syntax shows that you can include the data when instantiating the object:
artistObj = entityNew("Artists",{FirstName="Tom",LastName="Ron"});
instead of having to instantiate and then add the data field by field. In my case all I had to do is:
artistObj = entityNew( "Artists", FORM );
EntitySave( artistObj );
It does appear from your question that you may be running insert or update queries. When using ORM you do not need to do that. But I may be mistaken.

how to select specific number of child entities instead of all in entity framework 3.5?

i am wondering how can i select specific number of child objects instead of taking them all with include?
lets say i have object 'Group' and i need to select last ten students that joined the group.
When i use '.Include("Students"), EF includes all students. I was trying to use Take(10), but i am pretty new to EF and programming as well, so i couldn't figure it out.
Any suggestions?
ok, i have Group object already retrieved from db like this:
Group group = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.GroupId == id)
I know that i can add Include("Students") statement, but that would bring ALL students, and their number could be quite big whether i need only freshest 10 students. Can i do something like this: var groupWithStudents = group.Students.OrderByDescending(//...).Take(10);?
The problem with this is that Take<> no longer appears in intellisense. Is this clear enough? Thanks for responses
I believe Take(10) would be correct.
var Students= (from c in Groups
orderby c.DateAdded descending
select c).Take(10);
My experience with Take though is that it generates some awful sql.
see if this blog post helps, it talks of conditional includes.
Couldn't make Gratzy's suggestion with conditional include work... and found the solution here:
Query would look like this:
This is exactly what i was looking for!
Thanks for all responses anyway!