Liferay: Portlet titles not saving - portlet

I'm using liferay with web content and iframe portlets. The default title for these portlets are 'web content display' and 'iframe'. After I change these I'm still seeing them revert back to default on other PCs.
Anyone come across this before?

which version of liferay are you using?
How are you changing them? You can change them in two ways, try both:
Double click on the title (this will change it for the language you are currently in)
From the look and Feel pop up (this should allow you to change the title for any language, althoug this was not working properly in some older versions)


polylang plugin shows all site pages on one page when switching to second language

I am trying to switch to a second language using polylang plugin in my Wordpress test site.
I don't have relevant code to show, I haven't identified problem code associated with this error.
What I expect is to find myself on the Home page equivalent in the second language no matter which English page I was on previously.
Instead I am taken to the Spanish version of the About page, not Home page equivalent. Also, the page content is made up of not just that page's content but all of the content from every page on the site is stacked on top of each other - including old versions of pages.
If I subsequently click on the Spanish menu which displays as expected, the next page displays perfectly. When I click back to the About page (the page previous acting as a site catch-all) everything is as it should be. So the problem only manifests on the initial switch to a second language.
Switching back to English does not cause the problem to reoccur, everything is fine in this case. It is only when initially switching from English (site primary language) to Spanish that the problem occurs.
I am using the 'X' Wordpress theme for this 'local' version of my site. My Wordpress & free polylang versions are up to date.
Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Brent.
I have come up with a solution for my problem.
This isn't the most elegant solution but I need something that works now so here goes.
I noticed that when switching to Spanish I was taken to the page: http://localhost/ i.e. no specific page, fine if I had an index.php file in that location but I don't. The result is I am taken to the page with the bloated content.
My work around was, use a redirection for that URL to the page I want the switcher to go to i.e. instead of http://localhost/ - I redirect to http://localhost/
This is not the best fix, but I have found it difficult going any deeper into how Polylang plugin works so it will suffice for my purposes.
I have solved this by:
Go to language/setting/url settigs
Uncheck "Hide URL language information for default language "

How to enable TextColor & FontSize selection option in WYSIWYG editor for web content in liferay DXP

I am having a html field in web content in liferay 7. i am using liferay default WYSIWYG editor. I want to allow user to change the text color and background.
Let me know if anyone has idea to achieve this.
The default inline editor is the AlloyEditor. The dev documentation can be found here There are examples of how to add new control elements.
Another possibility is to switch Liferay to use the old CK editor that was in the previous versions.
I found the configuration to enable the old CKEditor in liferay 7, This might help someone so i am answering my own question. Add below properties in portal-properties file and restart the server.

Can't change title/caption of shared links (was possible with old interface)

I run a page for a Russian company, and I often have to fix the grammar in titles of my links. This was possible in the old interface - by clicking on the title in the post-preview, etc. But now I cannot do this, as there is no title given in the preview.
Will the old functionality be restored?
Thank you,

Plone 4.2: DatePicker Widget with YY/MM/DD instead of DD/MM/YY

In my Plone 4.2 site the DatePicker (e.g. when adding a new "event") displays as YEAR MONTH DAY
However, I do have a German Website, where it should be the other way around. That is:
DAY MONTH YEAR. How can I change this?
PS German is already selected as default language from Plone's language control panel.
PPS I don't know if this is related in any way, but since this might be a localisation issue, I'd rather tell: I use raptus.multilanguageplone
edit: added correct image link | say, that this happens when adding/editing a new event
I can't see the image you added because the URL is expired. so I'm going to assume you mean for the add/edit form of an Archetype (In Plone 4.2 the default types are all Archetypes).
There seems to be no easy fix such as a site-wide setting in the control panel, but you can change the ordering in the template. This however means you'll have to change the raw HTML.
To do this, you'll have to go to the Zope Management Interface (reached via the Site Setup page "Plone/##overview-controlpanel").
Then click on the "portal_skins tool" and then "plone_templates". Then click on "calendar_macros" and then click the "Customize" button.
Now you can change the ordering in the raw HTML/TAL.

Umbraco Richtext Editor not loading

I've been scratchign my head on this one, hopefully someone can provide some feedback.
Umbraco Version: 4.7.2
A solution I developed for a company is having problem loading the rich text editor. They have a virtual IP solution acting as a proxy for their servers. After debugging on the client we noticed that the editor (tiny mce) was not loading because for some reason it is requesting the script and icons via the IP and not the URL. Obviously the IP is not hardcoded anywhere...
Need Help...
The client's IT department insists the configuration is ok; I think they are right, everything else in Umbraco seems to be working correctly. So I need help...
Is there anyway I can force the editor to be loaded from a specific URL?
I have experimented with changing the JS on umbraco_client, but the changes do not show when I load the editor. they appear to be cached somewhere (processed by the compressor), I've re-started the app and cleared my cache with no luck. How can I make my JS Changes be picked up?
What I've Tried
Setting the document.domain="my-url". No luck.
Setting the document_base_url on tinyMceConfig.config. Of course this is for links within the editor, so.. no luck
All other changes I've tried are on the JS files on /umbraco_client/tinymce3/, but I can't get them to show.
Any pointers?
Is the RTE not rendering within umbraco it self or is the content not rendering on the front end?
This is a very good question - have you tried removing the property and adding again?
Other than what you've tried so far I'm out of suggestions other than the above sorry.