Styling GWT's DockLayoutPanel - gwt

I am trying to create a DockLayoutPanel using GWT. It should occupy the complete screen.
DockLayoutPanel dockPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM);
dockPanel.addSouth(new HTML("South"), 2);
dockPanel.addNorth(new HTML("North"), 2);
dockPanel.addEast(new HTML("Easat"), 2);
dockPanel.addWest(new HTML("West"), 2);
dockPanel.add(new HTML("Center"));
I believe that the second parameter to the add methods is the width of the respective panels. How does the layout decide the height of the panel?
How can I style the layout, like add border to the panels, spacing between the panels, add panel headings in-line with the border?
Should the panel background colors be set using CSS, or is there a way to do so from java?
Can I make these panels as drag and drop panels?

1) The second parameter is really the size of the panel. It will be the width or the height, depending of the layout position. Use Unit.PX or Unit.PC for a clearer result, the EM unit maybe confusing at the beginning.
2) Use CSS styles.
3) Again, use CSS
4) It's not possible using GWT alone. Take a look to the GWT-Mosaic project. Specially to the "Drag & Drop Column/Row Layout":

1) The height and such are determined using normal HTML layout rules. The height and width of the panel is just the height and width of the containing div.
2) Style it using CSS just as you would any other div. UiBinder makes this pretty easy.
3) Yes, use CSS. You can call getElement() and getStyle() if you want to manipulate it directly or addStyleName() to add a CSS class. Regardless, UiBinder is probably the better bet than doing it in Java.
4) AFAIK, there's no way to do this out of the box. You'll have to write some code to handle that. SplitLayoutPanel will let you change the sizes of the panels, but not the positions.


GTK (GTK#) TreeView, make gridlines more visible?

I enabled gridlines like below.
tree.EnableGridLines = TreeViewGridLines.Both;
But the problem is the lines are barely visible like below (if you think there are no gridlines, zoom the image, and look really hard). Gtk.TreeView had GridLineWidth, but it was read-only. How can I make them more visible?
I have tried to find C# equivalent of the answer's C code and the following worked. Making the gridlines thicker worked but the problem was that in Ubuntu, the colour of the gridline is too light that it was not really visible even it it were thicker. So, I changed the colour instead.
var p = new CssProvider();
You could use a CSS provider and set the grid line width to a larger value than one pixel. Again, the following code snippets are written in "C"; however, it should be easy enough to interpret the code to use equivalent C# statements.
First, off one would create a GTK CSS provider.
GtkCssProvider *provider;
provider = gtk_css_provider_new();
Then, the customized CSS style information would be defined for the CSS provider widget and the CSS provider widget would be associated with your tree view.
gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(provider, "*{-GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 4;}", -1, NULL);
gtk_style_context_add_provider(gtk_widget_get_style_context(view), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
Note that GTK defines a specific set of attributes for grid elements as opposed to using a standard element such as "border-width". The attribute needing customization in this scenario is "-GtkTreeView-grid-line-width".
Having set the grid width to an exaggerated width of four pixels, the following sample illustrates the effect of the custom CSS style enhancement.
I hope that points you in the correct direction.

How can I get a text width?

I want to modify a Gtk.Entry to fit its text width, how can I get the text width?. I've tried setting an average width for each character, but It don't work properly
GTK+ widgets have their rendering layout done by Pango, so first, create a Pango Layout for your widget by calling create_pango_layout with the text you want on your Gtk.Entry and then use get_size to get the dimensions.

How can I enforce vertical alignment of GTK widgets across containers?

I'm using PyGTK on Windows to develop a small application.
How can I enforce vertical alignment of widgets across containers to achieve something like this?
In the mockup, widgets are in separate frames, but I want to maintain vertical alignment as if they were in the same gtk.Table. If I put them in the same table then I can't put a gtk.Frame around the groups of widgets.
Maybe it's already too late for you, but for other people that find this question. You can create an array of SizeGroup with 8 elements, and add to each element every widget that should go on the same column, this will make the width of each cell on the respective grid to be the same size, if all widgets are added, this will have the side effect of also align them vertically. Just be sure the amount of columns in the grid below is the same as above.
Also, if your labels need some special alignment there is currently a bug that does not let you use halign and valign when using SizeGroup, see .

GWT DockLayoutPanel with browser determining size of some subpanels?

It looks like you have to specify absolute sizes of all but one subpanel. For example, from the GWT docs:
DockLayoutPanel p = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM);
p.addNorth(new HTML("header"), 2);
p.addSouth(new HTML("footer"), 2);
p.addWest(new HTML("navigation"), 10);
p.add(new HTML(content));
But I want the north panel sized by the browser. I put some text or buttons in it and I don't know exactly what size it will be, I just know it is relatively thin and at the top of the page. And I want the content to take up the rest of the space, but no more, so there are no browser scroll bars. Is there a way to handle this with these newer layout panels?
Right now I'm using the older panels, and I have a handler attached with Window.addResizeHandler, which sets the height of the main content area so that everything fits within Window.getClientHeight
Thomas suggested a DockLayoutPanel inside a HeaderPanel, but this is not working for me:
<g:Label>Header top</g:Label>
<g:DockLayoutPanel unit='PX'>
<g:west size='300'>
"Header top" is there, the rest invisible. It looks like inner divs are getting 0 height.
You should put a DockLayoutPanel (for the west and center regions, possibly the south one too if you don't want it to use its natural height) in a HeaderPanel (for the natural sizing of the north region)

How to let a GXT grid take up all available width?

I have a grid in GXT, something like this:
List<ColumnConfig> configs = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
ColumnConfig config = new ColumnConfig();
config = new ColumnConfig();
columnModel = new ColumnModel(configs);
listStore = new ListStore<DtoModel>();
grid = new Grid<DtoModel>(listStore, columnModel);
VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();
verticalPanel.setLayout(new FillLayout());
This creates the grid just fine with one exception-- the width is limited to the sum of the column widths. When I forgo the column widths, the grid ends up having 0 width.
Is there a way to have this grid and its columns expand to fill the entire area available to it?
Edit: One of the difficulties is the ColumnConfig.setWidth() method only takes an int as a parameter, so I can't specify "100%" as a string or something like that.
This is the way to do it:
Here is a key point to remember: With setAutoFill() when you resize a column, gxt will always resize all other columns so that the grid continues to fit the container. Without autoFill, if you just use the autoExpand column, if you resize one column, the grid could grow bigger (or smaller) than the containing component and in such a case you have to manually resize the grid to fit - which is not only a pain, it is almost impossible for the end user in most cases.
There is a function in GridView that forces all columns to fit to the availiable space. It is like setting a flex of 1 to every column.
The GXT Grid has a method named setAutoExpandColumn() that will take id of the column that you want to take up all available space in your grid. I would remove the setAutoHeight and setAutoWidth from the grid.
I am not sure if you are trying to achieve a fixed width layout or flexible layout that will expand based on the height/width of the browser. Here's what I typically do as I want my grids to take up all of the height and width and scroll on the page. Hope this helps.
Viewport viewport = new Viewport();
viewport.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
ContentPanel center = new ContentPanel();
center.setLayout(new FitLayout());
you can try to style the grid/columns with css (setStyle/setColumnStyleName) and then you can use 100% as width.
May be it's too late for now, but I tried to set grid's autoHeight and autoWidth properties to false, combining it with setting autoExpandColumn (I didn't need to change default autoFill's value).