In app purchase not working in released version - iphone

My app passed review of apple and was released. But I've got some mails from users, that in app purchase doesn't work! When I install my app by Build And Run from Xcode it's work great! Is there any logical reason to this? Regards.

Apple took 1 day to enable in-App purchase once the app go live... Even i have faced the problem.
If your in App purchase works fine in sandbox mode... Just wait for 24 hours It will be solved.

"doesn't work" isn't the most helpful of descriptions. I presume you have downloaded the release version yourself and tested it? What happens when you do it?
Is there any server side support for delivering the product? If so presumably you can check the logs to see if there is anything wrong there?


IAP available in sandbox, but can not fetch it using "product id" after the app get online in appstore

I have tested all my IAP product in the sandbox environment, but after the app been approved by Apple's review team, it just do not work:
I downloaded and installed my app from the appstore, when I pressed the product, my app tried to fetch the product's information using the "product id" but got 0 result.
Then I deleted the app, and installed it using the Xcode, and the app worked pretty well, as you know, at this time it connected to the environment.
Does anyone have met such a problem? Can you help me please?
I'm experiencing exactly same issue right now. Having in mind you are asking same question 15 mins earlier than me, I may suggest this is something going weird on Apple's servers. I have googled this and looked for the similar questions here, and it appears that it takes some time before IAP are available. So I dropped message to Apple support, but I guess we need just wait some time.
Anybody met such a problem just have to wait for 2 days, be patient, this is an issue of Apple itself!

Is there any way to test the unreleased build on itunesconnection after Apple certified?

Is there any way to test the unreleased build on itunesconnect after Apple certified?
Following article shows how to get the unreleased app but just works on the very first version
"Is it possible to get App Link for App which is not approved yet? ("
But my issue is there's already some old version on the Apple Store, and I just submitted a new version, this version was passed by Apple certificate but not released yet.
As the concern is after I release it, any issue happened on this build was not revertible.(After Apple certificate and encryption, sometimes the app will perform not exactly like what your debugging build, I just suffered a lot from this issue, that's why I want to check the real final build)
I'm not sure, but I think there is a way to do this by redeeming the app with a promo code. Apple allows this so you can send it to testers and app reviewers before you release.

In-App Purchase Products not showing in iOS 5.1

If I use 4.2 iOS device such as 2nd gen iPod touch, products show up.
if I use 5.1 iOS device such as iPhone 4s, no product(s) shows up.
Anybody having same issue? I'm testing this in the sandbox environment.
Thanks in advance for any help!
The in-app purchase sandbox is so temperamental. If your code is working on 4.2 and not on 5.1 then the problem is probably one of your environment - there is a long list of things that can go wrong.
This guide was the best help I found on the net around in app purchases and highlights the problems with the API and testing:
The #1 problems I had were:
Not signing into the right iTunes sandbox account on the testing device. Always check.
Deleting the app off the device, clean build, reinstall. This was very important.
Check your in-app purchase codes are right.
Interpreting a failure as something wrong with my app. Sometimes a failure meant that the sandbox wasn't responding (cannot connect to itunes store). I would run the same code the next day and it would work. The sandbox doesn't give enough error information for you to know if the sandbox failed or your app code or some mismatch with in-app code data. Put as much debugging log statements in your code to check the response from the server and whether product codes are returned on initialization.
Good luck - it is a very irritating developer experience

In app purchases with MKStoreKit failing: "Problem in iTunes connect configuration for product: xxx"

I'm trying to implement in app purchases in my App using MKStoreKit. I've followed all the steps and I'm getting the error:
Problem in iTunes connect configuration for product:
I've recreated the provisioning profiles, checked the product id is the same as in itunes connect, sent and rejected a binary, trying to delete everything and set it up again and nothing is working.
Any idea?
I know this is a late reply, but somehow I could not find the answer to this problem elsewhere so I decided to post my experience in hopes it might help other frustrated people with this issue.
I have recently added an In-App purchase to my Free app and I faced the same problem during the testing phase and also once it was launched on App Store.
The answer is Patience. For some odd reason, after doing everything correctly, you need to wait for around a day before your product is recognized. So once you finish your Manage In-App product ID, you will only see it working the following day - so don't delete and recreate it again - just wait.
Furthermore, after submitting your app for approval with the first In-App product, even when your app is approved and available in the App Store, the In-App might not work at first and you will feel you did something wrong. Wait another day or so, and magically, it will start to work.
It didn't work in my case cause the phone was jailbroken. After restoring it worked like a charm.
my ipad was jailbroken. it was given this "Problem in iTunes connect configuration for product: xxx" i changed my ipad with regular(no jailbrek) ipad and it's working now.

iPhone iAd Enabled App Published Still Showing Test Ads

I integrated iAd in my application which got approved by Apple. I downloaded the app (FREE) to my device and ran it. For some reason instead of displaying real world ads it still says "Test Ads". Anyone experience this issue? The app got approved yesterday maybe it is too early to get the ads but I think Apple should not show test ads.
It seems like Apple will always display TEST ads on the machine it was tested on.
Hey, make sure you delete the binary you used in testing off of your phone, and off of iTunes if you distributed that way. The phone will see that the version numbers are the same, and skip some of the code upgrades. Once you reinstall from iTunes, you should be good to go! Congrats on getting the app out into the store.