Delete a liferay portal instance - liferay-6

Is there any way to delete a portal instance created in liferay 6??

No, there is no way to delete a portal instance in Liferay 6.0. But this might change in further releases (see the comments below this feature request:

There is no way to delete the portal instance directly. If you really want to delete it, then you need to go to the portal database and try to delete all the table data with the specific companyId (as the portal instance is identified by companyId).

Check this
Liferay Wiki - Managing Instances

There is no way to delete portal instance from database. However in Liferay 6.x you will have an option to make it active or not. So If you inactive your portal instance then with that companyId you won't be able to make any action.

A Portlet's code is written just once.
To make a Portlet "instancable" , set instancable = true in liferay-display.xml of that particular portlet.
As far as deleting an instance is concerned, you just need to login as the Admin and delete that portlet from the page. This in no way affets other instances running on various pages of the same portal.


In Azure DevOps I cannot add a User to my Team

We have a DevOps project we've been using for over a year now and we needed to add a new developer to the team. I was able to add the user to the organization, he replied to the invite, and I have added him to the contributor group.
After adding him I then went to my project and opened up that project's Team Settings. When I click Add and try to find his name I am getting a spinning status graphic and "Loading..." but it does not find the user. It does not give me an error or a "No Results Found". Eventually it just resets back as though I first landed on the page.
I thought this could be a permissions issue so I removed an existing user in the group. Right after removing I tried to re-add the user and cannot. I get the same results. I know this user is using the project and has permission to get the code and check in changes. So it does not seem to be an issue with the original new user.
My next move was to try to do this using the Azure CLI but it turns out that adding a user to a project is not currently supported by the CLI, only adding the user to the organization is currently supported. I also searched for this particular error and can't find anyone else having this issue.
There was a [[[bug]]] in the Azure portal. Users could not be added from the Team page. However, I had a widget on my dashboard for Users and it had the ability to add a User. When I used this widget I was able to add users. I could add the ones I deleted during testing and the new user.

Hide Workflow from SiteAdmin

We have a requirement in our project like we want to hide some workflows in siteadmin. We are using AEM 6.1. Please let us know if anybody has any solution. any help is highly appreciated.
Using User Permissions
This can be controlled by user permissions. The permissions can be updated in useradmin console to remove read permission from the workflow models you want not be shown to user. Permissions can be managed via groups
Please note that there are 2 workflow models for Schedule Activation/Deactivation, the read access is required for these in case you want user to be able to use "Activate/Deactivate Later" OOTB functionality in siteadmin/damadmin console. These 2 are anyways not shown in workflow list while initiating workflow from siteadmin/damadmin console, but we should take care while removing read permissions.
This solution is verified.
Using Model changes
Model can updated to make it as system workflow refer Adobe Forum Link. Verify this one with Day Care to see if there is a side effect.

Can't see Alfresco users or manage them outside of the admin console?

I'm trying to test the workflow functionality in Alfresco 4.2 Community, so I created some user accounts and sites. I logged in to a few of them and created some sites and content. For now I just wanted something simple to test workflows, I upload a document and send it to an user for review. When I try to use one of the default workflows that seems to fit that scenario I can't find my users in the select users dialog. I can find some the already existing users (Alice Beecher, Guest, Admin, Mike Jackson).
I also tried searching for them through the People search, but they are not visible there either. I've logged in and joined a test site with some of the users, and have tried to create the workflow from inside and outside the test site. Is there something that I have to enable on the users for them to be visible on searches and when creating workflows?
Try rebuilding your search index. If you are using SOLR (the default if you installed 4.x from the binary installer) you can rebuild your index as described in this link.
If you are using Lucene (the default if you installed manually by deploying the alfresco and share WARs) then shutdown the server, edit, and set index.recovery.mode=FULL. Now restart the server and wait for the index to rebuild. After restarting, don't forget to remove the index.recovery.mode setting or change it to AUTO.

How do I choose which VSO account to install Application Insights to?

I own one VSO account, and am a member of multiple other accounts (in a single login). When I install Application Insights into a web project, I'm not given an option of which account to use, and it installs to the wrong account.
Changing projects in Application Insights is easy to do but hard to figure out unless you know the "trick." It's a two step process. First you need to grab three keys that are buried in the Application Insights portal, then you need to apply them to a file in your project.
To change your account or application just go to the AppInsights dashboard for the project you want to use and click the gear on the top right of the page (The URL is: <YourVSOnlinePortalName><AppInsightsProjectName>), then click "Get configuration keys and downloads." This contains all the keys you need for the project. Copy the following three values:
Account ID (This is the ID of your Application Insights account.)
Primary instrumentation key (This identifies your data so others can't send false data to Application Insights.)
Windows Phone 8 SDK instrumentation key (near the bottom of the page). Use this key no matter what kind of app your project actually is. I.e., even if it's a Web page you will still need this value. (This is the ID for a specific application in your Application Insights account.)
Now that you have these three keys, go to your project in Visual Studio and open the ApplicationInsights.config file.
Paste the Account ID into the <AccountID> element, the LicenseKey into the <LicenseKey> element and the last value, the instrumentation key, into the <ComponentID> element.
Fire up your app and you should start seeing data from the correct project!
"Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio" 1.3.1 released 5/30/2014, allows you to select the VSO account...
I just upgraded it (from 1.3.0) and now it allows me to select which account to send insight data to.

Multiple Account for MobileStore?

If you are handling the release of a program for a client, do you need to create an account for each one or can you use your account and just change the copyright/editor/stuff like that on a per app basis ?
On AppStore it seems that the owner of the account is automaticaly shown in the editor section.
I didn't find anywhere where you could change it. So I was wondering if it was the same for ovistore ?
Yes it is the same for Ovi!